Chinese Economics Thread


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You neglect to mention that the US healthcare system has more medication and treatment errors than the UK, Germany, Canada etc

This is arguably the most important "quality" metric in any healthcare system, yet the US "spends" so much more

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Your citation is nearly 20 years old at this point but it’s largely immaterial to my point that on the expensive intensive margin, US healthcare is “better”. You effectively concede the point actually since the U.S. comparison group isn’t a global panel but is one of other wealthy countries


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The value of the RMB is manipulated to serve the interests of national growth; the purpose is not to have a d*ck measuring competition with Saint Lucia, a place so inconsequential, I only know of its existence through my entomology hobby. When China wants to export more, the value is dropped, and if that causes or rather allows some people to paint it as a failure of the Chinese economy, the CCP doesn't care. When China revalues its currency to suit the economic situation, the West suddenly panicks with headlines like, "China's GDP growth this year surpassed the entire size of Canada's Economy!" And when they say that, the CCP still doesn't care.

And yet none of those countries have the power or technology to challenge the US. Is it due to just China's sheer size? On an individual basis, Chinese are known for higher scholastic achievement and STEM contribution than the citizens of these countries and of all other countries in the world as well. So what does that tell you about the usefulness of your metric?

I also don't see this happening because China does not want this to happen and I don't see it as important either. China's PPP is already much higher and running away. National projects in technology and military, the pillars to national power, rely very primarily on PPP and only sometimes graze nominal GDP when a few things from a waning list are imported.

Nobody would have made that comparison except you, and China is a second world country.

Why thank you. America has always been technically superior to Latin American tribes except the Mayans.

I'm sorry, did you think that you were describing China? Because having lived in both countries I thought for sure you were talking about the US. Especially with the US housing crisis, the rich getting much richer through the pandemic and the poor becoming homeless, this is certainly the US as it doesn't happen in China. In the end, when you talked about slums and crime and poverty, that was certainly California, wasn't it? You can't find a place in China where there are homeless encampments all over the street. You can't rob a store and broad daylight with your 25 friends and not expect to all go to jail in China. You're talking about America.

But the number of rural Chinese have dropped and are dropping further. The transformation of rural peasants into highly educated urban workers is the engine behind China's power. And there's a lot more engine left to be tapped into while America's already panicking on the ropes.

Looks great to me! Everyone's safe, doing their thing, no aggressive homeless people threatening to rob you if you don't give them money. Nobody getting shot, nobody running through the streets with an armfull of loot, no hobo camps. America could really learn something from this.

How much do they make versus the cost of living? They're not hobos on welfare like Americans. Chinese look richer to me.

It just so happens that over the last few decades, China's specialty has become succeeding contrary to all Western beliefs and examples. If not, China's economy would have collapsed at least several times a year by now.

LOLOL Guess we need to kneecap our own technology, eh? That's the Western solution (for others). China's solution is to simply expand horizontally, create more so there's more for everyone. 10 workers producing 10 units doesn't become 1 worker with 10 machines producing 10 units; it becomes 10 workers with 100 machines producting 100 units. More for Chinese people, higher living standards for Chinese people.

She's got a business and a home to live in; that's so nice. Check this American shit out:

What does "a developed social and economic level" mean? If you can have poorer technology, a stagnant economy, higher crime, drug addiction, homelessness compared to a "developing country" like China, what does the tag of "developed economy" mean?

No, China has succeeded in keeping its developing nation status for the benefits it offers. America has failed its mission to remove that status and convey a developed nation status on China.
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Or maybe the RMB is misused by China. Maybe that explains why the RMB is 15-20% undervalued? Maybe it´s not some smart secret move to sell more plastic toys to Western countries? Another explanation is that the value of RMB reflect the fact that China is a third world country and poorer than Mexico, Saint Lucia, Turkey, Argentina, Malaysia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan. Argentina and Turkey are in economic crisis. Mexico is a crime-stricken third world country. Russia is at war and Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan are "stans" part of Central Asia. You think about that. China is as of 2024 poorer than Mexico.

I actually pointed out that China is in terms of technology is to some degree a developed country but so is Russia - a country forever trapped in the "middle-income trap" and perpetual poverty and corruption. When it come to the United States I hold little hope. I really hope that China has loftier goals than become another United States.

Arij Javaid

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China GDP PPP $35 trillion 2024

US GDP PPP $27.8 trillion 2024

Now, china has a lot of dollar reserves that it hasn't figured out what to do. Around $3.3 trillion and equally more in shadow reserves.

