Lieutenant General
Is there anywhere I said war ? I never say I want war I know very well that war kill people But there is other way China can retaliate take example entity list the west keep piling one after another and what China did nothing They should banned apple, GM. Ford, kentucky fried chicken and all those junk food firm that did nothing but clutter the cholesterol@Hendrik_2000 you need to understand that Chinese soldiers lives are not cannon fodders for the demands and wishes of people like you and I. Those Chinese soldiers serve and place their lives on the line each and every single day to protect and defend the lives of Chinese people in China not anywhere else unless commanded to do so by the party.
If you were this brave and gung-ho on fighting then why didn't you bring your brave self to China or even better serve in your own country of residence's Armed Forces to understand and realize the hardships and trepidations of what's like serving in the Armed Forces. I don't know if you have seen death up close from war or from a bullet because by your choice of nonsense you make it sound oh so easy for the Chinese government to send their sons and daughters into harms way just to please (a non-Chinese citizen) your inanity.
I get that your passionate about your love for China and Chinese people but for the love of all things good in the world, you need to reign your constant war mongering rhetoric buddy. War is hell and nothing ever comes good from war; it'll only bring death, destruction, mayhem, and above all unceasing hatred towards your fellow people. Seriously man with all due respect to your time and contributions on this forum, I find your warmongerings distasteful.
There is many thing that China can do to retaliate short of war. But sadly they didnt do anything ! Not all war are the same Sometime you have no choice but to crack some head.
I don't see anything wrong with war if it advance Chinese interest and buy peace. Korea war is one of them it bought China peace for 70 years and practically end bullying by western power .Another one is 1962 war it practically end Indian expansionism. Without it there is no China of today! But sadly Chinese leader is not the same quality as the Chinese leader back then
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