mmmhmm. Australia is like Russia
minus industry. That Australia ostensibly has greater "economic complexity" than Russia raises real questions about exactly what is being assessed by this measure and why we should care about it.
It is a nice place to live, though.
Right. In 2013, prior to Russia's annexation of Crimea, the IMF was projecting Russia's 2015 GDP to be USD $2.38tn at then-current exchange rates. In 2015, post-annexation, post-western response, the IMF was projecting Russia's 2015 GDP to be USD $1.18tn, again at then-current exchange rates, literally half of the projection some two years earlier. Whatever the debates about the real underlying characteristics of the Russian economy, and the undoubtedly real effects of the sanctions regime that was imposed, Russia clearly did not materially implode over the course of those 24 months in any real sense. What we witnessed was a sudden, dramatic change in currency exchange ratios that was clearly divorced from the underlying economic realities that such ratios ostensibly describe.