Chinese Economics Thread


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Iron ore in guinea won't be online until at least 2025.

Since the demand is weak, it could just cut the demand from Australia and keep the same supply from Brazil, combine with a lower price


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Both the dollar value of Chinese iron ore imports and the unit price of iron ore in June 2024 are about half of what they were in August 2021, so China imported about as much iron ore (in terms of volume) from Australia in June 2024 as in August 2021.

That's not what I'm saying. Their total import bill halved due to price drop. That's a function of overall supply vs demand. You can increase supply by working to bring more capacity online and increase number of suppliers.

The % imported from Australia will likely drop in the future as imports from Brazil and other places increase. Domestic production needs to come up.

You can also increase domestic steel scrapping. Which is why those electric arc furnaces are important. They need either steel scrapping or Guinea's high grade iron ore.

So moving away from Australian iron ore is not only better for its security but also for its environment.

Where are the new sources of iron for China?
more steel scrapping, domestic production
more from Brazil
Guinea mine will come online in 2025, so this will only get worse for Australia