There is never a doubt that Boeing and Airbus would do all it can to make this and any follow on aircraft by COMAC still birth but what would happen then, as in the analogy you had given about Mercedes dropping it's price to sway the sale, is these companies profit would not be as much as it should and would have a knock on effect, everthing from jacking the price up on other models to cover the loss or having less money to spend on future R and D. Long story short, just as in the Lexus eventually it will succeed so long as it keeps trying, back in the eighties the lexus were nickname a Camry in tuxedo but look at them now they are on a leaque of their own.Friends of ours have been Mercedes purchaser for decades off the same franchise holder. Last year they indicated to the Mercedes salesperson that they had decided to purchase a Lexus instead. Whereupon Mercedes turned around and made them a deal which would have been stupid to turn down.
My point here is that i think Airbus and Boeing would do the same thing to retain their customers.