Domestically, Han Wu Di had a more difficult job than Xi. Wu Di had to bide his time for over a decade before he could start doing any of his own things. Xi had a much better starting environment.We can now talk about some similarities between the PRC and 西汉. This is not a serious and scientific comparison, just some anecdotes for fun. Some of the comparisons are certainly exaggerated for the fun factor.
This is for those who can read Chinese and are somewhat familiar with the Chinese history.
西汉 共和国 楚汉之争 国共内战 杀韩信、彭越、英布等异姓诸侯王 文革 吕氏篡权 四人帮 周勃、陈平灭吕 华、汪、叶逮捕四人帮 七国之乱 周、薄、令 文景之治 江、胡时代经济高速增长 与匈奴和亲、互市 “夫妻论”、“贸易压舱石” 推恩令 中央与地方博弈 盐铁酒官营 改革开放 (1) 均输、平准 反垄断 凿空西域 一带一路 八校尉 军改 独尊儒术 团派失势
(1) 盐铁酒官营 and 改革开放 actually went the opposite directions. They are comparable IMO because both are major reforms to the existing economic systems of the time.
Internationally, Han Wu Di had an easier job than Xi. With Wei Qing (卫青) and Huo Qu Bing (霍去病) as his military leaders, and with Xiong Nu (匈奴) as a weaker enemy, it was a foregone conclusion very early on that Han dynasty would destroy Xiong Nu (匈奴) one way or another.
When Xi completes what I think he is going to do in the next 5 years, he may go down history in the same rank as Wu Di.