Chinese Engine Development


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Since there's no dedicated aerospace engine thread, I'll put this here.
A report claiming that a university lab in Beijing made a recent 'breakthrough' in material used for aerospace engine among other things and that commercial production is near.
It claims this 'niobium-titanium aluminum alloy' allows higher operating temperature than similar materials used currently worldwide & that it has lower density than 'nickel-based superalloy' ie weight reduction.

This is way too 'deep' for me. :) Can anyone with some knowledge in this area make some comment ?

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我航空发动机取得突破性进展 推重比大幅提高
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2007-11-28 来源:环球时报






发动机推重比是评价现代喷气式发动机的主要指标之一,它对飞机性能有着决定性的作用。目前世界先进发动机的推重比一般在7.5- 9.0之间,美国F-119发动机这一数值能达到11.0,是世界最好的涡扇发动机。高温高铌钛铝合金能够从增加推力和降低重量两方面提高发动机推重比,对我国航空工业有着十分重要的作用。(邱贞玮)

I Aero Engine Thrust-Weight Ratio a breakthrough in the substantial increase
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2007-11-28 Source: Global Times

Beijing metal materials technology university key national laboratories that have independent intellectual property rights of China's new generation of aerospace engines materials - high-performance high-temperature niobium titanium aluminum alloy material is about to enter the stage of the industrialization of this technology will bring China Aviation aerospace engine materials in the world leading level.  

北科大new metal materials key national laboratories After 20 years of research, development of the high-temperature high-performance high - niobium-titanium aluminum alloy, which is used in advanced countries than the general niobium titanium aluminum alloy using a higher temperature. High-performance high-temperature niobium titanium aluminum alloy deformation can replace high-performance nickel-based superalloy, the density is about nickel-base superalloy half, so that a significant part of the role of weight reduction.

According to reports, high - niobium titanium alloy application will be opened up in aerospace, ships, automobiles and other important areas of new development so that existing equipment to obtain a breakthrough.

High temperature resistant material generally used in the manufacture of jet engine turbine blades. In the course of their work, the modern jet engine turbine blades usually have to bear 1600-1800 degrees Celsius heat, we need to bear 300 m / s wind speed about, and the resulting huge air pressure, the working environment is extremely bad. Modern turbine blades are usually used directional solidification of single crystal materials manufacturing, but also in the open air-cooled internal channel, extremely complex process, known as a modern industrial crown pearl. New high-temperature high-performance high - niobium-titanium aluminum alloy turbine blade can be further enhanced the high temperature capability, allowing increased engine inlet temperature, leading to an increased engine thrust.

High-temperature high-performance high-density niobium titanium aluminum alloy is about nickel-base superalloy half, making use of its high-temperature engine components can greatly reduce engine weight, thus enhancing engine Thrust-Weight Ratio.

Engine Thrust-Weight Ratio evaluation of the modern jet engine is the main indicator of its performance of the aircraft have a decisive role. Currently the world's most advanced engine Thrust-Weight Ratio generally 7.5 - 9.0 between, the United States F-119 engines this value can reach 11.0, the best in the world turbofan engine. High temperature and high niobium titanium aluminum alloy from the increased thrust to reduce weight and improve both Engine Thrust-Weight Ratio of China's aviation industry has a very important role. (邱贞Wei)


From what I gather from the translation, that would mean a reduction in the region of about 50% in the weight of the fan blades. Perhaps someone could estimate the final weight reduction for an average turbofan engine using the new material for its fan blades.
Probably still a lot of work to do. Like how reliable is the material under extreme stress.


New Member
Total weight reduction relating to whole engine wouldn't be a great deal, maybe just a few kg to 10-20 kg. The turbine blades don't weigh that much to begin with. But it does mean the turbine can be much more responsive than before.


With this new material, improvement can also be made on the jet engine's core temperature. Remember the J-11 engine testbed with one engine having a bluish exhaust and the other an orange one? Wonder which is the WS-10 / WS-10A engine. The engine with the bluish exhaust would probably be the more powerful engine. i.e. higher core temperature.

