China's strategy in Afghanistan.


Registered Member
getting back at the terrorists was absolutely not the main objective. Being seen getting back at the terrorist was of course politically necessary. But the psychological impact of the terrorist attack in NYC and DC was ultimately leverage to provid an extraordinary and unmissable opportunity for the neoconservatives to try and realize what had up to that time been a pie in the sky dream due to the continued momentum of internationalist outlook and multinational mutural security institution built during the cold war. That dream was to leverage the overwhelming military power that the US developed during the cold war to forcibly overthrow regimes considered to be obstacles to permanent american hegemony in Euroasia in the post cold war world. 9/11 was used to run roughshod over those tradition multinational mutural security institutions and pretend unilateralist american hegemony was the most internationalist thing of all.

Attainment of the dream to excert anerican military dominion across the middle east was actually if briefly within reach, if administration did not also fuck up so badly by being so greedy as to impose constraints on the effort designed to maximize the domestic political advantage for the republican party.
Most of what you said was happening with or without an Afghan invasion. Talking about Iraq, the extent which they were willing to sell the war, making up an imminent nuclear weapon threat, they were going in one way or another. Bin Laden/Taliban/Afghanistan just made it easier.

If anything, 9/11 rode roughshod over domestic rights. The collapse of the Soviet Union already sold the world on American hegemony disguised as protection of freedom, human rights and democracy. Again, no Afghan war or 9/11 necessary.

Basically I don't disagree with 90% of what you said, just to me Afghanistan was a side door that unlocked rather then the front door that had to be kicked in.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
getting back at the terrorists was absolutely not the main objective. Being seen getting back at the terrorist was of course politically necessary. But the psychological impact of the terrorist attack in NYC and DC was ultimately leverage to provid an extraordinary and unmissable opportunity for the neoconservatives to try and realize what had up to that time been a pie in the sky dream due to the continued momentum of internationalist outlook and multinational mutural security institution built during the cold war. That dream was to leverage the overwhelming military power that the US developed during the cold war to forcibly overthrow regimes considered to be obstacles to permanent american hegemony in Euroasia in the post cold war world. 9/11 was used to run roughshod over those tradition multinational mutural security institutions and pretend unilateralist american hegemony was the most internationalist thing of all.

Attainment of the dream to excert anerican military dominion across the middle east was actually if briefly within reach, if administration did not also fuck up so badly by being so greedy as to impose constraints on the effort designed to maximize the domestic political advantage for the republican party.
Most of what you said was happening with or without an Afghan invasion. Talking about Iraq, the extent which they were willing to sell the war, making up an imminent nuclear weapon threat, they were going in one way or another. Bin Laden/Taliban/Afghanistan just made it easier.

If anything, 9/11 rode roughshod over domestic rights. The collapse of the Soviet Union already sold the world on American hegemony disguised as protection of freedom, human rights and democracy. Again, no Afghan war or 9/11 necessary.

Basically I don't disagree with 90% of what you said, just to me Afghanistan was a side door that unlocked rather then the front door that had to be kicked in.

prior to 9/11 the bush administration certainly did not appear to be headed towards imperial conquest of the mideast. it seemed more like a caretaker government after the unconvincing republican electoral victory in the contested 2000 election cycle. 9/11 brought the neoconservatives to the fore to overthrow about 5 decades of American foreign policy approach.

I think it is not a stretch to say trump is a outgrowth of american reaction to 9/11, snd in the end Bin Laden succeeded better than ever knew to striking a mortal blow to the US that he knew.


Lieutenant General
prior to 9/11 the bush administration certainly did not appear to be headed towards imperial conquest of the mideast. it seemed more like a caretaker government after the unconvincing republican electoral victory in the contested 2000 election cycle. 9/11 brought the neoconservatives to the fore to overthrow about 5 decades of American foreign policy approach.

I think it is not a stretch to say trump is a outgrowth of american reaction to 9/11, snd in the end Bin Laden succeeded better than ever knew to striking a mortal blow to the US that he knew.
Yes He was about to pivot to China and aggressively confront China. In a hindsight the Afghan adventure brought China time to grow and therefore better equipped to ward off any challenge from US. Were the same thing happened in 2010 China will be in deep trouble


Junior Member
Registered Member
I think it is not a stretch to say trump is a outgrowth of american reaction to 9/11, snd in the end Bin Laden succeeded better than ever knew to striking a mortal blow to the US that he knew.

Seeing as how Trump was all about Murica and getting people out of "shithole countries" you'd be completely wrong about that.

Trump was a reaction to White people being demographically replaced by non-Whites. It's too late though. America is already only 58% White and will likely be minority White in less than 15 years.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Trump is but a continuation of the trend, latent in American political culture throughout its history, but first brought to the fore in the post WWII era right after 9/11, to ignore multi-lateral collective problem solving international institutions and to blatantly lie to override considered educated opinions in pursuit of policy objectives.

