China's Space Program News Thread

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Found it! That madlad is still posting Chinese schedule for rocket launches since 2006!

(Credit to Satori from nasaspaceflight forum)
China launch schedule
May 19 (17:35) 20 - CZ-7 (Y3) - WSLC, LC201 - Tianzhou-2
May 27 - CZ-3B/G2 (Y72) - XSLC - Fengyun-4B
June 10 - CZ-2F/G (Y12) - JSLC, LC43/91 - Shenzhou-12
June - KZ-1A (Y4) - JSLC - Jilin-1 Gaofen-02D
July - CZ-2D - JSLC - Tansat-2 (Daqi Huanjing Jiance Weixing - Atmospheric Environment Monitoring Satellite)
September - CZ-7 (Y4) - WSLC, LC201 - Tianzhou-3
September - Zhongke-1A - JSLC - ??; ??
September - Gushenxing-1 - JSLC - ??
October - CZ-2F/G (Y13) - JSLC, LC43/91 - Shenzhou-13
October - CZ-2D (Y53) - ??, Tianyuan-1
October June / July - CZ-6 (Y6) - TSLC, LC16 - Guangmu-1 (CAS Earth Sat)
December - CZ-2C - XSLC - SVOM (Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor)
December - CZ-3B/G? - XSLC - Tianji Guganwang Gaogui Weixing (two sats)
December - Gushenxing-1 - JSLC - ??
Secong half - CZ-2F/T4 - JSLC, LC43/91 - CSSHQ (F2)
End - ?? - ?? - Dagong Weixing (CubeSat-12U)
End - JL-1 (Y2) - WSLC - Hainan-1 (1); Hainan-1 (2); Hainan-1 (3); Hainan-1 (4)
?? - CZ-2D - JSLC - SJ-19 Shijian-19 (New Generation Recoverable Satellite)
?? - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94 - Gaofen-3 (02)
?? - CZ-4C - JSLC, LC43/94 - Gaofen-3 (03)
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - CAS-5A, CAS-5B, CAS-7A, CAS-7C
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - OVS-2; OHS-2s; OKW-2; TY-1(04)
?? - CZ-11 - JSLC - Lingque (2 test sats)
?? April - KZ-1A (Y5) - JSLC - Jilin-1 Gaofen-02F
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2, Xingyun-2
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2, Xingyun-2
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2, Xingyun-2
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2, Xingyun-2
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2, Xingyun-2
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - Xingyun-2, Xingyun-2
?? - KZ-1A - JSLC - GeeSat-1A; GeeSat-1B
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC (?) - Xingyun-1 (01); Xingyun-1 (02)
?? - KZ-11 - JSLC - Jiama Shexian Bao Tance Weixing (Gamma ray burst detection micro satellite), Tianiy-4 (Xiaoxiang-4), Zhongwei-1, Xianrikui-1A, Xianrikui-1B, Yijian Duoxing
?? - SQX-2 - JSLC (?) - ??
?? - JL-1 - JSLC - HN-03, HN-04
?? - JL-1 - JSLC - Yizheng-1, Yizheng-2 (two 0.9m resolution multi-spectral satellites)
?? - CZ-2C - XSLC, LC3 - Yaogan-30 Group-09
?? - CZ-2C - XSLC, LC3 - Yaogan-30 Group-10
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC - TECHO-1 (Qingwang-1)
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC - Jianyang-1
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC - Zhongxing-6D
?? - CZ-3B/G2 - XSLC - Zhongxing-9B
?? - CZ-3B/G3 - XSLC - Tianhui-3
?? - CZ-3C/G - XSLC - Tianlian-5
?? - CZ-3C - XSLC - Beidou-3 Buwang-1
?? - CZ-4B - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-11 (Y10) - XSLC - ??
?? - CZ-2D - TSLC, LC9 - CAS-6 and others
?? - CZ-4C - TSLC, LC9 - Fengyun-3E
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16 - Haiyang-3A
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16 - Haiyang-3B
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC-16 - Qilu-2, Qilu-3, ??, ??
?? - CZ-6A - TSLC, LC16 - ??
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16 - smart optical multi-spectral satellite with a resolution of 2m
?? - CZ-6 - TSLC, LC16 - wide-spectrum multi-spectral satellite with a resolution of 5m
?? - CZ-11H - SL - ??
?? - CZ-11H - SL - ??
?? - CZ-11H - SL - ??
?? - CZ-11H - SL - ??
?? - KZ-1A - ?? - Hainan-1 (4)
?? - KZ-1A - ?? - Hainan-1 (5)
?? - KZ-1A - ?? - Hainan-1 (6)
?? - ?? - ?? - Sansha-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ?? - Sansha-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ?? - Sanya-1 (1)
?? - ?? - ?? - Sanya-1 (2)
?? - ?? - ?? - Taihu-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Luojia-1 (02)
?? - ?? - ?? - Jinggong-1 (CubeSat-6U)
?? - ?? - ?? - Xidian-1
?? - ?? - ?? - Tianqin-1
?? - ?? - ?? - ZX-?? Zhongxing-?? (full electric propulsion satellite)


Junior Member
Registered Member
FANTASTIC. The CNSA already had the photos / video of the lander separation from the orbiter. There was no way the data would just sit in the orbiter's computer memory.

People probably aren't going to be impressed with low resolution photos and trying to cram a high resolution photo in the 2.5mb data isn't really a good use of that bandwidth since there are lots of other things needing to be sent back to earth I'm sure.

You can't satisfy all. Ignore them as majority of Space nuts know that the higher definition photos will come soon enough.


The probe also sent back a video taken by a camera on the orbiter, showing how the lander and the rover separated from the orbiter during landing.

View attachment 72309

View attachment 72310

Again, China is doing this for the first time and it's already showing all the happenings in Mar's orbit, in this case, the separation of the Zhurong capsule from the Tianwen-1 orbiter. I don't recall NASA showing any video footage of its spacecraft's action in Mars' orbit other than CGI.
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