Chinese Engine Development


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Well, that was almost inevitable. with successful application as a turbofan for planes, it's only a logical step to use that engine core for turboshafts and gas turbines for ship and perhaps even land vehicle propulsion. I expect to see a whole new set of chinese helos/ships propelled by indigenous powerplants in the coming decade.


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This is from an interview with the J-9 chief developer on J-10, contains some stuff on WS-10A vs AL-31F
just talk about how many fighter projects are delayed due to dealys in engines. When J-10 started, some plans involved using J-9's 910 turbofan engine or a copy of Mig-29's P-29 engine (WP-15, since then have been cut), also considered PW-1120 or PW-1228, also planned were the new turbofan engine under development for J-10. They decided to use WP-15 as the transitional motor. after TianAnMen Square, China went back to Soviet. J-10's success is dependent on a mature and reliable engine.
later it was decided that in J-10's development, it will start by importing engine and then switch to a more advanced domestic engine, when that is ready. As shown, this is the correct pass. WS-10A is more advanced than AL-31 and J-10 using this engine has better flight performance than early version of J-10.
J-10's generation of fighters use TVC to improve maneuverability and use that as the test ground for TVC technology on next generation.
a bunch of stuff on where J-10 can improve and where is it behind next generation plane (stealth, supersonic cruise, super maneuverability, super BVR capability). It can improve i these areas.
  通过三代机近二十余年的发展历程,让我们基本上掌握了三代机的核心技术,这给我国四代机的研究打下了坚实的基础。目前,我国的"太行"、"秦岭"、"泰山"、"昆仑"等一系列发动机研制成功,AL一31的必换核心部件全面实现了国产化,打破了我国发动机长期拖军机后腿的局面。其中"太行"发动机的技术性能指标全面超过了俄罗斯的AL一31发劝机,当然了,由于"太行"属于新产品,其可靠性仍需在实际使用中不断的提高和完善,要力争在最短的时间内,尽快使其成为我国三代军机的核心,彻底终结三代军机发动机长期受制于人的情况。  对于四代机的研制,我是这样看的,近年来国力的大幅提升,也带动了国家科技水平的大幅进步,电子科学技术也取得了质的飞跃。从目前看,在走向四代机的过程中,其"4S"特性中对我们构成压力最大的就是"超音速巡航"。我所讲的"超音速巡航",并不仅仅意味着四代机简单的实现超音速状态的避航,而是四代机必须具备的高速攻击和高速摆脱能力。高速攻击能赋予超视距导弹更大的初始速度,可相应增加其射程;高速摆脱可在作战环境不利的情况下让战机迅速脱离战场。而实现"超音速巡航"意味着就必须突破推重比10一级的大推力发动机。因此,四代机的成功与否,大推力高推重比的发动机是关键中的关键。
China has basically mastered 4th generation plane's core technology, solid foundation for 5th generation. Taihong (WS-10a), Tailing (WS-9), Taishan (WS-13), kunlun (WP-13/14) are successful. WS-10's technology specs exceed AL-31 in every area. But WS-10A is a new production, so it's reliability still need improvement, need to improve in short time to become the engine of domestic planes. Also, talked about supersonic cruise using engine with T/W ratio of 10.
in last two years, there is a lot of advancement in domestic engine. Goals including developing T/W ratio of 10 level of engine + making mature T/W ratio of 8 level of engine improve using TVC engine to improve combat capability.


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a little more. This is again from HKB (the aerospace daily).

basically saying that they are developing engine (i'm assuming turbofan here) for large transport/civilian aircraft. Looks like the director of the Taihang program will also be pretty prominent in this one.


New Member
Your website on the J10 quoted a powerplant with a
wet thrust of 110kN.
However, in the discussions it was pointed out that it matches the AL-31F
. Something does not compute here.


VIP Professional
Your website on the J10 quoted a powerplant with a
wet thrust of 110kN.
However, in the discussions it was pointed out that it matches the AL-31F
. Something does not compute here.

Sometimes reporters don't do the proper number checking. WS-10 corresponds to the figure above. WS-10A represents a new and more powerful version of the engine, with thrust corresponding to 129kg. People often confuse the two, not realizing that the engine being released now is actually an improved version of an earlier design.


