Well said, though I don't agree with your assessment that the J-10's future in PLAAF "isn't bright" due to the engine problem.
I think maybe the so-called engine problems of WS-10 on J-10 is just because the J-10's future in PLAAF fleet isn't bright enough.
Before we discuss J-10's rule in PLAAF's fleet, we should go back to the start point, the time when J-10 was planned. It was in 1980s. At the time, J-10 was supposed to battle MiG-23, MiG-29 and Su-27 within Chinese airspace and offered Chinese huge land forces minimal air cover if there was a Soviet invasion occured. There was no need of too much range and more powerful radar, etc for J-10s because they could count on Chinese ground radars and SAMs, so it was planned as a single engine light fighter.
But when J-10 finally came out in 2005, the circumstance had changed. The Soviet was no longer existent. PLAAF began to eye on somewhere like Taiwan and the South China Sea, which is far away from Chinese mainland. For fulfilling such kind of taskes, a Su-27 is obviously better than a J-10, so producing indigenous Su-27, the J-11 had been put prior than J-10.
Of course, if Chinese would be able to produce enough WS-10s, they might also fit WS-10s on J-10s. But if A.Man's article was true, it stated that the manufacturer even cound not produce enough monocrystaline turbo blade for J-11s before 2009, I belive PLAAF would rather like to use all WS-10s on J-11s and let J-10 use AL-31FNs. As a great power, China will not allow her main force of AF fleet depending on foreign engines. I think we all remember, though Russia began to sell Su-27s to China from 1990s, but before indigenous J-11Bs came out, PLAAF still had purchased a lot of old 2.5G J-8Fs just for they are all indigenous.
J-10 is a superb 3G fighter, it is also a "great leap" of Chinese aeronautical technology. But we should not suppose that the generals of PLAAF would consider things by the ways which the Chinese fanboys used to think. Isn't LCA also a great leap of Indian aviation technology? Of course it is, but who would believe IAF would put it at the position prior than Su-30MKI?
The J-20 is another sign of how PLAAF fancies heavy birds. I think the difference between a fanboy and a general is: a fanboy usually values how much of "advanced technology" a plane has, but the general just want he would have enough planes at the scene if there was something happened at the farthest end of the South China Sea.