I think you need to read through the 40 pages of this thread before posting such naive, superficial comments, Mr. Crazy boy.why can't China and Korea live together like USA and Canada like brothers ? Instead of provoking each other they should focus creating good relationship with each others. The recent moves by China to indirectly punish S.Korea for installing THAD will surely backfire. The more china tries to subjugate S.Korea , then more it will try to seek USA's alliance. Even Vietnam who fought a bloody war with USA is acting as a passive USA allies. China should learn how to have good relation with its neighbors if it truly wants to see peace in Asia and reduce US influence.
Once China becomes more powerful and the US backs out of Korea, China's relationship with a unified Korea could easily be like that of Canada and the US. But, right now, China is facing down the most powerful country in the world fighting a battle of influence through a torn country. It must retaliate for THAAD because it is a security risk to China. There is hope to remove it peacefully; the new government of Korea is against it and Trump recently brought up a $1 billion price tag for Korea. If these forces proved unable to stop THAAD deployment, then the Chinese military must come up with an answer (perhaps missile batteries and radar systems installed in eastern Shandong facing Seoul). This is very normal behavior. If Canada were torn in half, half of which was a Russian/Chinese puppet installing a missile system aimed at the US, you bet the US would have to find a way to retaliate. America could not stand the thought of Soviet missiles in Cuba, could they? Or do you believe that they should just be a friendly neighbor?