Chinese Economics Thread


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The ban is not about afterschool classes on foreigh languages, painting, dancing, piano etc. and summer camps. The directive is very clear about the scope of the ban. It specifically goes after the afterschool tuitions on Math, Physics, Chemitry, etc. which are the major courses of primary and secondary educations. In China the entrance exams for higher level educations mostly just focus on these courses.

This kind of afterschool tuitions were hyped as "enhanced" version of the in-school tuitions to get the participants ahead of competition in exams. It caused inequality among the kids. Not all families could afford such additional tuitions. Even for those who could, it added quite some stress financially.

These afterschool tuitions were actually competing head on with the in-school tuitions. It was causing brain drain from the public schools. Many teachers quit their public school jobs to join the private sector for better pay. Some of those who stayed were found in conflict of interests, Either they themselves had part-time jobs in such afterschool tuitions or they had monetory connections with someone else in the private sector. They were complained for not giving the expected performance as school teachers.

Last but not the least, many, if not most, of these afterschool tuitions did not really deliver their promises. Some of them were even on the border of scamming. It was reported that, at the peak of it, the sector was worth over a hundred of billion yuans in market value (Or it was by estimated revenue annually. I cannot remember exactly).

In the end, the aim of this ban is to keep the average families from being forced into the tuition arm race in which they were sure to lose.

For those who are 20% and above, they can always have private tuitors for their kids. But there isn't anything reasonable the government can do about it at the moment.

Indeed it is a challenge for the government, and the public school system, to enforce this ban. There are always some smart dudes who can find loopholes in about any law or regulation and take advantage of it. Not to mention those who believe that money can buy them everything and anything.

Time will tell whether this ban works.
This ban will at least ends all nationwide commercial tuition networks especially those with international connections. These institutions are also a hot beds for subversion. Similar to US/Australia views of Confucius society.


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This ban will at least ends all nationwide commercial tuition networks especially those with international connections. These institutions are also a hot beds for subversion. Similar to US/Australia views of Confucius society.
Yep, Chinese society places high importance and esteem to teachers because traditionally, to become a teacher required expertise and many years of study.

Westerners simply go to Asia and exploit this system and subvert Asia nations with their mission schools and proselytism. There's a reason many of the HK protestors attended christian schools funded by western money.


You can make all kind of excuses but you can't hide the fact that China lack of gut and gumption in response to western challenge!
I cannot hide what is not there. China doesn't lack these; you lack intellect and strategy. The West loves fools whom, the second they have a bit of power, stand up out of place and get whack-a-moled back down. North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, even Russia, all have a lot of "gut" but very little success. China, on the other hand builds its power underground with the US horrified above at the growing mountain; when it emerges, it does so a towering leviathan. But you can't want that long, can you? Just go and fight cus you wanna see something happen now! LOL Like a child who can't wait for his food to be ready so he wants to bite it raw. This is your problem, not China's.
Huawei is stuck right now their handphone business is decimated.
Huawei is finally about to sell Chinese phones with Chinese chips instead of Chinese boxes filled with foreign components.
China still import semiconductor worth 300 billion US$ from the west.
China's about to become the only country on the planet with its own fully indigenous semiconductor line; it just takes more than 2 years, which is obviously a problem for people with the patience and attention span of a (very angry) goldfish.
What winning are you talking except in your head?
All the trends of China's technological march forward... and the trade war.
Average household asset in US increase by $300.000 that is what count. Average American still live in big house in well manicured suburb that average Chinese in overcrowded city and overprice small apartment can only dream
Chinese standard of living rises faster than anywhere in the world. China is the same size as the US with 4x the people; how do you expect the housing situation to equalize? The US economy is fake with stock markets going up despite people quitting jobs in record numbers and being handed free money. China's economy is real growth, underrated if anything. Don't ask for stupid things and pretend it's other people's fault they were not achieved.


