Chinese Economics Thread


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If we go back to previous posts in this thread, there are articles about China putting tariff and quotas for many of the products they export, like steel.

Now China is adding export restrictions on fertilizer too:

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The irony is that had China completely adhered to the US agriculture purchase demands from the phase 1 trade deal, inflation would have hit sooner and be even higher in the US for food and essential commodities. It makes no difference whether a wheat farmer in the US sells his harvest to American consumers or to Chinese consumers, they're going to sell to the party that pays the higher price on the commodities exchanges.


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And you can guess what the streets around the new embassy will be renamed in that case. You will be able to hear the CCP rage on Pluto...
What name would that be? Tianmen massacre street? Genocide
statues are big and can be an eye sore. street signs are small. They can name the streets however they like, but everyone will see the statue every time they drive by. By then Im sure the Brits will be bitchin and moaning to the next galaxy.
More like bitchin to the next ether!


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U.S. March trade data:

• The deficit with China increased $7.4 billion to $48.6 billion in March. Exports decreased
$0.1 billion to $12.9 billion and imports increased $7.3 billion to $61.5 billion.
• The deficit with Canada increased $3.7 billion to $10.3 billion in March. Exports increased
$1.8 billion to $29.1 billion and imports increased $5.5 billion to $39.4 billion.
• The deficit with the European Union decreased $1.3 billion to $15.6 billion in March.
Exports increased $2.2 billion to $28.4 billion and imports increased $0.8 billion to $44.0


They should build large Mao and Xi statues, you will hear Anglo rage on Jupiter.
Xi doesn't want statues made of him in China or there would be. He's a man of substance; he wants those materials and manpower devoted to making infrastructure that helps the nation. Modern China is a highly efficient place that does meaningful things, not some old dead superpower that wastes its time parading a senile old woman around fancied as a 21st century queen guarded by human tourist attractions wearing Marge Simpson hats taking up the best real estate and resources in the country.

China doesn't do pointless antagonism because China's utterly buried in self-development. Empty antagonism is a move that the West routinely makes make because they're long out of good moves and frustrated that they cannot compete properly with China so they're left with flailing and doing things with no point other than to piss people off, such as naming streets dickheaded names. China's the restaurant where every manager's on the phone dialing up the supply lines non-stop, waiters can't find 2 minutes to sit down for a drink, all the stoves and sinks are permanently on and cooking/processing food and every table is full with a line out the door. They haven't had the time to check their social media online in weeks. The UK's the little old restaurant next door that has 4 staff and 1 customer, cobwebbs in every corner, leather peeling off the seats, 1 working stove out of 3, and the manager makes a supermarket run in his Fiat every other day with the rest of his time spent online talking shit about how bad that Chinese restaurant is.
And you can guess what the streets around the new embassy will be renamed in that case. You will be able to hear the CCP rage on Pluto...
You can feel the UK's sigh of resignation at losing its power status from Pluto.
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People are afraid of turning their COVID tracking app indicator into yellow or red accidentally if you somehow pass through an area where there are covid cases found later. You end up locking into your home for several weeks, if you're lucky that is. If you're traveling out of town, then you may not even get back to home. That's why people are reluctant to travel. This is how pervasive this zero-covid policy has become; it goes beyond the headlines of lockdown of some cities.


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Is it beneficial for USA to increase trade deficite? With USD printing and depreciating wont it be free money to have other countries hold it?


Has anyone watched this program
"Chinas Economic Rise..... The End of the Road":

Although I have read some aspects of the discussion on this forum, much is rather new to me and leaves me wondering how relevant is their opinion?
My takeway from this, is that Pres Xi has and is making a lot of mistakes.


Registered Member
Has anyone watched this program
"Chinas Economic Rise..... The End of the Road":

Although I have read some aspects of the discussion on this forum, much is rather new to me and leaves me wondering how relevant is their opinion?
My takeway from this, is that Pres Xi has and is making a lot of mistakes.
Are you going to expect the Council on Foreign Relations (C.F.R.) to pronounce that China's economic rise is here to stay considering that the U.S. is literally at war with China on all fronts (trade war, technological war, capital war, limited sanctions war, geopolitical containment war ) except military shooting war?

The economic situation of China is far too complex and complicated for you or anyone on that bias forum to be able to deliberately understand let alone appreciate.

Tell me, when was the last time think tanks like the CFR (which is a repository for current and past government officials) have made objective, accurate analysis of China's economic performance past, present, and future?

As for the mistakes that Xi Jinping has been alleged to have made and are making, what mistakes would those be? That China shouldn't have made a bold declaration of Made in China 2025, maintained the peeble and meek strategy of bide your time and hide your strength of the Deng Xiaoping era, Zero-covid policy?

Out of the economic performances of developed countries can you please cite which of those OECD countries have performed better than China from the period of 2012 to the present (Xi Jinping’s timeline) to at least support your opinion and the thesis of the experts on that panel.

Mistakes will happen and will keep happening when trying to steer the country away from the current grip and hold of the U.S. financial wizardry. To assume that if China would go swimmingly well economically and geopolitically if it was under a different leader is utterly foolish and ignorant of the current geopolitical trend. Don't try to look at China's struggles in a vacuum but rather look at it from a more strategic level because the actions, and reactions it is taking aren't immune from those considerations.

But aside from the points I made, you can't make judgement on the performance of the economy in a snapshot especially basing the idea or opinion from the current covid-19 situation in Shanghai and other major cities which includes Beijing. If the negative trend continues in which Chinese leadership led by Xi continues with their current strategy and that at the end the year reflects what's being forecasted then yes sure one can make that analysis, but we have just finished the 1st Quarter of the year and so far the overall picture for the Chinese economy is still relatively healthy. Now it can change and turn for the worst or for the best depending on the context and situation as well as policy changes, adaptability by the current government.


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Yeah It's counter-intuitive, they say the goal is to disrupt and congest the ports in US even further to disrupt their supply chain and slow down their manufacturing, since a lot of their manufacturing relies on parts supplied from China. The trick is to time the disruption and bring back the production up later, just enough that it won't incentivize them from moving away from relying on China, but stack up the pressure in US manufacturing and trade to derail their recovery, and wait for something to break.
Xi knows about Deagel 2025?