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this is from a while back, never got to post it.
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“太行”发动机是我国航空工业打基础、上水平的项目。“太行”发动机研制成功,实现了我国航空发动机从第二代向第三代的跨越。承担发动机研制的科研人员面对国防建设的急需、上级领导的厚望、时间节点迫近以及繁重的攻关任务,肩负着为国家安宁提供保障的重托,承受了巨大的心理压力;每个人都在这异常严峻的形势下经受了焦灼和考验。 n(@|-Oa)w
在超常的压力面前,发动机总设计师系统与所有参研单位团结一致,以强烈的报国心、高度的责任感和超常的意志,在总装备部、国防科工委、空军等上级机关正确领导下,强化组织领导和科学管理,制定切实可行的攻关策略和方案,组织联合攻关;开展质量安全复查、全面质量整顿、重点型号攻关和文化整顿、“两个放心”活动,有力地促进了研制工作。参研单位大力协同,同舟共济,共渡难关。 *b,}iSd!^
“太行”发动机研制启动时,我国航空发动机的技术水平还没有达到第二代,在设计研究、制造工艺等领域都缺乏工程经验,加上国家经济实力有限,研制工作不可避免地出现问题和反复。 'aN'e*Jj{
1997 年10月,地面试车过程中发生风扇大叶片断裂。一航动力所组织参研人员检查故障件断口、进行振动模态试验等分析工作,又对发动机风扇叶片进行动应力测量。结果发现叶片振动应力偏高,由于叶片加工较粗糙,有较大应力集中,导致裂纹。在排故中,压气机设计研究室的设计师们从设计要求、工艺改进、装配、振动、试车等方面提出了多个修改设计和制造方案,进行了大量的试验验证,历经两年多时间,完成了叶片结构减振优化设计。重新修改后的叶片创造性应用了全新结构,满足强度要求,达到了预期效果;同时进一步提高叶片加工质量,终于攻克了发动机研制的“拦路虎”。 `NIg<E2 "u
在“太行”发动机研制过程中,有一种轴承多次发生故障。2004年7月,“太行”发动机在进行定型试飞科目时,发动机突然空中停车;此时这种轴承故障最为严重。为了尽快查明故障原因,中国一航领导迅速决定,由空军和中国一航的专家、领导组成故障分析组,中国一航副总经理林左鸣、发动机事业部常务副主任杨锐亲自到一航动力所坐镇,指挥攻关。参加研制的人员分解检查发动机,在对故障件充分研究分析的基础上,进行了大量的试验验证——如飞附机匣考核试验、轴向力分析等,查出发动机轴承收油环出现故障。一航动力所与行业内外的专家共同制定排故方案,先后完成17份故障计算、研究、分析报告。从8月至12月,发动机经过了改进设计、加工零件和试验验证,并进行了排故措施验证评审,排故措施落实后,重新装配,恢复生产。 M`0aS*
k[Q j3v`
进入空中试飞后,发动机出现了高空小表速边界工作不可靠——如转速摆动、加速不跟随或加速慢,以及空中有时发生“响声”、地面起动提前终止和热天起动困难等十几项重大技术问题。攻关的关键时刻,一航动力所成立了以所领导为组长的攻关组,以综合治理、突出重点、统一规划、分步实施为指导思想,与一航试飞院密切合作,兄弟单位协同攻关。攻关组每天晚上召开技术分析会,分析、研究白天空中试飞的情况。 &y=t;Z
在攻关过程中,对主要技术问题先确定攻关方向,然后“小步前进”,只要问题有所改善就做深入细致的工作;先后采取了“大改”、“小改”等措施后,解决了发动机地面起动、风车、惯性自动起动、加力工作稳定性、转速摆动等问题。空中“响声”问题通过适当调整高压压气机,经过艰苦工作解决了一些发动机结构故障,并得到排除。高空小表速发动机加速慢的问题攻关异常艰难。在一航西控等单位配合下,一航动力所开展了主泵调节器攻关,参研人员经过严谨细密地研究分析,确定了攻关方案,一举攻下加速性差这一难关;经过十几次飞行验证,证明攻关措施正确有效。 O9_]^~{7!:
just talks about the different accidents suffered in the development process (over 200) before completing the design certification. Not much to translate here, just describing the different accidents they encountered.


