Chinese Economics Thread


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Tech capital of the world vs. rural China

Rural China power outages in 2019 averaged 900 minutes while Northern California had 2019 power outages of over 1300 minutes

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In world history, there is no second developing country that has better nationwide infrastructure than so-called developed countries. Not before, not after, period!
Shouldn't China be in the dark by now? If China was experiencing a electricity shortage because Chinese stupidly didn't think how they would have no electricity from not buying Australian coal, they should've ran out by now and the Western media would be reporting economic activity in China has ground to a halt yet no news.

LOL. And it's good for the environment and help China meet their carbon emission goals.


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Really? Try saying that to the starving millions in Africa and India.

That's the trouble with you younger people. You have not experienced hunger, and thinks more mouths to feed is better. That's the same way India is thinking.
India is not China.

Firstly, India has the caste system which will constrain itself from becoming as powerful as China; purposefully hobbling a significant proportion of your own population just to maintain your own familial privileges is a recipe for disaster. Thankfully, China has done away with that. And even without the caste system, the malnourishment and vegan diets of indians prevents them from forming the brain capacity to innovate compared to the indians who come to the west.
And on that matter, compared to the 70s and 80s, China has secure food security and food production; the only thing China currently lacks are tertiary education facilities for its growing middle class, hence why you have a lot of chinese students going to the west to study. This will be solved in time as graduate staff return to China and take up positions at homegrown universities, or new universities are set up. In fact, the advent of COVID has made studying from home more prevalent and hence softening the need for universities.
Please read some economic 101 before coming on here to show your ignorance.

1st. Aged people are consumers.
2nd. Aged people are also tax payers.
Not if they rely on the age pension, then they simply become consumers and even then they don't consume as much as DINKs or families.
More kids will alleviate that problem, even if that means more applicants, and more competition for jobs; you can't expect to shield your kids form competing with the world, the way some asian parents emigrate to the west because they find that their formerly average student can become an A class dux of the year in a crowd of lazy western kids.
What China doesn't need is a welfare society in the manner of sweden or the UK where it accepts immigrants who don't contribute, don't speak the language, and take welfare monies as a new consumer class.

More Chinese people means more probability of scientific and tech minds to solve these environmental problems (especially since the Chinese society, culture and family ties promote a pro-social and pro-scientific/intelligence/education outlook).

It also means more PLA troops to take control of Australia and North America and the subcontinent of India, but that's for another thread.


Registered Member
My bad then, and yes I apologize for saying people who believe that must be enemies of China. I just find it puzzling. I didn't know there were many Chinese who hold to this belief. I would have assumed seeing what happened to Europ
Ie and Japan would have alerted all Chinese citizens that this isn't a route China should go down.

Look at more 'based' countries like Russia and Israel, they are desperately trying to keep their population growth numbers.

It's fine. No probs. We're all good.


Registered Member
Shouldn't China be in the dark by now? If China was experiencing a electricity shortage because Chinese stupidly didn't think how they would have no electricity from not buying Australian coal, they should've ran out by now and the Western media would be reporting economic activity in China has ground to a halt yet no news.

Typical western MSM. I've a few. And the main thrust of it is that they are trying to spin it that the outage is something to do with lack of coal. And it's China's own fault with all the coal embargo from Australia.

Gee. The last I look, China uses about 1%(from memory don't quote me on it) of Australian coal to maintain its electricity generation.

Jiang ZeminFanboy

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BEIJING, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- China's seventh national population census will begin on Nov. 1 this year with about 7 million staff to visit homes for registration work, an official said Sunday.

A good census can give a full picture of the population size, structure and distribution, and the trend of the demographic change, providing support for mapping national development strategies, said Ning Jizhe, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, at a ceremony held in Beijing to promote the national census.

Residents will be encouraged to use mobile terminals such as cell phones to declare personal and family information, he said.

The census will collect data including name, ID number, gender, marital details, education, profession and other information about Chinese citizens.

China conducts a national population census every 10 years. The last census in the world's most populous country found its population had increased to 1.37 billion.
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We'll see how they correct the fake demographics data given by the Ministry of Health and Family Planning over the years.

If you don't know what I am talking about, the Ministry of Health and Family Planning have been faking its data because it's completely different from NBS TFR statistics. One of the reasons why they were squashed.
People who denounce the problem with TFR are the ones who probably don't want any kids and want to go on the bum on society.

The visible Dongbei economic problems and their TFR under 1.0 which is a disaster are going to be visible in the rest of China more and more often when time progresses. (not counting the wealthiest cities, because people always migrate to them).


Registered Member
Not if they rely on the age pension, then they simply become consumers and even then they don't consume as much as DINKs or families.

1st. Aged people are consumers.
2nd. Aged people are also tax payers.

Ok at the risk of continuing this debate which we both needs to agreed to disagree.

However, there are a couple of factual inaccuracy I need to address.

1. Pensioners pays taxes on their income (above threashold) just like everyone else in the U.K. So they are not just consumers!

2. Even those who don't pay taxes on their pensions income (because they only have state pensions) pays taxes on their purchases (sales tax or VAT except for food items in the U.K.) as consumers.

3. The average pensioners, particularly those ones with company pensions or private pensions would be above the threshold, and therefore have more disposalable and discretionary income then the average working guy. Which is why the "grey" (cruise, sports cars. Etc) market is such a lucrative market for marketeers to tap in.

So pensioners are far from the burden or dependency factors as claimed. When I retired, and hopefully with my above the average pension income as forecast, I'll not be dependent on the state or my children for that matter.
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Sticking up to Trump, a farewell gift, I thought China is not in a hurry to sign this deal.​

From onebyone (pakistan defense forum)​

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Agreement ‘could be reached as early as Tuesday’ following movement on major sticking point.
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