Chinese Economics Thread


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Maybe biological immortality will come to pass. Many people think it will, but we can’t rely on hopes and dreams.

China should not hope to become like Europe or it’s Anglo offshoots in America and Oceania. Sure, looking back and seeing the great things they did in the 50s and 60s, even up to the 90s in some areas (personal computing) is awe-inspiring, but they’ve really been declining since their relative overall technological and economic stagnation began happening in the 1970s. Certain industries and sectors have had spurts of innovation, but overall, they’ve been going in reverse relative to China since ‘78.

Instead of copying Western thought mindlessly like some cognitively insecure Asians, we should look to the objective truth. The objective truth is, Europeans and their offshoots in America and Oceania have had to mass import hundreds of millions of people of a different culture and mindset in the last 60-70 years because of their fertility policies. Korea and Japan are in the same shit for following the same decadent and ignorant Western social policies, but the latter refuses any immigration so instead it dies a slow death of consistent relative decline to pretty much every country on Earth, for every year, since 1990. Japan didn’t lose a decade. It lost its existence, unless it can somehow reverse its policies and get its people to make babies again. Seems hopeless but who knows.

On the other hand Korea has resorted to importing so many Southeast Asians that some demographers are predicting S. Korea will become minority ethnic Korean before the United Kingdom becomes minority British.

So basically, if you follow Western dogma, the consequences are replacing yourself with a people different from your own, who will probably end up disliking you and fomenting constant and never-ending dissent, OR even better going the Japan route of degradation, tentacle porn, mass suicide, insecurity and meekness, and worst of all, barren wombs.

One thing Mao definitely got right was that population friggin matters. We can thank him for this massive population boom which has resulted in 1.4 billion 105-IQ Chinese. I wouldn’t give that up. America will continue growing and China should maintain the >4 to 1 population disparity ratio with them.

Asians always settle for just winning. It’s like an insecurity. Oh we finally won against the Whites, it’s so shocking, we should just settle for that. Screw that. Press the advantage. If we could terraform Mars and the Moon, do it. Put a hundred billion Chinese there. That’s how the Whites have thought, never-ending mega projects of daring and adventurous thought. Never resting on their laurels. If there’s one thing I’ll admire them for once they are nigh-extinct by the end of the century it’s that.

To conclude, China’s population disparity with the West is a good thing. The excuse that population sizes’ affect national development has never been proven. It’s just a saying reinforced by Western liberal environmentalists wishful thinking.

I don’t say China should go and try to have 10 kids per woman, especially not right now. But those advocating for population decline are enemies of China. China should at the very LEAST maintain its population with a TFR of 2.1.

PS: The belief that India can’t develop because of its population size is ridiculous and wrong. Then how does China? Magic? India’s innate talent pool is just significantly lower, and the brain drain to America doesn’t help.
No, it's simple. It's already been proven that whites are destructive of other cultures. As I said before, African Americans should given the entire Australian continent, since 40 million African Americans should be an ideal fit for Australia's geography when all the whites have to move out. Whites can keep control of North America to give themselves another chance to prove themselves. I think we're being very nice with this arrangement. No one is being greedy here, everyone wins.


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If we're going to talk population transfers, it makes more sense to displace all anglos back to the british isles, then build a massive HSR network linking China, through south east Asia and down to the tip fo the Gulf of Carpentaria and down to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.
Since the Anglos took australia by the gun, sword and via extermination, they should have no issue with the more humane treatment of simply being evacuated back to the UK than the 'rabbit proof fence' version of ethnic cleansing that they themselves did to the aboriginals.

Then, mass population transfer at least 50-100mln Chinese soldier-farmers to cultivate the land, mine, and turn the southern continent into a breadbasket for the rest of east Asia.


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The last decades we have had many advancements in electric related technologies including the white LED, lithium batteries, superconductors, etc. I think focusing too much on oil usage and lack of oil as a problem in agriculture, as if it would limit population growth, is making something to be a big problem when it actually isn't insurmountable.

