Chinese Economics Thread


Registered Member
Just so you guys know, the whole reason you're having this conversation with @chgough34 is due to his concept that one does not need to know anything about China in order to discuss China. He has no idea China's rate of technological adoption because he's never been there or instantly tech-fucked the second he steps off the plane from all the gadgets spitting out information at him every time he tries to do anything from going into a shop to getting into a subway to using the restroom. He's just imagining that China is probably where the US is minus 10-15 years.
Dam sounds like he one of the smarter western China based think tankers.


Registered Member
Just so you guys know, the whole reason you're having this conversation with @chgough34 is due to his concept that one does not need to know anything about China in order to discuss China. He has no idea China's rate of technological adoption because he's never been there or instantly tech-fucked the second he steps off the plane from all the gadgets spitting out information at him every time he tries to do anything from going into a shop to getting into a subway to using the restroom. He's just imagining that China is probably where the US is minus 10-15 years.
Dealing with all this information would require him to be less sleepy.


Dam sounds like he one of the smarter western China based think tankers.
Classic Western tactic. Write as if you were some economics professor. Lazy people glance at it and think you know what you're talking about and leave it at that. But when someone engages you in a challenge, everything falls apart. He shows he can't read charts, doesn't understand labels, and is mathematically illiterate, saying and then affirming that an increase of 168% is less than doubling. Typical American bag of hot air.


Registered Member
Classic Western tactic. Write as if you were some economics professor. Lazy people glance at it and think you know what you're talking about and leave it at that. But when someone engages you in a challenge, everything falls apart. He shows he can't read charts, doesn't understand labels, and is mathematically illiterate, saying and then affirming that an increase of 168% is less than doubling. Typical American bag of hot air.
That's why they say Chinese play go, Russians and Iranians play chess and the Americans play poker.

Bluf until you win,but the US is running out of poker chips and they are being dealt one bad hand after the other. So they continue bluffing even harder, running psyopses like US economy is doing super Chinese economy doing bad etc.


New Member
Registered Member
Just so you guys know, the whole reason you're having this conversation with @chgough34 is due to his concept that one does not need to know anything about China in order to discuss China. He has no idea China's rate of technological adoption because he's never been there or instantly tech-fucked the second he steps off the plane from all the gadgets spitting out information at him every time he tries to do anything from going into a shop to getting into a subway to using the restroom. He's just imagining that China is probably where the US is minus 10-15 years.

It's also questionable whether he's actually been to the United States or not. He certainly doesn't speak like he knows that country either. Chances are he's either in India, Singapore, or the UK.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Automated/smart utility metering, electronic toll collection, smart agriculture, GPS/satellite navigation, etc.

A large bucket of ICTs used in all sorts of industries.
GPS and satellite navigation sure. It's pretty ancient tech at this point and I don't know how good Beidou is worldwide. I'm sure It's better than GPS in China, but I don't know how they compare in Europe for instance.

That said, utility metering, toll collection, agriculture, and others?

I'm... really skeptical. What data are you basing this on? I'm not saying China is ahead in everything, but industrial automation and other manufacturing related fields is where China would really have the cutting edge. Nvidia's Omniverse for example is very underrated, but that's mostly because it's not a consumer end product so it tends to fly under people's radar. Similar system of systems have existed before Omniverse as well. Now I don't know what China's analogues are, but considering the incredibly advanced and interconnected nature of China's manufacturing I am very much skeptical that the West has an edge in this field.

In fact I would argue that China's main advantage doesn't even come from being on the cutting edge. IMO the cutting edge regarding a lot of these things is in the West. However, when it comes to market access and actual deployments, is where China really outpaces the West on a lot of these things.

I mean, the anecdote of how "China skipped the Credit Card" is pretty illustrative of what I mean.

IMO, one of the main reasons why China doesn't dominate a lot of smart technology fields is because of geopolitical concerns and the fact that most people don't or aren't interested in learning Chinese. English being the lingua franca of the business world is a powerful edge for American products, but even with all that, scalability is something we have struggled with. Electric vehicles is just one such example, but there's also proliferation of 5G, and when you get to some very basic tihngs, like Medical Records. It took forever to get that digitalized, and to this day, it's a hassle to get those documents or to share them between various medical providers.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Classic Western tactic. Write as if you were some economics professor. Lazy people glance at it and think you know what you're talking about and leave it at that. But when someone engages you in a challenge, everything falls apart. He shows he can't read charts, doesn't understand labels, and is mathematically illiterate, saying and then affirming that an increase of 168% is less than doubling. Typical American bag of hot air.

There's a substrain of pundits who revel in showcasing their lack of knowledge when they write about something.
I won't link the article, but one political economist was writing how Trump tariffs was a great move because they made China's economy more inefficient. And that's the gist of the article. They can't go into specific impacts because they don't know any more.

Showing everyone you only have surface level knowledge of something isn't a crime, but it does make you look silly if you're trying to act authoritative off it.

That's how I feel when I see people throw out random lists of words as an argument, especially when you do have domain knowledge of those words because of your job...


Staff member
Super Moderator
That's why they say Chinese play go, Russians and Iranians play chess and the Americans play poker.

Bluf until you win,but the US is running out of poker chips and they are being dealt one bad hand after the other. So they continue bluffing even harder, running psyopses like US economy is doing super Chinese economy doing bad etc.

LMFAO Poker requires actual skill. More like Go Fish.