I feel the discussions on NK is too tainted by propaganda from western msm, even from members who are unsympathetic to the west. It just goes to show how insidious western propaganda is.
Here are some of the most common myths about NK:
1. Kim Jong Un is crazy.
No, he's not. He's shrewd and ruthless, and entirely rational. Everything he has done, and is doing, is aimed at furthering two goals: the continuation of the NK regime, and the continuation of his supreme position within that regime.
2. NK is on the brink of collapse, or NK is stuck in the dark ages.
No, NK is currently undergoing a market reform and experience strong economic growth similar to that of China in the 1980's.
3. NK is a threat to China.
Very debatable. China has no wish to see either a nuclear NK, nor a stronger US presence on the peninsula. However, the priority of those concerns, compared to, say, the South China Sea, is debatable. A nuclear NK and American missile defense on SK is still preferable to a NK regime collapse.
China's strategic priority right now is OBOR. Destabilization of the NK situation will siphon precious resources away from that project, and that is what China wishes very much to avoid right now.
By keeping the Kim dynasty afloat, China hopes to, at the worst case, buy enough time to complete OBOR, or more optimistically, for NK to grow strong enough to become a useful partner.