From 2000-2023, the G7's share of global GDP (PPP) fell from 44% to 30%. China’s share rose from 7% to 19% in the same period.
However, if it factors in only the real economy, meaning manufacturing without financial engineering and services.
In that regard China is above the rest of the world combined, already, not just the G7. And that is the biggest metric for the power of one country.
And even with all of those nominal GDPs, Western populations are still unhappier than Chinese on average.
20% average government approval ratings nowadays in Germany, and Japan, the rest are maybe 30-40% max, whereas China is 90-95%.
Anyway, BRICS as a whole already has a bigger GDP PPP world share than G7, and SCO has double the share of the EU too.
So, if we counted the US with its allies, we should also count China with its allies as well, at least up to a certain degree.
And keep in mind that China has the potential to multiply its GDP at least a couple of more times before it stagnates like the West.
Before it maximizes its existing base productivity to the maximum and aging society kicks it, it will be in GDP PPP terms above the G7 on its own.
Asia as a continent is rising in total too, and it seems that the whole world is finally going back to the pre-colonial realities of economic distribution.
Africa and Latin America will probably retain the same share, but China and some parts of Asia will overtake the West like its natural.