This article tries to understand the surge of Chinese exports around the world and offer several theories as to why this is happening. And its goes into the usual stuff about overcapacity fueled by subsidies and a few other theories.
But they are simply missing the point that the reason why Chinese exports are surging is because people around the world wants to buy Chinese made products as it gives the people the best price quality equation.
China can offer this because of a vertical supply chain integration as its industry controls more of the processes that turns the raw materials into the final products. Another reason is that they are integrating the most advanced technologies into its manufacturing supply chain from 5G to robotics, 3D printing, material science, AI, big data and much more. This is from design to production to logistics. There is also the enormous internal market and therefor she can produce products on mass in a way that other countries cannot.
The article does go into the fact that China does not only go into a couple of new technologies but she actually does everything. They are able to do this because of it has the money as its has a high savings rate and about 800 billion dollars trade surplus a year. They have the talent to do this as it produces the multiple of either the US or Europe when it comes to STEM graduates. Another reason they can do this because of its enormous internal markets as it has a bigger chance to recoup its investments than other countries.