Not sure if you are Chinese, but if you are, it sounds like you have thoroughly been "done" by the western narrative, hook, line and sinker.
The US is at it's current (and rapidly declining position) because it rode on the inertia of 500 years of western development and technology. Before it was even it's own country, it's foundational tech level was more or less at that of Britain, the leading superpower of the time.
The Middle East, Africa, Asia, etc. did not develop key tech as early as the Europeans, and later were suppressed and crippled by the Europeans. Had any of these places had the tech to enable and the will to carry out a bloodthirsty expansion, suppression and colonisation of Europe, before Europe rose, we would see the scene you described in reverse.
I fundamentally disagree that the enduring advantage of China is population. That would make it no different to India, or Africa as a continent. However, the last 30 years saw the biggest ascension of a people and state in human history, and that was China. If I was to try to pinpoint China's most enduring advantage, it would be in the direction of China's culture and it's cultural, political, military, and economic history.
If you are Chinese, or Asian in general, I hope that one day you can learn a constructive, independent point of view of your own.
If not, and/or you are unwilling to, then the only words I have is you better learn to cope, because history is moving in a way opposite direction to the one you would like to believe.