H-6 patrolling over Paracels? Looks like maybe Drummond Island?

Looks like a neighborhood watch was going on at Johnson South Reef. Think it's a 053H1G (Jianghu-V) and a Gepard taking turns checking out the other side.
Just hypothetically if these two boats started shooting at each other the Gepard will have the edge with much better air defence right?
Jianghu is not armed with CIWS unlike Gepard, which has the ATK-630.
Well the Jianhu has 100mm and 37mm guns. But they are older and therefore their fire control and guidance may be inferior. The range of the older weapons may well be less than the newer main gun on the Gephard.Which is why Gepard has the edge in a missile engagement. But within gun range, as an unplanned clash is almost certain to occur at, CIWS doesn't do much, and the JiangHu's superior naval gun loadout will give it the advantage.
The Forum of South China Sea Studies, an online message board based in mainland China released a photo on Dec. 11 which shows the standoff between Chinese and Vietnamese warships near the Johnson South Reef. Apparently, the Chinese warship in the picture is the Cangzhou, a Type 053 guided missile frigate. It was sent to the disputed waters to confront the Dinh Tien Hoang, a Vietnamese Gepard-class stealth frigate in the waters of Johnson South Reef.
The Dinh Tien Hoang and its sister ship, the Ly Thai To had just completed their visit to Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines. Under the leadership of Nguyen Van Kiem, the deputy chief of staff of the Vietnamese navy, both Gepard-class stealth frigates arrived at the Southwest Cay of the Spratly islands currently under Vietnamese control to entertain the troops on the islet. Officials from the Vietnamese government said that the visit was not aimed to provoke China.
However, the picture released by the Forum of South China Sea Studies suggests that the Dinh Tien Hoang was sent to the waters of Johnson South Reef to monitor the Chinese land reclamation program in the area. The Cangzhou was apparently sent to Johnson South Reef to defend its workers there according to Want Daily.