As long as china remains an export driven country, china will not internationalize the yuan and and make it a standard. China and china cannot develop a robust financial system (although socialist policies is opposed to a US style financial model). In doing so, China will lose its command over the currency where it can undervalue/overvalue depending on the circumstances. Xi Jinping recognizes the problem. This is why he wants to transition china towards a consumption driven economic model. If the transition is successful, China can move towards yuan internationalization which will make the yuan appreciate.

Finally, I forgot to mention the role of technology in 21st century economic race. As long as China keeps on innovating with cutting edge technology, china can leverage the technology with the demand for yuan, which will also make yuan appreciate

In conclusion, China is keeping a right balance right now in how it's handling the yuan since exports remain a key engine of economic growth. China wants to flood the world with its EVs and later legacy chips and advanced semiconductors. So I don't see yuan getting internationalized anytime soon. A BRICS gold backed currency would work fine to bypass the dollar in the short to medium term.


Registered Member
Or maybe the RMB is misused by China. Maybe that explains why the RMB is 15-20% undervalued? Maybe it´s not some smart secret move to sell more plastic toys to Western countries? Another explanation is that the value of RMB reflect the fact that China is a third world country and poorer than Mexico, Saint Lucia, Turkey, Argentina, Malaysia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan. Argentina and Turkey are in economic crisis. Mexico is a crime-stricken third world country. Russia is at war and Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan are "stans" part of Central Asia. You think about that. China is as of 2024 poorer than Mexico.

I actually pointed out that China is in terms of technology is to some degree a developed country but so is Russia - a country forever trapped in the "middle-income trap" and perpetual poverty and corruption. When it come to the United States I hold little hope. I really hope that China has loftier goals than become another United States.
Turkey and Argentina had lower GDP per capita than China last year and grew 30% nominally due to 60%+ inflation.


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Hey nice picture of Chongqing, wanna see NYC behind the scenes of Times Square and Wall Street as a comparison?

How about the fact that US maternal mortality for some ethnic groups is now higher than some African countries and even for the ruling whites is now higher than prewar Palestine of all countries?

How about the fact that US life expectancy is lower than not just China but even Brazil which is filled with drugs and crime at 1/5 the GDP per capita?

Whose is actually living in "crime filled and diseased slums driving food delivery for the managerial class"?
The United States has many rough cities and neglected areas. Western European countries and in particular Nordic countries do not allow their cities to fall like the United States and to some extent Canada. However, the poor infrastructure, homelessness, drug abuse, crime and aesthetically declining cities in the U.S. stem from poor policy. It do not stem from systemic poverty.

In 2023 the life expectancy was 78.79 in China and 79.74 in the United States.

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The reason for the sharp drop in life expectancy came from poor American Covid-19 policy.
China GDP PPP $35 trillion 2024

US GDP PPP $27.8 trillion 2024

Now, china has a lot of dollar reserves that it hasn't figured out what to do. Around $3.3 trillion and equally more in shadow reserves.

As long as china remains an export driven country, china will not internationalize the yuan and and make it a standard. China and china cannot develop a robust financial system (although socialist policies is opposed to a US style financial model). In doing so, China will lose its command over the currency where it can undervalue/overvalue depending on the circumstances. Xi Jinping recognizes the problem. This is why he wants to transition china towards a consumption driven economic model. If the transition is successful, China can move towards yuan internationalization which will make the yuan appreciate.

Finally, I forgot to mention the role of technology in 21st century economic race. As long as China keeps on innovating with cutting edge technology, china can leverage the technology with the demand for yuan, which will also make yuan appreciate

In conclusion, China is keeping a right balance right now in how it's handling the yuan since exports remain a key engine of economic growth. China wants to flood the world with its EVs and later legacy chips and advanced semiconductors. So I don't see yuan getting internationalized anytime soon. A BRICS gold backed currency would work fine to bypass the dollar in the short to medium term.
So bascially, China has gone from leading the U.S. with a 15% larger GDP (PPP) to a 20% larger GDP (PPP).
Victorian Era England had far higher degree of wealth inequality,
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while it is currently
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For healthcare, China pays approximately
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(with US GDP per capita being around 7 times larger, so outstripping the nominal GDP difference), while having a
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and lower degree of
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. China has a better HAQ (Healthcare Access and Quality index)
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. (Lithuania has an HAQ of 0.679 vs China's 0.709).

