China has around 10 times more high-tech exports than the US yearly and they are also way more diverse (important for national security). This is from the Hamilton Index this year (total output domestic + exports):
My opinion on why the US is leading in the pharmaceutical industry is the following; Because corporations, including pharmaceutical ones, run the government in the US, they set up favorable conditions for their industry, unlike in China (where they are fairly suppressed).
And because the US is objectively way sicker society than China, so, of course, they are going to develop a more advanced pharmaceutical industry overall than China which will eventually lead to stronger exports abroad. China doesn't need that many drugs, because they are not as sick, and the governments aren't assisting mega-corporations for their people to become addicted zombies with destroyed livers.
Meanwhile, China which has a much better culture and system regarding medical prevention, and a much better healthcare system, of course, won't have that much need for drugs. And of course, like all industries, their pharmaceutical industry is dependent also on bulk chemicals coming from China, the highest chemical-producing of various kinds country in the world.
Going to transportation (ex. motor vehicles), the bulk of this will probably come from the US's stronger aircraft manufacturing industry. But you need to see the fundamental reason for this once again. For China, due to its geography and population distribution, it was simply way more beneficial to develop the high-speed rail industry first than the aircraft industry (the US way more sparsely populated country).
And finally regarding the US lead in IT, that is probably due to "bullshit" IT like games, apps, service-based economy, etc. Meanwhile, China IT's primary focus is probably on manufacturing, production, etc. Therefore, the US actually leads in nothing of any serious significance.
Also, China might not export as much as some of the Western countries, regarding laboratory/medical equipment, or some specialized machinery for example. But that's because they are growing 5%, the biggest sci-tech growth in history, so of course they are going to sell domestically a large chunk of their production which will lead to some Western countries having higher exports globally (because domestically they are stagnating overall).
The lead for China is just widening if we look at the ASPI tracker of emerging and critical technologies (these technologies will lead to the next generation of high-tech products), (same lead also in WIPO patents, high-quality research, education metrics before that, etc, a complete chain):