Chinese Economics Thread


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Not trying to post flame bait or anything, this is essentially propaganda.

Look at what happened the last two years. The war between the US government and Huawei 5G was not a contest of soft power.
Yes it was.
Everyone wanted to buy Huawei for 5G, until the Americans started threatening other nations with dire consequences and non-stop harping on the Yellow Peril.
And it worked because China was so hated.
They never bothered to provide any proof either of their claims.
They didn't need to, because again, China is so hated that European countries instinctively distrust it now. Anything connected with the CPC is automatically suspect because China keeps picking fights.
If that is how the Americans practice soft power with threats, racism, and hostility, then China should have nothing to do with this game.
It doesn't matter if China "has nothing to do with it", America will continue to attack China with threats, racism and hostility and it will work as long as China is hated by the world. Here is PROOF that China's soft power is the lowest it has been in recent history in many countries:

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You can't argue with numbers. China can either allow itself to be smeared on the world stage by America, in which case it will suffer, or it can improve its soft power by seeking better relations with other countries and a better image for itself. It should choose the latter.


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Its important chinese people dont succumb to the same foods which have poisoned the americans. China's government is rightly pushing forward with trying to promote healthy eating. America's unhealthy population places massive burdens on their healthcare system, and also pre-existing conditions explained why they also died of higher rates with COVID then some of their peers in the developed world that are still noticeably poorer.

In this aspect, I hope china's government takes more aggressive action against smoking and taxing alcohol more aggressively. These are both goods with huge externalities.
Its becoming less and less common among the young.

Probably would be less if government healthcare stops covering alcohol/smoking related diseases.


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You can't argue with numbers. China can either allow itself to be smeared on the world stage by America, in which case it will suffer, or it can improve its soft power by seeking better relations with other countries and a better image for itself. It should choose the latter.
That is what you said before, so this is just repeating what you said.

The numbers are true, such as China exports to the world hit an all time high the past couple of months.


Yes it was.

And it worked because China was so hated.

They didn't need to, because again, China is so hated that European countries instinctively distrust it now. Any connected with the CPC is automatically suspect because China keeps picking fights.

It doesn't matter if China "has nothing to do with it", America will continue to attack China with threats, racism and hostility and it will work as long as China is hated by the world. Here is PROOF that China's soft power is the lowest it has been in recent history in many countries:

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You can't argue with numbers. China can either allow itself to be smeared on the world stage by America, in which case it will suffer, or it can improve its soft power by seeking better relations with other countries and a better image for itself. It should choose the latter.
That is absolutely the stupidest take-away possible from the Huawei saga. If American soft power could prevail, it wouldn't be using sanctions. Actually, American's soft power failed. Countries wouldn't listen to it, so America threatened them and their intelligence agencies. It also had to offer cash to buy them equipment that was non-Huawei, and wealth is also hard power. Companies wouldn't drop business with Huawei, so America sanctioned them. It's all about the hard power behind who controls technology and finance. There is no soft power without hard power; that is just useless begging.

China picks no fights but wins all those that land on its doorstep, and lackies of the West will say that China started those fights or bullies others in their happless fit that China could not be defeated. The CCP will not waste its time trying to covet the approval of those who harbor racist hatred towards Chinese (or simply non-Caucasian people) as you would suggest but it will strengthen China, economically and technologically until it is unopposable by remaining the greatest economic reward in the world but also by overcoming all the resistance that America will try to put onto it to also become the path of least resistance. That is the only way forward for China; your defeatism is for countries like Japan.

Your "proof" is incomplete and biased. I can absolutely argue with numbers by dissecting the dataset. The countries they selected are all democracies and traditional allies or lackies of the US. To them, in this world, American support is still the hard power that shapes their fortunes. Even so, they could not hide that younger people see China more favorably than the older generation. The study shows that favorable opinions of China in these countries were highest when China was the weakest; these are adversary countries that do no like to see a non-Anglo country become powerful. Furthermore, China's economy outperforming theirs by vast expanses due to their mishandling of COVID drew their jealousy and spite. What this shows is exactly what I said: China can only covet Western approval by failing or being weak. I can conduct a similar study with countries that I select that will show favorable opinions of China and unfavorable opinions of the US rising in every age group.
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The spokes and wheel strategy is probably the best description I have read about what China was doing in the world.

China would be the economic center, and then other countries are described as spokes.

RCEP - is a deal between ASEAN and China. But it also includes other countries like Korea and Japan. Notice that, China and ASEAN join hand, but so do the three northeast Asian states with the big guy in the middle.

Africa - the BRI goes through there.

The Middle East - the BRI goes through there along with Covid vaccines.

Russia and China have stable and good relations.

Now we come to this EU and China investment deal. In my view expressed in an couple posts above, regardless if this deal is signed, Germany and China will strengthen their relationship.

Imagine the map of Europe. Russian is the biggest European country in population and an oil & gas superpower. Germany is among the most important economy in the world not only just Europe.

China would have decent relationships reaching into Russia, reaching into Germany right in the center of Europe and southern Europe, reaching into Africa, reaching into The Middle East, reaching into ASEAN, and reaching out to its neighbors.

