a host of new articles on HKB on WS-10A and other engines as posted by Huitong.
HKB报道:一航动力所2007年全面完成各项考核任务,实现经济效益指标超额完成,达4.78亿元。军鸡研制取得历史性突破,太行发动鸡完成小批领先使用,实现了技术成果向装备的转化;太行某型发动鸡配装某型飞鸡首飞成功,实现了我国自行研制的先进发动鸡配装国产新型飞鸡的梦想;太行发动鸡工程荣获 2007年度国防科技进步特等奖。昆仑发展型批产发动鸡的交付和领先使用工作进展顺利。所积极开展民鸡发动鸡方案论证,为进入民鸡市场奠定坚实基础。以某轻型船用燃气轮鸡顺利通过耐久循环试车考核试验为标志,燃鸡各型号的发展取得了长足进步,推动了产业跨越式发展。。。
Basically, saying Taihang won first level award
And that in 2007, Taihang finished low rate production, it flied with a domestic plane for the first time, allowing it to eqiup China's new plane (not sure if it's talking about J-10 or J-11B here, I'm thinking it's talking about WS-10A equipping J-10). Also, talks about Kunlun delivery going well and a low power gas turbine passing the tests. (probably QC-70).
next part talks about 608 institute, I think this one produces WS-11, WZ-9, WZ-10.
talks about a major item finished test flied, it finished engine design and engineering, also uses domestic parts as core. I think they are talking WZ-9 and WZ-10 here. Should be ready for the Z-10 helicopter soon. Some micro engine had first flight (WS-500?), It talks about a bunch of other motors, unfortunately, I'm not too clear what each items are.