Solar and wind energy alone could power a population several times over what we have right now with the correct energy transmission, storage, and load balancing put in place. Nuclear fission power alone could power human civilization for at least a couple of centuries, same deal for coal, by that time we are bound to have come up with something else. The problem with chemical fertilizer being made from "oil" well also overrated. The problem with chemical fertilizer production is you need some hydrogen source to make ammonia (NH4) and the cheapest way to get it used to be from oil. Today you typically do it from natural gas (CH4) which is both cheaper as a process and uses a more plentiful feedstock. You could also use high temperature electrolysis to get it from other processes. You could even use solar thermal to crack water and you could store either the hydrogen or the fertilizer i.e. only do it in the daytime. It is not as big of a deal as some people make it to be. With the switch to electric transportation in urban centers and most people living in or around cities the amount of oil required to conduct human transportation activities will decrease and it can be used elsewhere. If you have large urban centers then practices like vertical farming in enclosed factory farms also becomes an option. It is already being used in Japan and elsewhere to grow vegetables in the middle of urban areas.

I also don't doubt they will get driverless cars working and that will put a huge amount of people out of their jobs in the trucking industry alone.

It's a given that every big issue around human existence usually comes with all different point of views. Some may change their mind, some may not.
I accept that there might be a few good points that you'd make, but it's the whole mess of inequality, diseases and general human activities that would bring instability and conflicts across the globe that are far more intense and greater than humans ever experienced before. I'd rate it as a life that you wouldn't imagine living it yourself.
It's good there have been a few bright spots to cheer up for a bigger population size. Maybe, just maybe, there might be a few pitfalls as well along the way that are just bad enough to stand back and ponder. How much of all these tweaks and modifications have their concentration in current application in percentage wise on a global scale? How far ahead are they for daily practical use? I have to ask further, because, as an analogy I cannot buy a mansion based on a lottery I will win next week. It will be 10 - 15 billions by end of the century if we keep going at it. Have we sorted out the kinks in recycling those LED and lithium batteries? For our daily energy needs, it's not the fertilizer per se that I'd be worried about. It's the extensive use of pesticides and non-labelled GMO crops that I'd be worried about as they will be extensively used to meet 10 -15 billions people's need. Will the meat and fruits I eat would be safe over the long term, with all the fancy stuff in commercial farming and agriculture, like anti-bionics and hormones, again multiplied in intensity to meet 10 -15 billions people's need. Why microplastics are showing up in placenta of pregnant women right now? Then what would be level of pollution at that time? Will we have enough fish species to catch or farm with no contaminants? Where do we get our daily protein? Growing it out of petri dish? as feed to meat ratio of chicken, pigs and cows will be a major issue supporting 10 - 15 billions people world wide. Feed them GMO crops and humans eat them again? How about daily garbage and waste that 10-15 billions people generate? Burn them off, pile the up, wash the down the stream?Where and who will do the massive Investments for those solar and wind energy and building their infrastructure given the special interests and politics, again for 10 -15 billions people's need? How soon and how much nuclear power will substitute traditional power generation? 80%? 90%? Robots are best for transportation problems, because they don't commute. Can we have more robots than people in the city, or mega slums?Some of these questions and problems can't easily be buffed out by a mere wishful thinking.
My biggest concern is inequality will be so profound in that 10-15 billions population that a majority of them will be treated as a common commodity, the rot of a society that stinks sky high. If that happens, there will be no China left.


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China Orders Ant Group to Revamp Its Business​

The country’s central bank made clear its displeasure with the financial technology company, adding to the growing scrutiny of Chinese internet giants.

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Chinese regulators on Sunday ordered the financial-technology giant Ant Group to fix what they described as a litany of business failings, escalating a pressure campaign that has been building since the government abruptly halted the company’s plans for a record-breaking share listing last month.

Fintech is such a minefield, full of opportunities, full of dangers. Especially with virtual currencies coming.


Registered Member
not in Thailand, they have quite good relationship, also both Thais and Chinese have the same religion Buddhist, which help greatly

I bow to your knowledge of Thailand. But I recall reading somewhere that Chinese diaspora in Thailand all took Thai names because of discrimination. This maybe in the distant past, but hey, I took it as discrimination nonetheless.


