Chinese Daily Photos, 2011 to 2019!

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Members of Chinese Antarctic exploration team take photos of an Adelie penguin in Victoria Land in Antarctica, Jan. 13, 2014. China is planning to build a perennial station in Victoria Land by 2015. (Xinhua/Zhang Jiansong)

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What's the big deal about this auto auction? When I worked for a large rent-a-car company I went to auto auctions weekly. Just asking.
A woman winning the bidding of a Hummer H3 is interviewed by journalists after an auction for official cars belonging to Wuliangye Group, a state-owned wine enterprise, in Yibin City, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Jan. 14, 2014. The four-day auction for official cars, part of the anti-corruption drive to curb official car abuse, ends Tuesday here with the total volume of 324 vehicles and 30.03 million yuan (4.97 million U.S. dollars). (Xinhua/Yi Youbo)

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The combined photo taken on Jan. 14, 2014 shows the eel fry seized by staff members of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau at the Beijing Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China. Twelve boxes of eel fry carried by a passenger from Germany without any examine and approve documents were seized at the airport Monday which is the first time of its kind. Illegal introduction of creatures may break the local ecological balance and bring a disaster to local creatures. (Xinhua/Luo Xiaoguang)

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Rescuers ride a lift down to the well where a roof collapse occurred at Zhuji coal mine in Huainan City, east China's Anhui Province, Jan. 14, 2014. The accident happened on Tuesday morning. By far, one trapped miner had been lifted and 22 others remained trapped in the mine, according to the Anhui Provincial Department of Safety Supervision. (Xinhua/Du Yu)

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Police officers investigate at the blast scene in Laoshan Village, Kaili City in southwest China's Guizhou Province, Jan. 14, 2014. Eight suspects were detained as the death toll from a southwest China village blast rose to 15, local police said Tuesday. (Xinhua/Ou Dongqu)

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Visitors have fun playing with different kinds winter recreation equipment at the 2014 Shenyang International Ice and Snow Festival in Shenyang, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province, on Jan. 12, 2014. (Photo:

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Zhang Shuxia , an obstetrician in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, who is involved in a baby trafficking scandal, is escorted off the Weinan Intermediate People's Court in Weinan, Shaanxi Province, Jan. 14, 2014. Zhang was sentenced to death with a two years' reprieve on Tuesday for trafficking seven babies, a local court said. (Xinhua/Li Yibo)

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A poster promoting stamps of the Year of the Horse is on display at a post office in Toronto, Jan. 13, 2014. Canada Post issued the Year of the Horse domestic and international rate stamps and collectibles on Monday in celebration of the upcoming Chinese Lunar Year of the Horse. (Xinhua/Zou Zheng)

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A Chinese student shows her first day covers of the Year of the Horse at a post office in Toronto, Jan. 13, 2014. (Xinhua/Zou Zheng)

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Chinese actress Ni Ni poses in a ballet studio for TRENDSHEALTH magazine during a recent photoshoot. [Photo/Xinhua]

bd popeye

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1月14日北京西客站迎来春运倒数第二天,旅客进站有序,车站的客流接待工作平稳进行。虽然还未正式进入春运,有的旅客已提前开始返乡旅途,候车厅里人头攒动。在本月16日春运正式开始后,西客站将陆陆续续增开临时客车以解决外出打工人员返乡难得问题。 摄影:周守静

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Ya' know.. you fellows that can't read Chinese could do popeye a favor by doing a basic translation on these Chinese caption..most times the google translation make no sense..Thank you.

