Chinese Engine Development


I guess it's more like production certificate after production trial. The production process needs to get underway before it can be properly assessed and certified. (See the previous posts for related discussion.) It seems like the certification process would require quite a large number of actual units to be produced as part of its criteria.


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this is from HKB (I called it aerospace daily before, but I think aviation weekly is probably the right name), I've been waiting for this article to appear on avic1, it hasn't yet, so I will jsut post the printed version.
Basically, in the jan 18s edition, it says that in October, WS-10A production went up considerably (probably a ramp up in production) and that it sets a good basis for 2008.


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a host of new articles on HKB on WS-10A and other engines as posted by Huitong.

HKB报道:一航动力所2007年全面完成各项考核任务,实现经济效益指标超额完成,达4.78亿元。军鸡研制取得历史性突破,太行发动鸡完成小批领先使用,实现了技术成果向装备的转化;太行某型发动鸡配装某型飞鸡首飞成功,实现了我国自行研制的先进发动鸡配装国产新型飞鸡的梦想;太行发动鸡工程荣获 2007年度国防科技进步特等奖。昆仑发展型批产发动鸡的交付和领先使用工作进展顺利。所积极开展民鸡发动鸡方案论证,为进入民鸡市场奠定坚实基础。以某轻型船用燃气轮鸡顺利通过耐久循环试车考核试验为标志,燃鸡各型号的发展取得了长足进步,推动了产业跨越式发展。。。
Basically, saying Taihang won first level award
And that in 2007, Taihang finished low rate production, it flied with a domestic plane for the first time, allowing it to eqiup China's new plane (not sure if it's talking about J-10 or J-11B here, I'm thinking it's talking about WS-10A equipping J-10). Also, talks about Kunlun delivery going well and a low power gas turbine passing the tests. (probably QC-70).

next part talks about 608 institute, I think this one produces WS-11, WZ-9, WZ-10.
talks about a major item finished test flied, it finished engine design and engineering, also uses domestic parts as core. I think they are talking WZ-9 and WZ-10 here. Should be ready for the Z-10 helicopter soon. Some micro engine had first flight (WS-500?), It talks about a bunch of other motors, unfortunately, I'm not too clear what each items are.


Just Hatched
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it flied with a domestic plane for the first time, allowing it to eqiup China's new plane (not sure if it's talking about J-10 or J-11B here, I'm thinking it's talking about WS-10A equipping J-10).

It was on December 17th ,last year that some type of a single engine Fighter took her maiden flight .


Banned Idiot
Is WS-15 prototype already out yet? The one that would used in the J-XX. Does that have supercruise capability?


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Is WS-15 prototype already out yet? The one that would used in the J-XX. Does that have supercruise capability?

don't expect so much. WS-10A probably has a year or 2 to go before getting production certification if we go by the WS-9 schedule. We are going to see the improved WS-10 come out first.


New Member
right now I got really confused when it comes to the level of thrust the WS10A could deliver. on the sinodefence webpage (under J-10 powerplant) it was reported that the WS10A will be slightly inferior to the AL31F. However I could recall statements from various sources on the internet saying that WS10A should at least generate an equal, or even slightly greater amount of power than the AL31F.
This was from a while back, so I was wondering do we know more about it now?


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right now I got really confused when it comes to the level of thrust the WS10A could deliver. on the sinodefence webpage (under J-10 powerplant) it was reported that the WS10A will be slightly inferior to the AL31F. However I could recall statements from various sources on the internet saying that WS10A should at least generate an equal, or even slightly greater amount of power than the AL31F.
This was from a while back, so I was wondering do we know more about it now?

it should be superior to AL-31FN at least in terms of wet thrust. But of course, it still has probably a year or 2 to go before getting production certification if we look at WS-9's timeline, so that's why we still see the orders for AL-31F right now. It will be interesting to see the WS-10 series compete against 99M series in the future.


New Member
Pls have the moderator of the website correct the lower thrust
figure for WS10a in the J10 article posted recently. He quoted an erroneus
110KN of wet thrust ! This is not correct.