China was able to get Korea and Japan together in a pact like RECP when the Americans could never do it.

Not sure why the forum kept talking about soft power today.

These Chinese relationship we saw built in recent years in front of our eyes was not the result of conquest or intimidation, everyone agreed and are happy with their decisions.


If you do not buy this Huawei base station ... Ren Zhengfei will visit your office with an offer you can't refuse or something?



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You have no evidence for this claim.
Here is evidence: "Tommy Zwicky who was working as the Chinese firm's vice president for communications in Denmark for more than six months has quit. His resignation comes after internal Huawei documents were made public, which talked about an "Uyghur alarm" system that Huawei had worked on with a Chinese firm 'Megvii' that specialises in facial-recognition softwares, back in 2018."

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This has nothing to do with sanctions. It is solely moral approbation against Huawei for being connected to the CPC. Here is criticism of Huawei along similar lines:
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You really think the US would churn out all these articles if soft power doesn't matter? Of course it matters. No one is asking for begging. Just being strategic. Even the US which is the greatest hard power center in the world, elites understand the value of soft power and always have. That is why Hollywood churns out propaganda every day.


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Here is evidence: "Tommy Zwicky who was working as the Chinese firm's vice president for communications in Denmark for more than six months has quit. His resignation comes after internal Huawei documents were made public, which talked about an "Uyghur alarm" system that Huawei had worked on with a Chinese firm 'Megvii' that specialises in facial-recognition softwares, back in 2018."

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This has nothing to do with sanctions. It is solely moral approbation against Huawei for being connected to the CPC. Here is criticism of Huawei along similar lines:
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You really think the US would churn out all these articles if soft power doesn't matter? Of course it matters. No one is asking for begging. Just being strategic. Even the US which is the greatest hard power center in the world, elites understand the value of soft power and always have. That is why Hollywood churns out propaganda every day.

No, you wrote China was "picking fights". You have no evidence that China was picking any fights and further more, you have no evidence that the worsening relation between China and the US is caused by these alleged fights instigated by China. As for your irrelevant and shoddy "evidence", the all of news article you posted were from december of 2020 citing recent events while the trade war has been ongoing for 2 years now. An event in happnening in december of 2020 could not have caused Europe of acquiesce to anti-China sanctions in the past since future events do not influence past events. I hope you know this much at least.


Here is evidence: "Tommy Zwicky who was working as the Chinese firm's vice president for communications in Denmark for more than six months has quit. His resignation comes after internal Huawei documents were made public, which talked about an "Uyghur alarm" system that Huawei had worked on with a Chinese firm 'Megvii' that specialises in facial-recognition softwares, back in 2018."

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This has nothing to do with sanctions. It is solely moral approbation against Huawei for being connected to the CPC. Here is criticism of Huawei along similar lines:
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You really think the US would churn out all these articles if soft power doesn't matter? Of course it matters. No one is asking for begging. Just being strategic. Even the US which is the greatest hard power center in the world, elites understand the value of soft power and always have. That is why Hollywood churns out propaganda every day.
Your evidence only points to racism because a country like America can commit actual atrocities on its borders when China's atrocities are fabricated from satellite images of random buildings accused of being prison camps. You are correct that Europeans instinctively distrust China, but not for any other reason than that it is an Asian nation that will not yield to Western dominance.

Your hit piece biased articles prove nothing... or just nothing that you'd want to prove. It's fine for US companies to contract with the US police who kill black people for running away and the US military which kills civilians in the middle east for fun but not ok for a Chinese company to create software to identify criminals for Chinese law enforcements? Nothing but racism. The US media churns out these articles because it's popular to grant the American people a common enemy. Chinese media churns out articles too for Chinese citizens to read on the amoral actions of the US so Chinese people know what country is hostile and evil. By your logic, that's even Stevens. Your "strategy" can be best summarized as offering concessions against your own core interests to those who are racist against you while begging them to stop hating you. It is, for lack of more descriptive words, stupid and pathologically weak.
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Nobonita Barua

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Here is evidence: "Tommy Zwicky who was working as the Chinese firm's vice president for communications in Denmark for more than six months has quit. His resignation comes after internal Huawei documents were made public, which talked about an "Uyghur alarm" system that Huawei had worked on with a Chinese firm 'Megvii' that specialises in facial-recognition softwares, back in 2018."

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Same here:
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This has nothing to do with sanctions. It is solely moral approbation against Huawei for being connected to the CPC. Here is criticism of Huawei along similar lines:
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You really think the US would churn out all these articles if soft power doesn't matter? Of course it matters. No one is asking for begging. Just being strategic. Even the US which is the greatest hard power center in the world, elites understand the value of soft power and always have. That is why Hollywood churns out propaganda every day.
Thats your biggest bet on soft power? Some footballer quitting over some report? Yet he didnt offer anything to uighurs?

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Soft power matters. Its US soft power that is outdated. You need better things than that, No body gives a f--k to your moral obligation. You can morally stand up & sit down in your place. If you send your funny costume boys because you cant control your morality, we will go over there to your place & will control it for you.