014年1月6日8时许,辽宁鞍山,谭诗媛在姥姥的带领下来到了鞍钢集团总医院。1月1日,小诗媛因为感冒 发烧,在该医院诊断为支气管肺炎并伴有支原体感染。医生为其开具处方:头孢唑肟及红霉素静脉滴注。图为女童 妈妈抱女儿遗体嚎哭。

用药的第一天护士给做的试敏,结果是正常状态,于是连续用了5天的药。”小诗媛的姥姥说。6日9时左右,护 士将药液滴入小诗媛的体内。“大约5分钟后,孩子便开始感觉不舒服,很快就出现了抽搐症状。

小诗媛的姥姥说,“医生和护士只是给使用了安定,我一再要求医生将正在使用的药液停下来,但医生认为拔下针 管后再输液会很麻烦。”9时20分左右,孩子父亲谭先生看见女儿在不停地大口喘息,连忙给医生跪下,“救救 我的女儿。但医生表示‘没事儿,这孩子因为扎安定,是睡着了”

大概在11时30分左右,孩子死亡。对于儿童输液是否会导致死亡,沈阳市儿童医院重症医学科主任魏志珍表示 ,如果是过敏一般情况医院都会有较好的抢救药物及措施,而引发死亡的病例会因为感染脑炎、脑疝 所致。

I suck at translating, but the gist of it is that the little girl had a cold and was running a fever. Her grandmother took her to the hospital, where they put her on intravenous medication. The girl started having a reaction only 5 minutes afterwards, but the doctors did not think there was a problem and only gave her some sedative.

The girl's grandmother asked the doctor to stop the medication, but the doctor felt that it was too complicated to take off the needle and restart the intravenous procedure. At around 9:20, the girl began to gasp for breath. The girl's father begged the doctor on his knees to help his daughter, but the doctor said that there was nothing to worry about.

Around 11:30, the girl died. The director of the pediatrics (not sure if it's the same hospital) says that the cause of death is unlikely to be an allergic reaction to the medication, but might be due to encephalitis or cerebral hernia (?).

There really are a lot of problems with Chinese hospitals these days. This is not the first time I've read about kids dying due to hospital treatment. The entire healthcare system in China needs to be completely revamped.

The photo depicts the mother of the little girl crying while holding her body. I find it really disrespectful that they published photos of the girl's body. :mad:

This story just breaks my heart. :(

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
The photo depicts the mother of the little girl crying while holding her body. I find it really disrespectful that they published photos of the girl's body. :mad:

This story just breaks my heart. :(

Thanks for the translation..unfortunately there are many photos of persons grieving over the bodies of deceased loved ones in the Chinese media. I do not know why.


New Member
I suck at translating, but the gist of it is that the little girl had a cold and was running a fever. Her grandmother took her to the hospital, where they put her on intravenous medication. The girl started having a reaction only 5 minutes afterwards, but the doctors did not think there was a problem and only gave her some sedative.

The girl's grandmother asked the doctor to stop the medication, but the doctor felt that it was too complicated to take off the needle and restart the intravenous procedure. At around 9:20, the girl began to gasp for breath. The girl's father begged the doctor on his knees to help his daughter, but the doctor said that there was nothing to worry about.

Around 11:30, the girl died. The director of the pediatrics (not sure if it's the same hospital) says that the cause of death is unlikely to be an allergic reaction to the medication, but might be due to encephalitis or cerebral hernia (?).

There really are a lot of problems with Chinese hospitals these days. This is not the first time I've read about kids dying due to hospital treatment. The entire healthcare system in China needs to be completely revamped.

The photo depicts the mother of the little girl crying while holding her body. I find it really disrespectful that they published photos of the girl's body. :mad:

This story just breaks my heart. :(

Overuse/misuse of IV therapy for minor illnesses is a massive problem in China and it is estimated that 390,000 people die each year due to complications resulting from IV therapy. Outpatient IV therapy isn't even practiced in most countries outside of China because IV therapy requires close supervision in order to avoid potentially very serious complications that include hypothermia, pulmonary oedema and death. In Chinese hospitals you'll see entire outpatient wards full of people with IV packs dangling over their heads. Ask them why they're here and most of them will say it's because they have a cold and the doctor has prescribed them several days of IV therapy with antibiotics:mad:. The main reason why IV therapy is over-prescribed in China is simple: money. Doctors and hospitals get kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their drugs and IV therapy is more expensive than oral medications.