Registered Member
I bow to your knowledge of Thailand. But I recall reading somewhere that Chinese diaspora in Thailand all took Thai names because of discrimination. This maybe in the distant past, but hey, I took it as discrimination nonetheless.
Hi Gatekeeper,

Is there any account in Chinese history of Chinese princess marrying a Thai king? If you look closely at the Thai monarchy family, their looks had certain features of East Asian ancestry.


Registered Member
Hi Gatekeeper,

Is there any account in Chinese history of Chinese princess marrying a Thai king? If you look closely at the Thai monarchy family, their looks had certain features of East Asian ancestry.
The previous King of Thailand, the guy who everyone loved, had a Chinese mother. "Prince Bhumibol therefore never knew his father and was entirely raised by his mother, Sangwan, a commoner of Chinese ancestry who was training as a nurse in the U.S. when she met Prince Mahidol."

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Isn't Marcos also had Chinese blood?

EDIT: I just checked that Marcos had a Chinese father. "Marcos's real father was not Mariano but a wealthy Chinese man named Ferdinand Chua." Imelda had quite a collection of shoes right?


Registered Member
The previous King of Thailand, the guy who everyone loved, had a Chinese mother. "Prince Bhumibol therefore never knew his father and was entirely raised by his mother, Sangwan, a commoner of Chinese ancestry who was training as a nurse in the U.S. when she met Prince Mahidol."

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Isn't Marcos also had Chinese blood?

EDIT: I just checked that Marcos had a Chinese father. "Marcos's real father was not Mariano but a wealthy Chinese man named Ferdinand Chua." Imelda had quite a collection of shoes right?
Hi Crang,

Thanks for the info, I'm perplexed by the facial features of the late Thai king, his looks had a lot of commonality with my grandfather on my father side.

Regarding Marcos, yes he is a Hua Qiao(we had the same surname CHUA or TSAI), while his wife Imelda who is from a Romualdez Family had a mixture of Spanish and Chinese mestizo. The same with Ninoy Aquino and his wife Corazon Aquino. Let me give you a background, Marcos is not part of the landed elite or Chinese mestizo, he needed a boost on his political career so he married Imelda, the problem is Imelda came from the poorer branch of the Romauldez family, and she is looking forward to have Ninoy Aquino to be her husband to boost her family fortune. Instead Ninoy Aquino married Corazon Cojuangco a daughter of the prominent Cojuangcos family (a large hacienderos/land owners) to boost his own. See the romantic saga that involve this two families had a profound impact in my country history, The feud between them set my country back decades of development. The disunity and fracture of our society, I think the term CULTURED WAR should be trademark by both families, they practically invented it.
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Registered Member
Hi Crang,

Thanks for the info, I'm perplexed by the facial features of the late Thai king, his looks had a lot of commonality with my grandfather on my father side.

Regarding Marcos, yes he is a Hua Qiao(we had the same surname CHUA or TSAI), while his wife Imelda who is from a Romualdez Family had a mixture of Spanish and Chinese mestizo. The same with Ninoy Aquino and his wife Corazon Aquino. Let me give you a background, Marcos is not part of the landed elite or Chinese mestizo, he needed a boost on his political career so he married Imelda, the problem is Imelda came from the poorer branch of the Romauldez family, and she is looking forward to have Ninoy Aquino to be her husband to boost her family fortune. Instead Ninoy Aquino married Corazon Cojuangco a daughter of the prominent Cojuangcos family (a large hacienderos/land owners) to boost his own. See the romantic saga that involve this two families had a profound impact in my country history, The feud between them set my country back decades of development. The disunity and fracture of our society, I think the term CULTURED WAR should be trademark by both families, they practically invented it.
Well politics is nice and all that, but I like Imelda's shoe collection the most. Call me vain or superficial


Registered Member
Over-population is no longer a huge global concern as it was in the 1970's. Back then Club of Rome worried about everything. Modern farming techniques including emerging ones like vertical farming have dramatically increased yield (per unit of land) while reducing water wastage.

Really? Try saying that to the starving millions in Africa and India.

That's the trouble with you younger people. You have not experienced hunger, and thinks more mouths to feed is better. That's the same way India is thinking.