Another reason might be that the CCP realizes that it does not enjoy unconditional approval from the Chinese people? If yes, that might explain why the CCP may be more concerned with suppressing dissent at home and keeping the masses ignorant of the outside world through the Great Firewall than dealing with external challenges posed by the USA or India.
Oh no, you are trying to explain what is not there. No government enjoys unconditional approval from its people but the CCP continuously earns it by being the top performing government in the world. No other country has cut down the American lead like China has under the CCP and India is basically being given a bloody nose whenever they overstep. These are the CCP's top priorities other than developing the country. American politics, however, prioritize the election, trash talking the other side, making democrats and republicans hate each other in internal strife. These countries are the polar opposite.
Limitation of military options, technological backwardness might be other limiting factors. China has been playing catch up for decades and this process will continue for decades to come, if it ever comes to a halt at all.
This is your wishful thinking. Every trend in every tech shows China emerging from the abyss to the top. We are at the overtake point in some, and many others, we are already past. Only an analyst speaking from sheer desire to the point that he would willingly be blind would say that China would play catchup possibly forever.
It's easier for authoritarian states to copy or imitate leading countries but not provide new ideas or novel working methods or technological breakthroughs or scientific theories and concepts that shatter old myths.
But that has nothing to do with China because Chinese innovation is at the top of the world with patents, industrial patents, emerging tech, etc...
Even a democratic, Western aligned Japan could never out innovate, outcompete the Americans. That says something.
That says that it's very hard for a country to keep up with another one that has 3x its population. Now what does that mean for the US in the current context? LOL But even with so little, they came close, and if there were 10 Japans in one country, well... that would be a different story that would have ended disastrously for the Americans.
American style suburban lifestyle is not necessarily the ideal that Chinese should aspire to. To each his own, I suppose. You may be a bit too harsh on the Chinese. Despite too much propaganda from the CCP and from the American establishment, China is in no way, shape or form, a major challenger to the American throne.
Of what? Housing size? OK. But in tech, military, and economy, China is in every aspect.
To topple the Americans is to topple Western civilization.
The Chinese, much like the Japanese before them or the Soviets, are not up to this task.
You have selected another group people people who are very few compared to the Chinese.
The CCP is probably more focused on improving the livelihoods of the Chinese peoples so as to avoid popular unrest. Such a social contract which requires that popular unrest can be bought off for improving livelihoods is not expected or accepted in countries where government has to fear the people. Such contracts can only work in countries where the people live in fear of the government. Such a country, like the former Soviet Union, can never topple the United States, which would mean toppling Western civilization.
That's just Disney fantasy talk. Any country can topple any other country if that country grows its economic, military and technological power faster, and that is exactly what China is doing.
This is the hard reality which you, or many members here and many people outside the confines of this forum, may find hard to accept but the sooner you do accept it, the earlier you will find comfort in knowing what the future holds on a macroscale.
The hard reality that Americans and its supporters must come to realize is that China is unlike any other challenge that the US has ever faced. Everything else was a midget compared to China, the civilization that was a dominant power for longer than any other force in history. Comparing China to Japan or the Soviets is just American whistling past the graveyard to calm its own nerves. "I beat that kid in the playground yesterday; last week I even took on a 5th grader and won. This fight with Tyson tomorrow is gonna be a breeze; he'll go down just like all the rest." LOL
Soviet Union could never outcompete the United States. Vladimir Putin admitted as much. Japan could not.
So that's 2 times when a smaller population lost to a larger one. Soon, we'll see a third.
Except for population, which the United States can/has easily countered thanks to its undisputed leadership of the entire Western civilization and sometimes, selectively handpicking the brightest of talents from third world territories, there is no enduring advantage China enjoys over the United States.
Not correct. China's advantage is the largest population of the kind of people who have an ethic to work hard, a culture to heavily persue STEM, and the genetics to top every mathematical competition in the world. America, on the other hand, is full of people who just want to be fat and happy, study communications or hosplitality, and hate on anyone who does better. China's all about developing China; America is all about stopping China from developing China. Everyone is about China because all the potential for growth is in China.
China will continue to be laggards for decades to come. You are free to argue otherwise. I am all ears. There is no scope for perverse ideas like racism in this debate, I think.
Well, you can't be all ears since you're at least 90% far-fetched wishes LOL Already argued it. The trends don't support your wish.
I am not talking about the morality of it since I know for a fact how evil or depraved the US or its allies can be. The question is why it still continues to lead despite all the mistakes it has made and despite it being a nation only 250 years old.
Obviously because it has had a very long head start, which China is cutting down by the day.
Middle East or South East Asia or Latin America, Africa are areas with a complete freehand enjoyed by the Americans. Except maybe the ASEAN countries sharing land border with China who may "give China some face", no other country in ASEAN can and would openly challenge the Americans. None of them are big enough, advanced enough, populous enough to do it. Same holds true for the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Europe, I might add. Even though Europe as a continent consists of developed countries to a large extent with high human development indices, individual Euroepan countries are small and thus susceptible to American pressure, which might also be called bullying. There is no substitute for population in geopolitics. There is not a single instance of a small country, no matter how developed its human capital or institutions or economy or technological base might be, that can independently pursue policies with fear of repercussion from the Americans. None.
North Korea can. But why do you bring up instances of America bullying small countries? We know that about America; it has nothing to do with its prospects against China.
For China, the enduring advantage is only its population.
And this from above:
"Not correct. China's advantage is the largest population of the kind of people who have an ethic to work hard, a culture to heavily persue STEM, and the genetics to top every mathematical competition in the world."

China's enduring advantage is momentum; it is moving faster than any other nation or even conglomerate of nations in tech.
In every other indicator, so far, it seems China not only lags but there is no possibility of China surpassing the Americans in decades to come.
This is just a joke seeing how many technological fields in which China has already surpassed the Americans and how many other places China is moving faster and on the cusp of an overtake. You might as well take that sentence and insert any two random countries and it would be at least as true as your current sentence.
That being said, best wishes to the Chinese.
Keep them; we rely on our intellect and hard work, not any false-hearted wishes.
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For our impatient fengqin, have a read of this amazing interview by the man himself Ren Zhengfei.

In a way, huawei is a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese people and the Chinese civilisation, no wonder the anglos wanted to destroy it when they realised they couldn't buy it or own it.


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That says that it's very hard for a country to keep up with another one that has 3x its population. Now what does that mean for the US in the current context? LOL But even with so little, they came close, and if there were 10 Japans in one country, well... that would be a different story that would have ended disastrously for the Americans.

Better to use the analogy that China has 4x the population of the USA, and therefore the potential to be 4x larger economically.

In comparison, the US is roughly 3x larger than Japan in terms of population.