The paediatrician mentioned at the end of the article is also lying through his teeth. The symptoms that the deceased girl displayed shortly before her death - discomfort, shock, and breathing difficulties followed by cardiac arrest and death - are symptoms strongly associated with an adverse reaction to IV therapy. God this whole thing makes my blood boil. :mad:
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Junior Member
I suck at translating, but the gist of it is that the little girl had a cold and was running a fever. Her grandmother took her to the hospital, where they put her on intravenous medication. The girl started having a reaction only 5 minutes afterwards, but the doctors did not think there was a problem and only gave her some sedative.

The girl's grandmother asked the doctor to stop the medication, but the doctor felt that it was too complicated to take off the needle and restart the intravenous procedure. At around 9:20, the girl began to gasp for breath. The girl's father begged the doctor on his knees to help his daughter, but the doctor said that there was nothing to worry about.

Around 11:30, the girl died. The director of the pediatrics (not sure if it's the same hospital) says that the cause of death is unlikely to be an allergic reaction to the medication, but might be due to encephalitis or cerebral hernia (?).

There really are a lot of problems with Chinese hospitals these days. This is not the first time I've read about kids dying due to hospital treatment. The entire healthcare system in China needs to be completely revamped.

The photo depicts the mother of the little girl crying while holding her body. I find it really disrespectful that they published photos of the girl's body. :mad:

This story just breaks my heart. :(
Basically what was said in the news was that she started getting IV in January 1st, they did allergy testing on the first day and it turned out normal, so the treatment was continued for several days. She developed acute symptoms shortly after starting IV on the fifth day. The parents reported that symptoms were first ignored by the hospital staff and efforts to resuscitate did not begin until too late. The parents suspect that it was an allergic reaction which the hospital mishandled. The hospital denied being at fault and said they will wait for autopsy results.

A director of pediatrics from a different hospital (probably interviewed by the reporter to provide expert opinion) said if it was an allergic reaction there are usually well established producers and medications to treat it. It is more common for encephalitis or cerebral hernia to be the cause of death.

It's not your fault in the translation because the last part was very poorly written in the original Chinese article, I have to guess what it means. It was just bad journalism.

The overuse of IV is definitely a serious problem in China and it is usually being abused in treating fever. Even the department of health said in 2011 that they're looking to control it more strictly, but I wonder if any significant progress has been made. It's worth noting that many Chinese patients themselves also demands IV treatment because they think it can take effect faster and allow them to go back to work sooner, etc.


Junior Member
Thanks for the translation..unfortunately there are many photos of persons grieving over the bodies of deceased loved ones in the Chinese media. I do not know why.
To grab public attention which will oftentimes give the victim's family more power in demanding reparation. Some people also see it as a way to prevent cover-up and oppression when some form of authority or powerful figure is potentially at fault.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Thanks for the post and translations gents!

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Trapped workers in a coal mine accident are rescued and lifted safely in Huainan City, east China's Anhui Province, Jan. 14, 2014. By far, 21 trapped miners had been lifted safely and another one died, according to the Huainan Mining Industry Co., Ltd., a state-owned group of the Zhuji coal mine. (Xinhua/Du Yu)

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Trapped workers in a coal mine accident leave the shaft after being lifted in Huainan City, east China's Anhui Province, Jan. 14, 2014.

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Investigators work in a burnt shoe factory in Wenling, east China's Zhejiang Province, Jan. 14, 2014. A fire broke out at 2:52 p.m. in the shoe factory in Wenling City on Tuesday, leaving at least 16 people dead, the local government said. Firefighters are still searching for survivors. An initial investigation into the cause of the fire is under way. (Xinhua/Lin Gensheng)

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Rescuers try to save people trapped in a factory fire in Wenling, east China's Zhejiang Province, Jan. 14, 2014.