Obviously structural changes would have to be made on the engine core,and so the WS-10A would not be able to benefit immediately from the new material in this respect without any modification. Probably it's meant for the more advanced turbofans under development now.


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尤其在太行发动机设计定型后,一航动力所党政领导班子审时度势,结合全面建设“五个一流”现代化研究所的战略目标,适时地开展了以“解放思想,加速振兴—— 三学、三转、三查、三比”为主题的学教活动。科研人员在学教活动中着重进行了“如何树立全新客户观、如何将设计服务贯穿型号全寿命过程”的大讨论。通过学习、讨论,全体员工特别是科研一线的设计和管理人员认识到:型号设计是一个全寿命的过程,型号设计定型只是研制产品形成装备的新起点。为客户终身服务的思想时刻不放松,设计为产品服务,让客户创造更广阔的增值空间。正如张健所长所说:“我们的产品是设计出来的、试验出来的、制造出来的,更是使用出来的。建立用户对我们的信任至关重要。”在一航动力所,一切为用户着想、外场无小事的理念已经不仅仅是耳熟能详。一个为用户铺设的绿色通道,不仅畅通在现实工作中,也畅通在每个一航动力人的心里。

自行研制的发动机产品形成装备,提升外场服务水平具有重要的意义。实现设计理念转型一航动力所人抓好三方面主要工作:一是在组织管理上提供保障。在2007 年初进行机构调整时,一航动力所率先成立外场技术保障部。在用人机制和机构建制方面优先给予保障。在所内抽调各专业精兵强将组建型号外场技术服务组,破例返聘经验丰富的老同志充实外场技术服务队伍,大幅度改善提高外场技术服务人员的待遇,建立配套的工作制度,切实为外场工作提供强有力的保障支持。



basically just talks about the progress of turning kunlun and Taihang engine from certified in the design to become ready for the market, ready to service customers and such. I don't think it gives anything away. It just talks about when these two engines are being used, they find little problems in it with the help of users and increase lifespan and such.


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本报讯 2007年12月28日,凝聚着中国几代航空人心血与汗水的“秦岭”发动机通过生产定型,标志着我国航空发动机研制跨入一个新的阶段。


This talks about WS-9 achieving production certification. If this is a little confusing. I think the engines get design certification first and they starting equipping planes with them. After a while and they sort out all the minor problems with it, it gets production certification.


Junior Member
I would guess the design certification means the design is ok, but this is only in terms of small batch production, like semi-hand-built, not how to mass produce it. Once the design is certified and frozen, the mass production process can be worked out and debugged, and then the production certification is given and mass production can go ahead.


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I would guess the design certification means the design is ok, but this is only in terms of small batch production, like semi-hand-built, not how to mass produce it. Once the design is certified and frozen, the mass production process can be worked out and debugged, and then the production certification is given and mass production can go ahead.

I'm not sure if even that's the case, they produced enough WS-9 for like 3 or 4 regiments of JH-7A during this period (from basically 2004 to 2007). So, they were producing maybe 30 a year in the beginning and reached maybe 50 a year by the time production certification took place. And they are producing enough WS-10A for all J-11B + some J-10s right now and it hasn't reached production certification yet.


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Two articles from HKB (aerospace daily), one on WS-10A/Kunlun, the other is on WS-9/Kunlun.

I have to say there are a lot of good information here. First, it says that a lot of problems for WS-10A has been solved with respect to mass production. Apparently, this lifted the production rate of WS-10A and has pushed the project to the mass production stage. I hope it will get production certification soon.

Apparently, the improved version of the engine is also moving nicely along completing the design, the technological breakthroughs and test validation works. I think the improved version was mentionned to have hit a real large milestone in September.

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The production for WS-10A, WS-9 and Kunlun were all completed as scheduled for this year. Apparently, the production for WS-9 was finished by September and the production for Kunlun was finished by October. By Nov 29th, all the required production for XAC was finished. I guess that includes JH-7A and H-6 too. By December 28th, WS-9 passed the production certification (we already heard about this.

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