A Russian acquaintance once explained to me that Russia resorts to military force every time because it does not have other tools such as sanctions or economic incentives to deal with a problem.
Russia wasted oodles of cash with Ukraine to little avail. Ukraine was also doing 50% of its overall trade with Russia, and they threw it away on a supposed association agreement with the EU. Need I remind you that Ukraine had preferred nation trading status with Russia. And by signing the association agreement with the EU they had to forfeit that. Because the EU does not allow countries with a signed association agreement to be in other trade blocks. Their MIC also lost several lucrative contracts with Russia. Their aerospace and naval sectors being majorly affected. And then there's the money they used to earn from the Crimean base lease. Also gone.
The US Deep State has several ways to manipulate the world's economies. And it is quite easy to underestimate how used they are to running influence operations.
In Ukraine's case they were experiencing a default and they were stupid enough to ask for an IMF loan. One of the conditions for the loan, for example, was that they raise consumer gas prices by 50%. Despite Russia agreeing with them to do a 30% gas discount with the Crimean base lease. So they were paying less for the gas to Russia and they were charging end customers more thanks to the IMF at one point.
In the end it did not matter that the Ukrainian President Yanukovych sought the better deal and took Russia's loan to pay its debt to the IMF and decided to remain with the preferred nation trading status with Russia. Since the US just funded a revolt in Ukraine and took him out of power.
You saw something similar happen in Hong Kong. So I do not know why you still entertain these ideas.