China's Space Program News Thread

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The conspiracy theorist is going to go wild on this. In the higher resolution, the "rocks" look more like something with rooty extension.

Scratch out NASA for CNSA:



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I wrote:

I really like the idea of using a robotic arm to assemble a large space telescope. Is the arm sufficiently accurate and stable?

Then later I saw:

China's large aperture space telescope has entered formal engineering stage. Deployment may begin as early as 2025. The telescope will be assembled in space.

This would be great! The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to be launched soon is 6.5 meters in diameter. NASA is dreaming about a 15-meter space telescope (LUVOIR) that might be launched someday. China's Ultra-Large Aperture On-Orbit Assembly Space Telescope might be far larger, in the 100-meter class.
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Junior Member
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I wrote:

Then later I saw:

This would be great! The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to be launched soon is 6.5 meters in diameter. NASA is dreaming about a 15-meter space telescope (LUVOIR) that might be launched someday. China's Ultra-Large Aperture On-Orbit Assembly Space Telescope might be far larger, in the 100-meter class.
Looks like they're reaching parity with US telescopes fairly soon. JWST launches late 2021, 4 year gap.
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