If a majority of China's population can be considered to be living in slums riddled with disease, I would like to see what the conditions are in the US or Lithuania which is causing such a disparity in healthcare outcomes.

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This trend will probably continue as China's overall educated workforce grows and they continue their industrial upgrading (
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Having an educated workforce is key in increasing worker productivity, which is what China is doing currently. The EU also has a comparable rate of youth unemployment,
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. Really, China's rate of youth unemployment rate isn't really irregular compared to certain other economies.

You can find images of many countries or regions of the world with some degree of material inequality to see scenes of poorly built housing, e.g. Taiwan has around 3x the GDP per capita of mainland China, but has to contend
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and hazardous rooftop construction due to their housing crisis (
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). Presenting a video like this basically just amounts to anecdotally cherry-picking evidence to support your thesis that China is failing in its economic development.

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, such as Hungary or the Czech Republic, and comparable to the per capita wealth level of Europe (at around $27,273 per capita vs Europe's $28,611). This is already 3x larger than the world average.
This is a great post! I´m not saying that China is not improving. I´m just saying that China´s GDP (nominal) per capita is falling behind other high-level developing countries.

I have to ask you. What is the latest numbers of the China´s GDP (PPP) per capita ?


Registered Member
The United States has many rough cities and neglected areas. Western European countries and in particular Nordic countries do not allow their cities to fall like the United States and to some extent Canada. However, the poor infrastructure, homelessness, drug abuse, crime and aesthetically declining cities in the U.S. stem from poor policy. It do not stem from systemic poverty.

In 2023 the life expectancy was 78.79 in China and 79.74 in the United States.

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The reason for the sharp drop in life expectancy came from poor American Covid-19 policy.

So bascially, China has gone from leading the U.S. with a 15% larger GDP (PPP) to a 20% larger GDP (PPP).

This is a great post! I´m not saying that China is not improving. I´m just saying that China´s GDP (nominal) per capita is falling behind other high-level developing countries.

I have to ask you. What is the latest numbers of the China´s GDP (PPP) per capita ?
Your data is inaccurate. The data it claims to source is a projection. There is more accurate measured data from US CDC and the World Bank.

US CDC puts the life expectancy at 77.5.

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World Bank has US at lower life expectancy than China as well. Thats 2 consistent data sets that agree with me and disagree with you.

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If people died to COVID then they're still dead. Failure to manage COVID is still a failure.

But to address that we can look at 65 year survivorship rates. If US life expectancy decline is only due to COVID killing old people then the US cohort survival rate to 65 years should be high.

Yet that is not what the data says. China is higher than the US on those too.

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China`s GDP per capita from National Bureau of Statistics of China from 2013 to 2023;

2023: 89,358 RMB ($12,584)​
2022: 85,310 RMB ($12,017)​
2021: 81,370 RMB ($11,462)​
2020: 71,828 RMB ($10,117)​
2019: 70,078 RMB ($9,871)​
2018: 65,534 RMB ($9,231)​
2017: 59,592 RMB ($8,394)​
2016: 53,783 RMB ($7,576)​
2015: 49,922 RMB ($7,032)​
2014: 46,912 RMB ($6,608)​
2013: 43,497 RMB ($6,126) - (USD in 2024-01-31 USD-RMB exchange rate for visualization)​
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If the RMB had not lost value since 2013 the China´s GDP would have reached about $14,157 (2024-01-31) exchange rate. Because of the weak RMB, China has fallen below the World´s average GDP per capita. China is in terms of GDP per capita (in USD) less productive than Mexico, Saint Lucia, Turkey, Argentina, Malaysia, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

I understand that there are politics, economic strategy and monetary policy involved here but still. Several members on this forum have argued that China would pass the USA`s GDP between 2025-2030.

There are no indication this event will happen in the 2020s. Mainstream economics indicate that China´s GDP (and GDP per capita) is falling in relation to other countries. This can in part can be explained by the weak RMB.

I want to add something that will not be popular among many members. China is not third world country in the sense of Burundi. China has always been technically superior to Africa with the exception of white-ruled apartheid South Africa. Contemporary China is in many ways similar to the United Kingdom during Victorian era (1837-1901). A small and rich industrial and government elite that rule the people through a class of modestly wealthy and well-paid cohort of civil servants and professionals in the private industry.