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Injured people receive treatment at Wenling City's No.1 People's Hospital in Wenling, east China's Zhejiang Province, Jan. 15, 2014. 16 people were killed and 5 others injured in a factory fire on Tuesday in Wenling City, the local government said. (Xinhua/Ju Huanzong)

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Transport system to be fully stretched for "Chunyun" as people wait for trains throughout China.... | 01.15.2014 | Editor: Bi Mingxin

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Photo taken on Jan. 15, 2014 shows the passengers in the waiting room of Shenyang North Railway Station in Shenyang, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province. The 40-day spring travel rush starting on Jan. 16 and ending on Feb. 24 will transport 3.623 billion passengers this year, 200 million more than last year, predicted by National Development and Reform Commission. (Xinhua/Zhang Wenkui)

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A child looks out through the window of a train at Nanjing Railway Station in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, Jan. 15, 2014.

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Singer Wang Rong performs during a spring festival gala held for Beijing drifters in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 14, 2013. (Xinhua/Wang Zhen)

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Children perform during a spring festival gala held for Beijing drifters in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 14, 2013. (Xinhua/Wang Zhen)

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Singer Sun Jiafan (C) performs during a spring festival gala held for Beijing drifters in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 14, 2013. (Xinhua/Wang Zhen)

bd popeye

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Chinese State Councilor Guo Shengkun (R), who is also minister of public security, meets with Sedov A. S., deputy director-general of the Russian Federal Security Service, in Beijing, China, Jan. 15, 2014. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei)

BEIJING, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor Guo Shengkun vowed on Wednesday to facilitate closer cooperation between the security departments of China and Russia.

Guo, also minister of public security, made the remarks while meeting with a Russian delegation led by Sedov A. S., deputy director-general of the Russian Federal Security Service.

Guo hailed the stable development of China-Russia cooperation in law enforcement and security in recent years, saying it had played an important role in safeguarding national stability and protecting the legitimate rights of the two peoples.

He called for closer bilateral cooperation in law enforcement and security in order to make new contributions to the growth of the China-Russia partnership.

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Tourists purchase products at a duty-free shop in Sanya, south China's Hainan Province, Jan. 15, 2014. The volume of sales of free commodities sums up 3.3 billion yuan ( 545.82 million U.S. dollars) in 2013 on the offshore islands in Hainan Province with the volume of customers surpassing 1.1 million. (Xinhua/Zhang Yongfeng)

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Photo taken on Jan. 15, 2014 shows the new Oriental Pearl TV Tower after renovation in Shanghai, east China. The tower, which boasts of a 20-year history, took on a new look as the seven-month remedy came to an end. (Xinhua/Liu Xiaojing)

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Tourists poses for a photo with a peacock-shaped lantern at the Baotuquan Park of Ji'nan, capital of east China's Shandong Province, Jan. 15, 2014. The 35th Baotuquan Spring Festival lantern show will kick off at the park on Jan. 31, the first day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar. (Xinhua/Guo Xulei)

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Pan Wenyi (1st L) listens to his teacher's chanting during a "Dujie" ceremony, in the Tonglian Village of the Tonglian Yao Township, in Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Jan. 14, 2014. Pan Wenyi, a 13-year-old boy living in the Tonglian Village of the Tonglian Yao Township, in Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, has just come across a 14-day-long intricate "Dujie" Ceremony together with other 11 male peers. The "Dujie" Ceremony, regarded as one of the traditional customs of the Yao ethnic people, is the religious admittance ceremony as well as a must moral education for the young men from the Yao ethnic group. Pan, together with his peers, has successfully undergone this ceremony from Jan.1 including partaking in traditional etiquette lessons, listening to teachers' chanting and climbing up a ladder of knifes, etc. Only after "Dujie" can young men enjoy social rights according to the Yao ethnic group's customs. (Xinhua/Long Tao)

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Pan Wenyi (C) talks to his teacher during a "Dujie" ceremony, in the Tonglian Village of the Tonglian Yao Township, in Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Jan. 14, 2014.
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