Chinese Economics Thread


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Question since I cannot read Chinese otherwise I'd do the research myself. What's going on with people who paid for homes but still haven't received them? Specifically with Evergrande customers? Any news? Last I heard there wasn't going to be a bailout.

So are Evergrande customers who haven't received their homes just out of luck?


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Question since I cannot read Chinese otherwise I'd do the research myself. What's going on with people who paid for homes but still haven't received them? Specifically with Evergrande customers? Any news? Last I heard there wasn't going to be a bailout.

So are Evergrande customers who haven't received their homes just out of luck?

They made the CEO sell all his assets and pay as much of it as possible out of his own pocket.


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He is lucky that he didn’t get jailed.

Now do you know why the shareholders hate XJP?
Well, my main concern and sympathies is with regular people who invested considerable savings on the promise of getting a home. I don't really care if speculators and other rich people lose money, but for people who were genuinely planning to live in this house or to move their parents or whatever, IMO, those people should get refunded and bailed out.

But perhaps this sort of outcomes is the correct one. Do your research before entrusting your savings to a company on a mere promise. Regardless of how good and reputable that promise seems to be. I know I'd be pissed though, and probably at the government too. "How could they let this happen?" is probably a common sentiment for the scammed.


Junior Member
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Well, my main concern and sympathies is with regular people who invested considerable savings on the promise of getting a home. I don't really care if speculators and other rich people lose money, but for people who were genuinely planning to live in this house or to move their parents or whatever, IMO, those people should get refunded and bailed out.

But perhaps this sort of outcomes is the correct one. Do your research before entrusting your savings to a company on a mere promise. Regardless of how good and reputable that promise seems to be. I know I'd be pissed though, and probably at the government too. "How could they let this happen?" is probably a common sentiment for the scammed.

A major contributor to the property bubble was the moral hazard of people blindly investing because they believed there was guaranteed profit, and investors blindly gambling because they believed there was no risk. Because the government would come and bail them out if anything went wrong.

Breaking that process is painful, because it's the only way they'll learn.


Senior Member
Registered Member
A major contributor to the property bubble was the moral hazard of people blindly investing because they believed there was guaranteed profit, and investors blindly gambling because they believed there was no risk. Because the government would come and bail them out if anything went wrong.

Breaking that process is painful, because it's the only way they'll learn.
But many people invested because they intended to live in those homes, no?