Chinese Geopolitics

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Lieutenant General
should have? Perhaps. Could have? Another story. The PRC has had a rule, if you officially recognized the ROC then the PRC doesn't recognize you. Remember the PRC considers the ROC a rouge regime. in order to keep relations between the US or any nation and the PRC and ROC the US has to play fast and loose. The Roc embassy is operated as a think tank well the PRC embassy is a full embassy. Dealings are done in a near official capacity with out official recognition. Through this the US can sell arms and supply support. But handing over territory demands Official recognition. If the US government did that The PRC would consider it as a sign the US wanted to break relations and the PRC who officially considers the ROC it's property would be doing the same thing its doing now. Only without the SDF there. The Smaller ROC navy would be out of its league, and the PRC would have total control of not only the islands but also the seas around them allowing them to isolate the ROC. The US Could also not give them to the PRC as that would have been a green light to them for the invasion of Taiwan. Japan was more or less given administration as a form of safe keeping. A way of allowing the islands to be maintained for a day when relationships in the Pacific allow for peaceful development with out the looming threat of invasion.

So..I'm just curious as to what gives the US the right to dictate who has the right to muscle in peace in the Pacific? Heck China could do that too, definitely not Japan, we've already seen her imperial past before. The bottom line is it's back to who has the bigger guns and the mean to use it, not out of morality or peace sake but rather "interests". NO.. I'm NOT accusing the US forces as imperial or anything. Just want to know why is it so important to protect the elite Japanese rulers and their status quo and when times and circumstances are changing all around them?


So..I'm just curious as to what gives the US the right to dictate who has the right to muscle in peace in the Pacific? Heck China could do that too, definitely not Japan, we've already seen her imperial past before. The bottom line is it's back to who has the bigger guns and the mean to use it, not out of morality or peace sake but rather "interests". NO.. I'm NOT accusing the US forces as imperial or anything. Just want to know why is it so important to protect the elite Japanese rulers and their status quo and when times and circumstances are changing all around them?

It's all part of the Great Game.


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The Marshall Islands is suing the nine known nations with nuclear weapons at the international court of justice at The Hague, over charges they have violated their legal obligation to disarm under the 1968 nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT)

China does not ratify such treaty, why should China be in the lawsuit?
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The Marshall Islands is suing the nine known nations with nuclear weapons at the international court of justice at The Hague, over charges they have violated their legal obligation to disarm under the 1968 nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT)

China does not ratify such treaty, why should China be in the lawsuit?

Regardless of anything else, good for the Marshall Islands for standing up for themselves and humanity. And good for the ICJ if they take this case for the ethical point that it is and let it run its course rather than dismissing it, because on the practical side clearly nobody is about to give up any nukes. Especially looking at what happened to Gaddafi after he gave up his WMD programs.


Senior Member
Again, it's NOT the quantity that matters but the delivery. Even a tiny country like Israel, having 1 nuclear bomb but capable of delivering them would be a threat but they would not survive a counter blow. You need to able to survive them (is your country large enough? some nook or cranies where you can hide from the fallout?), are you able to deliver to their face where it hurts? Therefore only a handful of countries fit this criteria.Making a lot of nukes and maintaining them would be a hassle, because the point is not to use them. Really, who in the right mind want to pollute the Earth where sum of the matter is fix. Is like your radioactive shitting in an aquarium just for the fun of it.

Waste of money spend time guarding, maintaining and secure these nukes. You only need certain amount until strategic value is a diminishing return for you.

The value of nuclear deterrent lies not only to deter potential adversary from launching a preemptive nuclear strike on you but also to deter potential adversary to initiate any conventional military action on you, a real effective nuclear deterrent force will force potential enemy to think that any military conflict with you is unthinkable for fear it will escalate into nuclear war in which MAD is assured. This is what Russia has achieved in Ukraine, deterring other major powers to interfere militarily.

