Chinese Economics Thread


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Yes this is true. Population is power. But like any curves on the graph. There's an optimum point somewhere. Otherwise all nations should pursue a policy of having as much babies as possible. See?

I didn't come out with the figures of 800 millions. The Chinese government did back in the days. I dont remember whet I read it. So I already said don't quote me on it. It is something I read years ago in my studies.

Yes China have problems of poverty caused by population in the past, and it doesn't mean it will in the future. But it also mean it won't again in the future!

In any case, all of you are missing the point. Even if it Won't happen in the future, surly a pie that is shared more is better than a bigger pie that's shared less?

I feel all you young guys are born in a time of plenty. And not experienced life of eating rice with soy sauce only!

I remember my brother coming home with a bag of sugar so we can have rice mixed with sugar. And don't forget, even having that we were considered the lucky ones!

As Jeff Bezos said, a trillion people means a thousand more Einstein's or Mozart's. The more Chinese the better, assuming China can secure the natural resources and food required to feed the population.

If for some reason it becomes clear that renewable energy can't replace natural resources entirely, or that food cannot be produced to take care of an arbitrarily large population, then yes, we can talk population reduction.

It is ridiculous to already plan for a Japanese-style decline before any of these things come to pass.


Registered Member
Well saying someone lives on another planet, let alone having pie in the sky ideas isn't much more different than saying they are insane but no problem.

"Now if you think that the one child police is not design to reduce population growth" ... I've literally said that exact same thing twice now. It doesn't translate that therefore it *must be* to cause negative growth rates. You are acting like people should think this is some straight line logic when it isn't. And even if it was true, that doesn't make it the best decision. But it isn't anyway, anymore than attempting to slow debt creation belies the belief that this is an attempt to cause debt creation to go negative until there is zero debt.

As for your comments about Africa and India, you could have just said it was a rant and left it there but you had to add another generalized factoid with a hint of insult lol. Yea, their poverty relative to everyone else is more significant. Who denied that? Has nothing to do with the conversation. Are they less well-off, more likely to incur famine, more hungry, than they were in 2010? 2000? 1980? 1950? The answer is no.

The main reason their populations are starving and poverty-ridden has nothing to do with their population sizes.

Lol. Come on, the planet comment wasn't to you. It was to gadget. We all know what his like.

So please. Let's stop creating straw man here. I was replying to your assertion that people advocating decline in population are the ENEMIES OF CHINA!

That sir, is what I take offence. I do advate a decline in population. But no I'm not the ENEMIES OF CHINA.

Good day!


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I'm not sure why people are having an emotional meltdown based on some bogus imaginary number like TFR or some statistical nonsense, anointing other people some hurtful labels like 'enemy of the state' willy nilly. Just take a chill and walk it off.

Do we even have actual number of deaths and births for last 40 years or so? I mean you need to show me the product if you want to sell it, not some imaginary statistical number that a few bureaucrats and PhD's cooked up over a white cloth dinner and dry martini a while back.

The belief that China just cooks up numbers "willy nilly" is Western propaganda and completely unsubstantiated. What is this product you speak of? How can I show you every birth and death without using statistics or some paper produced by the government?

Do you have access to holodeck technology? I guess Chinese bureaucrats must be cheaters and frauds because they don't prove every fact with full immersion virtual reality implanted into every world citizens' brain.

I find it interesting the same people advocating for population decline are the same people accusing Chinese government officials of faking numbers.


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Lol. Come on, the planet comment wasn't to you. It was to gadget. We all know what his like.

So please. Let's stop creating straw man here. I was replying to your assertion that people advocating decline in population are the ENEMIES OF CHINA!

That sir, is what I take offence. I do advate a decline in population. But no I'm not the ENEMIES OF CHINA.

Good day!

My bad then, and yes I apologize for saying people who believe that must be enemies of China. I just find it puzzling. I didn't know there were many Chinese who hold to this belief. I would have assumed seeing what happened to Europe and Japan would have alerted all Chinese citizens that this isn't a route China should go down.

Look at more 'based' countries like Russia and Israel, they are desperately trying to keep their population growth numbers.


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The belief that China just cooks up numbers "willy nilly" is Western propaganda and completely unsubstantiated. What is this product you speak of? How can I show you every birth and death without using statistics or some paper produced by the government?

Do you have access to holodeck technology? I guess Chinese bureaucrats must be cheaters and frauds because they don't prove every fact with full immersion virtual reality implanted into every world citizens' brain.

I find it interesting the same people advocating for population decline are the same people accusing Chinese government officials of faking numbers.

You need to get your reading comprehension in order.
I'm referring to the western TFR concept that western acadamics and beaurocrats cooked up long time ago.

Do you have actual Chinese data on deaths and births number for last 40 years so we can all skip your meltdown?


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You need to get your reading comprehension in order.
I'm referring to the western TFR concept that western acadamics and beaurocrats cooked up long time ago.

Do you have actual Chinese data on deaths and births number for last 40 years so we can all skip your meltdown?

First you ask for data on "Western TFR concept", no idea what you mean can you be more specific? Are you just claiming that TFR itself is fake or fraud? I really don't know what you are saying.

Then you ask for "Chinese data on deaths and births number for last 40 years" as if you can't look them up yourself. It's easy. But why? Again, do you find it suspect the claim that Chinese population hasn't declined in that time period?


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First you ask for data on "Western TFR concept", no idea what you mean can you be more specific? Are you just claiming that TFR itself is fake or fraud? I really don't know what you are saying.

Then you ask for "Chinese data on deaths and births number for last 40 years" as if you can't look them up yourself. It's easy. But why? Again, do you find it suspect the claim that Chinese population hasn't declined in that time period?

Looks like your brain is severely effected by your meltdown.


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Shenzhen to Resettle 60% of Residents in Public Housing Scheme Similar to Singapore’s

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China’s hi-tech metropolis of Shenzhen will adopt a public housing scheme similar to Singapore’s to allow less better-off residents get their foot on the property ladder, according to the director of the Shenzhen Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau.

Excellent choice. Singapore is a massive success story in providing housing for everyone especially lower income


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China Orders Ant Group to Revamp Its Business​

The country’s central bank made clear its displeasure with the financial technology company, adding to the growing scrutiny of Chinese internet giants.

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Chinese regulators on Sunday ordered the financial-technology giant Ant Group to fix what they described as a litany of business failings, escalating a pressure campaign that has been building since the government abruptly halted the company’s plans for a record-breaking share listing last month.

Fintech is such a minefield, full of opportunities, full of dangers. Especially with virtual currencies coming.
Well it is very clear ANT overstepped their ambitions.

1.) One of the strategic industries that the goverment holds on is the banking industry. ANT businesses are eating the classic banking lunch. Just like the old Chinese saying - Everybody has place in this world. ANT is cleary overstepping.

2.) We have seen how much they are trying to rush the ANT ipo back in October 2020. It sends a wrong signal to the authorities where millions of small businesses are struggling to recover. While ANT, a already hundreds of billions of dollars company, is trying to raise billions more.

3.) The ANT ipo was cleary designed to run away from authorities control grip by making it public, the government will have a hard time curbing their its influence.

4.) The ANT ipo brake demonstrates, who is the boss, even how rich or big or influential you are. You have to toe in the party line.