China's SCS Strategy Thread


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Also the fact that China is actually both signatory and ratifier of the Chemical Weapons Convention since 1997. Attempting any sort of chemical warfare against those stationed onboard the derelict, even non-lethal ones, has the potential to cause a diplomatic disaster for China.

And what would that achieve? Causing the derelict to puncture the hovercraft's skirt and stranding the hovercraft (plus the people manning the hovercraft) there? The same goes for using any ship to do the same thing.

Besides, using "it's just an accident" to cover such act is just so kindergarten-level.

Who care if the "it's just an accident" excuse can be work or not. And who care if the ship that ramming that derelict ship will be stranding on that place. The cost of a ship that you use to ram that Pinoy ship is cheap, if you compare with the headache that Pinoy can do from that derelict ship of theirs. Just ram it, make it sink, and let the new derelict ship (now belong to China) fill the void, to become the flag, to show that the rift belong to China, now.

The cost of a ship can't be compare with the symbol that Pinoy can use, to declare that the rift belong to them.


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Who care if the "it's just an accident" excuse can be work or not. And who care if the ship that ramming that derelict ship will be stranding on that place. The cost of a ship that you use to ram that Pinoy ship is cheap, if you compare with the headache that Pinoy can do from that derelict ship of theirs. Just ram it, make it sink, and let the new derelict ship (now belong to China) fill the void, to become the flag, to show that the rift belong to China, now.

The cost of a ship can't be compare with the symbol that Pinoy can use, to declare that the rift belong to them.
Do the Chinese need that reef? At the end of the day both side need to live peacefully together cause we're neighbors. A matter of fact the Chinese are willing to share the oil, once dependency took shape then we can reduce the American influence cause they have nothing to offer. Also will the Chinese Co-opted the oligarchs, if they do then you will see a complete change of atmosphere. They are willing sell their principles for a YUAN, that's how the Imperial American operate so there is a precedent for the Chinese to copy.


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What if the US decides to help by sending a US navy ship on a supply mission to the Sierra Madre? Would China dare to stop them?

Also what would happen if a group of armed Filipinos started to squat inside a building in the Forbidden City in Beijing? Would the Chinese authorities try to stop supply missions or would they remove the Filipinos?

What the heck is China trying to achieve with this clown fiesta?


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Who care if the "it's just an accident" excuse can be work or not. And who care if the ship that ramming that derelict ship will be stranding on that place. The cost of a ship that you use to ram that Pinoy ship is cheap, if you compare with the headache that Pinoy can do from that derelict ship of theirs. Just ram it, make it sink, and let the new derelict ship (now belong to China) fill the void, to become the flag, to show that the rift belong to China, now.

The cost of a ship can't be compare with the symbol that Pinoy can use, to declare that the rift belong to them.

That derelict is already stranded on the shoal.

However, and frankly speaking, the move which you have suggested is way more empty symbolic than anything of actual substance. China still have plenty of other ways to make the Filipinos suffer for what they did in May 1999 without going after that route.

Besides, if anything, responding to that highlighted phrase - If Beijing responds to headaches throughout the history of the PRC like how you would envision China should do to that derelict, then the entirety of East Asia and Southeast Asia won't be as peaceful and developing/developed as it is today.

What if the US decides to help by sending a US navy ship on a supply mission to the Sierra Madre? Would China dare to stop them?

China will send their PLAN warships to intercept the USN ship. And the ball will be in the US' court anyways - They are right inside China's own front yard.

Are they willing to ignite a ocean-wide and continent-wide all-out war and have thousands, if not tens of thousands, of their own men dead and crippled just because some ASEAN version of Jai Hinds are trying to stir up trouble, just so that their leader can get his family's corrupt money unfrozen - Against a peer military superpower situated right in front of her own home at that?

Also what would happen if a group of armed Filipinos started to squat inside a building in the Forbidden City in Beijing? Would the Chinese authorities try to stop supply missions or would they remove the Filipinos?

How you try to equate acts resulting from maritime and territorial disputes between countries to that of an obvious foreign-sponsored terrorist attack event on the home soil, right inside the capital city of a country truly boggles me.

What the heck is China trying to achieve with this clown fiesta?

I don't see anything clownish with what China's doing.

In fact, China has been very patient and disciplined to not do anything overly drastic against that derelict for a full 25 years, especially considering how the Filipinos literally sprinkled salt onto China's wound the very next day after the US bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in May 1999.

If anything - China can keep on milking this situation at direct cost to the Filipinos (and indirectly to the US&LC). Besides, it's Beijing who has the big boats and big guns now, not Manila.


Registered Member
What if the US decides to help by sending a US navy ship on a supply mission to the Sierra Madre?

What the heck is China trying to achieve with this clown fiesta?
Lmao. If the US sent a military vessel Xi would be opening a champagne the next minute

Don't you understand that China has escalation dominance in SCS? Philippines purposefully tries to keep things on the civilian side.

You remember the Pelosi joke of a visit and what consequences happened to Taiwan after that. Similar salami-slicing will happen to Phillipines if the US tries to "help" Philippines.

Mark my words, at some point the red line of Philippines' sailors/soldiers dying will be crossed and the US will do nothing. The moment China decided to aggressively defend by water cannon, ram or whatever against Philippines' ships, it's inevitable that deaths will happen. All these are less lethal, not non-lethal means


Lieutenant General


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“Our soldiers were dragged—they treated our soldiers very aggressively. Terrible restraint was exercised by the troops so that there would be no trouble there. But they were really aggressive, and we—we didn't fight back," the source added.

He said this happened despite Chinese soldiers striking Filipino troops, pointing fingers at them, scolding and yelling, and brandishing a bolo.

"They were pointed at, beaten, and the brain, it's up to us which of our soldiers will be hit. Our soldiers are very restrained," the source described.

The source claimed that Filipino soldiers tried to negotiate the return of the firearms, but the Chinese forces refused, taking the guns away after storing them in a single bag.

This is so embarrassing lmao, NAVSOG (Philippine special forces) got beat up by Chinese Coast Guard and was too scared to fight back. Not sure how you lose a finger from getting beat up though
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CCP elementary school teacher style brutal genocide. Scolding, taking away toys, putting in time out. Absolute barbarism.


Registered Member
The current AFP Chief, Gen. Brawner is going around the PH and other western rags proclaiming that the commies were being barbaric when confronting the PH Navy Seal Commandos (armed with fully automatic rifles etc.) since they apparently didn't have anything similar to what the commies used against their hapless Navy Seals.

Check their own evidence:

Isn't the PH just like their Jai Hind counterparts but actually more pathetic!!