If the engine is ready, why was it swapped out for AL-31's in the J-15's testing on the carrier?
It is possible that WS-10A did not fare well with corrosion (but that depends on whether most engines are able to be used on both land and carrierborne roles, and there haven't been many rumours to support the idea of WS-10A being either susceptible or resilient in that regard)
Or, maybe it has nothing to do with corrosion or the specific effects of the naval environment, and it is just the PLAN being prudently cautious. To say, despite having the confidence to install WS-10A on all new build SAC land based flankers, they want to stick with an engine with a longer proven service (decades versus a few years in this case) just to further mitigate risk for the carrier project, even if that risk might only be a little bit higher for J-15s using WS-10A versus Al-31s
There was also discussion about spooling time a while back, and whether that may have made WS-10A less suitable for carrier operations given the need to rapidly increase thrust during arrested landings. That was followed by speculation about whether solving the spooling time issue for WS-10A to a degree that would allow land based fighters to use them effectively during their typical flight regimes would mean it could also be capable in the various carrier based landing and take off needs as well.
But I think the take home point is that the lack of WS-10A onboard J-15 could be due to a variety of plausible reasons other than the rather vague notion of it being "not ready" (not saying this is your position, however tyroneG has made similar remarks about WS-10A before which were all promptly responded with). WS-10A Being present on some 100 J-11Bs (meaning a production run of at least 200 engines) certainly looks to me like an engine which is accepted and has reached its necessary performance, for
those fighters at any rate.