well, a while back some rumours were released on Chinese bbs about good news on WS-10 series. It looks like the improved Taihang had achieved a certain milestone. Not sure what, just going back on a 2006 article from November of that year.
2006/11/28 本报讯(通讯员李晶雪)11月20日晚9时许,四川高空台某试验间指示灯闪烁,操作台显示屏上的参数一切正常,随着主试验员停车指令的下达,一航动力所 “太行”某型发动机高空台试车鉴定试验任务全部完成,历时75个昼夜的奋战完美收官。 在两个多月的时间里,一航动力所参试人员在一航涡轮院等兄弟单位的密切配合下,进行了10多次试验,圆满完成了试验大纲规定的发动机性能、功能检查及试飞前要求的各项试验的全部内容,高空台试验的完成为该型发动机的试飞奠定坚实的基础。 “太行”某型发动机高空台试验从9月7日正式开始,一航动力所全体参试人员以强烈的报国心和饱满的工作热情,工作在高空台试验现场,认真分析数据,及时排除了试验中的各种故障,持续工作15至18个小时,甚至连续几天几夜只睡几个小时;他们克服水土不服等生活困难,边吃药边坚持工作;大家团结互助,保持严细慎实的作风,承受着决战必胜的压力,促进了试验顺利进行。 此次高空台试验正逢百日会战的关键时期,一航动力所领导深入试验现场,与同志们一道分析问题,解决问题,并亲自参加试验,靠前慰问,靠前指挥,鼓舞了参试人员的干劲,有力保证了试验任务的顺利完成
reports completion of high altitude testing, maybe a couple of more years before achieving certification? Anyhow, it looks like this improved Taihang is really pushing the envelope against the AL-31FM series threat. If we take the chart in the attached picture as the thrust level vs time. It seems that it reaches a steady thrust level of around 155 kN. Consider the following wet thrust:
FM1 - 13.5 tonne
FM2 - 14.2 tonne
FM3 - 15 tonne
FM4 - ?
And then 117S - 14.5 tonne.
155 kN = around 15.5 to 16 tonne.
I think in a few more month, we would know more. At this moment, it appears the improved WS-10A is doing a lot better than people think.