The us vs them rhetoric that Bush used in the speech to Congress, the clash of civilization narrative more commonly used by the conservative circles at the time are really just more erudite sounding and politically correct versions of much more degenerate “shit hole” crass dog whistle that trump would use 15 years later. but they serve the same function. They are both aimed primarily at pre-1960 white men’s insecurity about multi-culturalism, and collaborationist approach to problem solving gradually robbing them of their privileged position, whether that position stems from their position in their own country, or their country’s position in the world.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Trump is but a continuation of the trend, latent in American political culture throughout its history, but first brought to the fore in the post WWII era right after 9/11, to ignore multi-lateral collective problem solving international institutions and to blatantly lie to override considered educated opinions in pursuit of policy objectives.

The us vs them rhetoric that Bush used in the speech to Congress, the clash of civilization narrative more commonly used by the conservative circles at the time are really just more erudite sounding and politically correct versions of much more degenerate “shit hole” crass dog whistle that trump would use 15 years later. but they serve the same function. They are both aimed primarily at pre-1960 white men’s insecurity about multi-culturalism gradually robbing them of their privileged position, whether that position stems from their position in their own country, or their country’s position in the world.

Bush and his cuckold brother Jeb were all about immigration, including a legal path for illegal immigrants until Trump made that very unpopular. Jeb even learned Spanish to desperately suck up to the new immigrants.

They are not the same type of people.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
They reflect slightly different facets of the same trend. They both reflect the conservative white anxiety about the departure from a mythical idealized American society exemplified by the stereotyped morales and material conditions of white middle and upper middle class of the Immediate post WWII years. They both reflect understanding the demographic trend in the US and around the world would make it increasingly infeasible for white america to restore that idealized fantasy and preserve it in stasis.

The Bush camp believe that by embracing and integrating conservative immigrants, a thing near that stasis can be achieved by creating what is effectively a expanded version of what being white means. The Bush camp feels white conservative privilege can be preserved by uniting conservative whites with immigrates who embrace sufficiently similar conservative values that they would integrate fully with conservative whites and help extend rather than challenge conservative white privilege.

The trump camp believe white privilege can only be preserved by systematically disenfranchising any major non-white population.

They are both about soothing white anxiety.


Registered Member
Blinken is another product of the US-media hype. "Most experienced diplomats", "Most talented diplomatic team in history", "Most ..." etc

As usual, as soon as you remove the western media propaganda, whats left of Blinken is another tier F diplomat who thinks that he can pressure the US' rival (China) by doing nonsense visits around the world and talking about "human rights" and "international order".

When countries request something tangible in order to cooperate with US, then Blinken, as by magic, disappears from the meetings, never to be seen again.

Blinken and his friends think that this is what diplomacy is all about. No worries though, Wang Yi is travelling around the world giving candies left and right while Blinken keeps talking.

Example No.1 of his incompetence is that he went along with Biden's crazy and chaotic withdrawal plan from Afghanistan without considering that his country would face diplomatic repercussions

Example No.2 was the farcical Anchorage meeting

Example No.3 his worthless meetings around the world

Example No.4 Betraying the (then) pro-Western Iranian administration and thus causing it to elect the anti-West, pro-East hardliners in power.

What happened in Iran?


Junior Member
Registered Member
Taliban will no doubt resume extensive support terrorism in the region, inside Afghanistan, in Pakistan, also in former Soviet stans. They may sponsor targeted assassinations of outspoken afghan expatriates. They will also build relationships with other terrorist groups in the region, including inside western China. But I think they will likely not be seen to be undeniably directly responsible for attacks on the US, Europe, or China. This is consistent with the fact they have not been directly responsible gor attacks in the US, Europe, and China before 2001.

Lmao.. This sounds like a piece taken from a disney live-action sequel manuscript. Do you take the IEA of being stupid or your just an Indian randomly mouthing. IEA sole target is stability and development. They seek no wars or conflicts beyond this stage but want to build and develope Afghanistan this is what is on their agenda solely...


Junior Member
Registered Member
Something like Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria or Egypt. A government that has modern civil laws and institutions organized for the purposes of economic development, while still allowing Islam as part of everyday traditions.

This is as oppose to something like Saudi Arabia or old Taliban where there is a literal god-king, using shariah as the sole source of laws and the purpose of government is religion.

This is important because it is best for China if the government responds to economic incentives. A government that does not respond to economic incentives means China has a harder time influencing them.

Iran is an extremist government and whereas Saudi Arabia is quite liberal despite being a monarchy. Lumping Iran with countries like these 4 you mentioned is an intellectual crime. The Ayatollah mullah system is the most extreme in the ME by far and most conversative society in the ME and also the most closed country. Hard to get in and get out zero tourism and everyone becomes a suspected spy