Time to bash this "Andrew Jones" character after we get fresh photo of Jiuquan site from #2,820.Something may have gone wrong. I hope this is something misconstrued or, at least, everyone is ok.
The launch pad is not the same but the time frame is the same, so here is the possible explaination of what Andrew wanted to see actually is.
See the white spots pointed by red and blue arrows. There are many features like the red pointed ones from satellite photos.

See them in the photo.

The blue pointed patch is a piece of concrete structure of the launch pad. The red pointed patches are features of the ground. They all look as white irregular patches from satellite photos.
The red pointed features are most likely ice or snow. Jiuquan is a very code place this time of year. Although it is inside a desert, desert in this part of world in winter does frequently get moisture frozen to thin ice or snow. If one fly over the gobi during winter time, one can easily see small patches of snow or ice here and there.
Ice and snow show up in satelitte photo over night, and disappear days later. But in Andrew's mind, it must be explosion debris showing up one day and cleaned up days later. People see what they want to see. Afterall that is how Andrew get attentions.