Lower consumption growth than gdp growth means that China consumption share is decreasing, China still hasn't achieved the share level from 2019. Since covid, only 2021 year was positive to reduce the imbalance between consumption growth and gdp growth.
what with this obsession with consoomption?
Raising consoomption is extremely easy: just print money. Prove me wrong protip: you cannot because you will resort to inflation. If consoomption is the bottleneck that limits growth as those nu-economists claim, there would have been no inflation.
Riddle me this: Why are you not driving a Bugatti? Why don't you have a yacht or a private jet? Is it because:
a) you don't have enough "demand" or consoomption.
b) you and almost everyone else don't have 2 million dollars laying around to buy bugattis.
c) there are not enough bugattis around for everyone.
If one is not clinically retarded, they would have chosen c) but these nobel prizing winning economists will tell you it's a) and b).
really make you think.