Let me break this down for you. No one hates China because you're communist the way people in the McCarthy era hates communists. It's not "Better Dead than Red" anymore. People don't like China, irrationally, because you're China. Not because you're communists. You missed the forest for the trees. If China had a Nationalist government, but are not in the west's orbit like Korea or Japan. People still wouldn't like you.
Everywhere on western media images of China have it overlaid with symbols of communism or police states, virtually every second article on China brings up that it is a "communist state," and some places go outright to call it a "regime".
Virtually every reddit thread that involves China has a chain of comments related to points 1-4 I listed.
In NZ we had an election a while ago and this evening news show host called John Campbell basically promoted people to vote because "some places still don't have this freedom" and then showed a clip of tankman.
These are just a few examples of course, but if you don't think common everyday discourse is helping perpetuate dislike for China through the factors I listed, then we really must watch different news and read different sites.
As for communism becoming cool again. Here, I'm refering to the youth. As in, all the Che t-shirts. Some of the hipster cool crowd with their communism symbolism. What I'm getting at, is people don't have the same aversion to pure communism the way people in the 50s to 80s do anymore. Thus enforcing my first statement.
Whether people still hate communism as much as they did in the 50s and 80s is beside the point. My opinion is that the fact that China is communist today is still a contributing factor.
And wearing Che t shirts and occasionally sporting a hammer and sickle only means they enjoy hipster fashion trends, it does not reflect their political and social orientation.
OTOH there are also some who may be disillusioned in the modern economy and believe in a few what one may call "socialist" ideals but those individuals are few and far between and that does not mean they are neutral towards China either due to other reasons I listed.
So no, communism is far from being "cool" again, young people just enjoy toiling in their little subcultures. That doesn't make their brand of cool accepted or influential, it just means their type of cool exists in a small and pitiful manner.
I never said everyone hates china
only because they are communist. What I did say was that it was a major reason among others. Most people don't know what communism means anymore. They simply hear the word and think communist country = bad.
Basically, it's become an emotionally charged word akin to totalitarianism, or democracy, or freedom. They should all have a little "TM" next to them when used by politicians or media.