Does China possess the same deterrence capability that will deter the US from interfering militarily in say south China sea? with the US expanding missile defense system and China minimal nuclear force I would say no.
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The value of nuclear deterrent lies not only to deter potential adversary from launching a preemptive nuclear strike on you but also to deter potential adversary to initiate any conventional military action on you, a real effective nuclear deterrent force will force potential enemy to think that any military conflict with you is unthinkable for fear it will escalate into nuclear war in which MAD is assured. This is what Russia has achieved in Ukraine, deterring other major powers to interfere militarily.

Does China possess the same deterrence capability that will deter the US from interfering militarily in say south China sea? with the US expanding missile defense system and China minimal nuclear force I would say no.

I fail to see how the two are different. If you can deter a state from attacking you with nukes, you can also deter that state from attacking you with conventional forces.


Junior Member
The value of nuclear deterrent lies not only to deter potential adversary from launching a preemptive nuclear strike on you but also to deter potential adversary to initiate any conventional military action on you, a real effective nuclear deterrent force will force potential enemy to think that any military conflict with you is unthinkable for fear it will escalate into nuclear war in which MAD is assured. This is what Russia has achieved in Ukraine, deterring other major powers to interfere militarily.

Does China possess the same deterrence capability that will deter the US from interfering militarily in say south China sea? with the US expanding missile defense system and China minimal nuclear force I would say no.

The first question is, do we actually know what the Chinese capabilities are? estimates are from 80 warheads to 3000 warheads; more likely to be between 200-400 warhead.

Thats not bad; you only need 50 warheads to destroy 90% of the US economy. 15 warheads to destroy 50% of the economy.

What the west feared is not the Russian nuclear deterrent, it is fighting a land war with Russia; with most of Europe still living the lessons of Napoleon and Hitler.


The value of nuclear deterrent lies not only to deter potential adversary from launching a preemptive nuclear strike on you but also to deter potential adversary to initiate any conventional military action on you, a real effective nuclear deterrent force will force potential enemy to think that any military conflict with you is unthinkable for fear it will escalate into nuclear war in which MAD is assured. This is what Russia has achieved in Ukraine, deterring other major powers to interfere militarily.

Does China possess the same deterrence capability that will deter the US from interfering militarily in say south China sea? with the US expanding missile defense system and China minimal nuclear force I would say no.

The Ukraine situation is much more complex than a few nukes. I agree with Lezt that it is actually the threat of a dragged out conventional war that is preventing a military show-down.


Senior Member
To the OP, China doesn't have geoplitical theories. Chinese are too busy worrying about and solving real world problems like how to feed and create more jobs for its people. Chinese leaders don't have the luxury of creating and putting national resources behind theories that invent conflicts and make self-fulfilling prophecy. Chinese are practical people who live in reality not theories.

in contrast to this. forget reality, just follow my theory. sounds like what was tried and failed under Mao.

Mearsheimer, who is not modest, believes it is a reliance on theory that invigorates his thinking. Returning to his principal passion, China, he tells me: “I have people all the time telling me that they’ve just returned from China and met with all these Chinese who want a peaceful relationship. I tell them that these Chinese will not be in power in 20 or 30 years, when circumstances may be very different. Because we cannot know the future, all we have to rely upon is theory. If a theory can explain the past in many instances, as my theory of offensive realism can, it might be able to say something useful about the future.”

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To the OP, China doesn't have geoplitical theories. Chinese are too busy worrying about and solving real world problems like how to feed and create more jobs for its people. Chinese leaders don't have the luxury of creating and putting national resources behind theories that invent conflicts and make self-fulfilling prophecy. Chinese are practical people who live in reality not theories.

in contrast to this. forget reality, just follow my theory. sounds like what was tried and failed under Mao.

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Pardon me, but no country can afford not to have a geopolitical theory. It is your short-term and long-term goal, it is your guidance and it is your philosophy. Every person has his/her principles as a person. Likewise, every nation have its own geopolitical theory. Without it, you lose your guidance and lose your identity. without a geopolitical theory or with a wrong one, you suffer socially and economically within your own nation. This is because nowadays, globalization means everything you do domestically is linked to your foreign policy, which is determined by your geopolitical theories.
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