New Member
Thanks TP.
2nd question: Does the WS10A have thrust vectoring capability?
3rd question: How does this engine compare with the ALF-31N?
Some articles posted in this section mentioned a thrust of approx 135 KN
wet , for the WS-10A, but you mentioned 129kN wet thrust. Can you clarify
this discrepancy?
thanks and best regards


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Thanks TP.
2nd question: Does the WS10A have thrust vectoring capability?
3rd question: How does this engine compare with the ALF-31N?
Some articles posted in this section mentioned a thrust of approx 135 KN
wet , for the WS-10A, but you mentioned 129kN wet thrust. Can you clarify
this discrepancy?
thanks and best regards

It does not current have TVC and it does not have FADEC either afaik
Against the baseline AL-31FN, it should have superior thrust at least. That's why they didn't equip WS-10 in the first place, because it was inferior to AL-31FN. Not sure about fuel efficiency, it's not given. Eventually, WS-10A should have longer service life and be safer than AL-31, but right now it's a new engine and still has plenty to sort out. (note, it had to pass a 450 hour endurance test, don't think AL-31 had to go through one as long). As for the specific thrust, I actually always thought it was 13.2 tonne = 129 kN. I believe the original goal of WS-10A was to achieve the thrust level of F110-GE-129.


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中国新型无人战机将采用国产小型涡扇发动机(图)2007-05-06  来源: 西工大报 核心提示:小型涡扇发动机具有推重比大、油耗低的特点,它是巡航导弹和无人机获得大航程的关键。但小型涡扇发动机小巧的零部件对加工精度提出了极高的要求。业内专家曾动情地表示,“A4纸大小的整体叶盘最厚2毫米,最薄处只有0.2~0.3毫米,我们却能按照指标要求加工出来”。
just a little bit from the Northwest Industrial university's newspaper. Basically, this university developed WS-500, which has high TW ratio and high fuel efficiency. It will be used in cruise missiles and UAVs.


Banned Idiot
CHECK THIS OUT. Interview with 张恩和 (zhang enhe), ws10 chief designer. I've been following this guy for quite some time. Very genial guy in his interviews.

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The LAST COLUMN is the ws10 改进型 (improved model). 15.5kN, 9.5 TWR!

In the article he talks about the main challenges of development in China. In the west, a new project is an integration from existing advanced technologies (materials, fabrication, testing facilities). In China those dependent technologies don't exist until you specificly develop them, AFTER the systems project receives funding. China started to develop turbofans as early as the 60's, with similar performance to Spey. But the aircraft project was canceled, so the engine itself went no where.

He says the ws10 took so long because it went through an extra stage of development. They built a verification prototype before the production prototype. They did it to reduce design risk considering their lack of experience. Overall he's glad they took that approach. After they figured out how the engine would match the aircraft, the did hit most milestones.

He believes his work is not done until his engine is operational in aircraft. He will "escort" the project through its production runs.


He talks about the role of engine development for the "large aircraft" project (from another source: the 200-300 seat cs2000, and 150-200 seat cs2010). He says to maintain innovation, it's necessary to 预研 (forward research). There must be a determination to develop technologies forward of the systems they will be used under. There should be thorough planning to target the critical technologies likely to be needed.

He talks about the importance of developing your team. According to survey, within CAC I there were two 50% - 50% under age 30, 50% never studied aerospace. However due to the ws10 project itself, we have developed a capable cadre of chief engineers and project leaders.

He wants to speed up the pace of small production runs. He needs fast product iterations to shorten the development cycle. Fabrication machinery, testing facilities, and materials are also bottlenecks. He wants better funding models.

The technology in ws10 has wide applications. It can be used in future aircraft, and to develop turbines for use in power generation and ship propulsion. An example of this is the american F101 core. They had great foresight to invest in the core technology. He believes developing for a general application is better than optimizing for a single scenario. Having different kinds of users gives you better feedback to improve. It's a win-win. This is in fact the future direction at Taihang.

edit: the spec graphic has been recycled in a number of articles by various sites. It is evidently not from Zhang Enhe himself.
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