China's Space Program News Thread

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Lieutenant General

Americans already have men in space aboard the ISS. Next topic please

And what else have they done so far besides that and depending on the Russian for a ride. Sure Space X can take care of that in the future, but the danger about private space company is that they are one mishap away from being a non contender in space.

---------- Post added at 12:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 AM ----------

But what can China catch up to? Maybe China can achieve parity in low earth orbit, but but it is unlikely that they will achieve parity in lunar exploration or missions to Mars.

The reason being is that America loves competition and if it appears that China is about to achieve a breakthrough somewhere you can be sure that America will respond fully and completely with its own breakthroughs.

Never forget that America went to the moon in ten years. And this was after starting from a standing start. Russia had already launched a man into space, Yuri Gagarin, while America had not even achieved sub-orbital flight.

The new game changer is private space. American private space is strictly a home grown product that is dedicated to the revival of American space leadership. American private space is a throwback to the old days of competition between Russia and America. American private space is even more nationalistic than the Chinese space program.

Where China's space program has this military favor, the new American space effort is dedicated to the raw love of space travel.

No one is trying to stop China from going into space. But the Americans are a force to be reckoned with at the end of the day. Don't count them out as a has-been power. only America are entitle to be great and competitive? So what happen to their economy and so many of their failed green industries like Solyndra? As far as space it seems that China's recent space accomplishments is upsetting the Anti-China apple cart, especially the other ASEAN nations trolls hiding behind the pretense of America as a back drop for their lame rhetoric.
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Senior Member

Why don't you admit that I am upsetting the apple cart with these questions I pose that are making people uncomfortable since they have never thought about things the way I am posing them and cannot provide coherent answers

However if you wish me to refrain from pressing the point then just say so and I will relent.

Then you are just another poster in a quest to "disprove chinese fanboys" in a internet forum. We know that US is ahead of china in space technology. You started all this talk just to brag about it. Theres no need for it. save your time. Get a life.

Americans already have men in space aboard the ISS. Next topic please

Yeah, next thread for you to troll, since this one is already spent. Tell me, did you get a answer to your "questions"?



Whose calling for the Chinese launch to be shot down?

He didn't mean it literally. Yeah, I came across such comments quite frequently in the internet, even here, right now, in some of the posts, at least from what is being implied in the posts. Lol.


Junior Member

Americans already have men in space aboard the ISS. Next topic please

China could have easily had men on the ISS too. Just that the AMERICANS objected to China being part of the ISS project. So China has to go it alone because the USA.

America needs to man-up a bit.


Banned Idiot

Then you are just another poster in a quest to "disprove chinese fanboys" in a internet forum. We know that US is ahead of china in space technology. You started all this talk just to brag about it. Theres no need for it. save your time. Get a life.

Yeah, next thread for you to troll, since this one is already spent. Tell me, did you get a answer to your "questions"?

Yes I did. And I am sorry that my questions offended you



Where China's space program has this military favor, the new American space effort is dedicated to the raw love of space travel.

You think the Chinese people don't have a raw love for space travel? You think only Americans dream of the Moon, Mars, and beyond?

What a foolish statement.


Banned Idiot

And what else have they done so far besides that and depending on the Russian for a ride. Sure Space X can take care of that in the future, but the danger about private space company is that they are one mishap away from being a non contender in space.

Lets start here.
"...Back on Earth, scientists and engineers on the Mars Science Laboratory project are busily preparing for the Aug. 5 landing of the mission's 1-ton Curiosity rover. And there's a lot riding on the success of the ambitious mission. only America are entitle to be great and competitive? So what happen to their economy and so many of their failed green industries like Solyndra? As far as space it seems that China's recent space accomplishments is upsetting the Anti-China apple cart, especially the other ASEAN nations trolls hiding behind the pretense of America as a back drop for their lame rhetoric.

You are silly for attempting to bring up things that have nothing to do with the Space program. I suggest you return to your monitoring of countdown for the upcoming Chinese manned launch and take my well wishes for China to have a successful flight

---------- Post added at 02:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 PM ----------

You think the Chinese people don't have a raw love for space travel? You think only Americans dream of the Moon, Mars, and beyond?

What a foolish statement.

Maybe. But I have only heard China mention space in reference to nationalism and military power. If I am wrong then please correct me


Lieutenant General
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Maybe. But I have only heard China mention space in reference to nationalism and military power. If I am wrong then please correct me

Lol like solarz said, any reference to chinese space endeavours reported from western media always insinuates there is some sinister military reason behind it. A bit of critical thinking here should benefit all.
As for nationalism -- well aren't all great projects worthy of some degree of nationalism? But china's actually quite low key about such events, you see coverage of these space missions from state media and the like but nothing excessively jingoistic.

Frankly it's a little bit insulting if not stupid to assume that only americans "dream of the moon, mars and beyond," and attributing similar ambitions by other nations as having only nationalistic and military intentions.



As for nationalism -- well aren't all great projects worthy of some degree of nationalism? But china's actually quite low key about such events, you see coverage of these space missions from state media and the like but nothing excessively jingoistic.

Agreed. Any great project is worthy of patriotic pride. The Americans are as nationalistic as the Chinese.

Remember the Moon Landing? It wasn't the "raw love of space travel" that spurred it. It was the Soviets getting the first astronaut into space.
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