Below the managerial class you find the working class. A class that to large extent consists of semi-skilled workers that work unsafe and dangerous factories for little money. China has also a growing class of poor urban workers. They sell what they find along the streets or in small shops. Many of them also work in the bottom of the service sector - driving food to the aloof managerial class. These workers live in slums with diseases, crime and poverty between the skyscrapers and modern high-rise buildings. Rural China is still intact and 7.5% of Chinese GDP stem from a agriculture. The lives of Chinese rural peasants lives has not changed much and they contribute little per capita to the economy.

The average salary in the private industry is $770/month (2022). The average salary for a worker in government is $1340/month. These massive diffrences between an overpaid class of civil servants and everyone else are typical for developing countries. The median salary is no doubt much lower. This is how Chongqing look behind the finance, business and shopping districts.

Of course images like above is expected as Chinese workers make so little money. In June 2023 the youth unemployment in China hit 21%. By the end of 2023 it had dropped to 15% more in line with 2022. China, like so many other countries, think that (mass)production of college students will solve this issue. This has been tried and failed all over the world., in Sweden, India, South Africa, Brazil, Canada and the United States. With automatization, increased corporate efficiency and lack of opportunity other than menial work many college educated Chinese youth will stay poor.

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Only a few countries have been able to reach a developed social and economic level. These are the Eastern European EU-members that were lifted by the European Union and Israel. Israel was lifted by the United States and the Jewish diaspora. The others are Singapore, South Korea and Japan. The only countries in Asia that show potential are China and Vietnam. China seem to fail it´s mission.
China still has a long way to go. You're right about that. However, the data at the beginning of your post shows that China's GDP more than doubled in 10 years. Last year, China's GDP grew by 5.2% and it is expected to grow by around 5% this year. At this rate, it should double in another 14 years. What makes you say that China has already failed given that it is still growing at a more than reasonable pace?

In the last three years, China's GDP per capita in US dollar terms has indeed stagnated, but given China's increasing technological sophistication would it not be better to measure China's progress using the Chinese yuan? An increasing percentage of China's commodity imports are purchased using the Chinese yuan. The only industries that China lags behind the West in are semiconductors and jet engines, but they're rapidly catching up. China is drastically reducing its dependence on the US dollar and it seems to be doing fine, so would it not be wiser to assess China's progress through the lens of the Chinese Yuan?


Lieutenant General
China's own "de-risking" strategy:

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The West likes to waste their time over nonsense. It doesn't matter who wanted to decouple first. They declared that they wanted it. The right of the West have been calling for breaking off with China (aka decoupling) as long as when Nixon went to China. Yeah the West never wanted to decouple with China. They wanted to enslave China. Decoupling now is an admission they will never take over China like they wish. Decoupling is their last measure to make themselves think they're the ones in control. The Republicans are the original sinners when it comes to political correctness. I can remember when you couldn't dare say anything negative about the US. Don't call it what it is and it isn't it. Just because they put a name to it, it's something new? They wanted to protect their own ears from hearing things they don't want to hear that's as plain as day because they're too sensitive to hear the truth. That's political correctness. Look at how Republicans are trying to spin slavery out to be a good thing that happened.

It is the West where something gets up in their craw... The itch they can't scratch that someone does anything without their permission that drives them into eventually madness. Look at how the US was upset that China conducted a space walk from its own space station without their permission. China just existing upsets them because China shows there's an alternative and not how their way is the only way. Americans talk about freedom like it's their being but they're only talking about their freedom not anyone else's. Hear they go again trying to redefine words making themselves the embodiment of them like freedom when they want to deny them to everyone else. There was something I read recently in this forum where the US State Department stated that eliminating China's ability to defend itself was a part of the US's mission on freedom. A part of how the US sees freedom is eliminating everyone else's. You're a threat to their freedom if you try to deny them from killing you. That's what they're saying.

The West likes to play these words games. Why? Just so they they can claim like a child they didn't start it? Writing an entire article just to spin how the US and the West didn't start with decoupling... China did!!! They can go right on back to decoupling and not de-risking if they want to. The fact is just as they're obsessed with the meaning of words, it is they that regret their choice of them. They're the ones going through this song and dance routine. If they were in control like they think, they wouldn't have to worry how their words comes across. It's like their spin they're going through over the Red Sea attacks. They say China better do something about it because it'll affect their business if the Chinese don't. No, it'll primarily affect European/Western business. They don't even mention that part. Or how about this whole fiasco is a result of their foreign policy? See how much they will outright lie to get what they want...?