Your response is 100% predictable. Those are not "western rules and laws", Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines are not 'the west'.
China will alienate everyone on this planet that they have not bought (Lao, Cambodia), but unlike the UK or USA, China never brought any soft power benefits to the table to balance the bad.
China just wants, and takes, and wonders why everyone does not want to be economically dominated with all benefits going to China. Eventually the people of nations China has purchased the leadership off with huge contracts, will revolt.
I have read the quotes in SE Asia papers of Chinese being upset that the locals have free will and can choose to not do business with exploitative Mainlanders, or that the locals demand higher pay (Chinese say those people have black hearts), or won't tolerate Chinese expolitative business and labour practices.
The rest of the planet is not China, you don't get to force your system of 3,500 year old feudal exploitation on to the rest of us.
You are going against the entire planet earth.
The USA, UK, French, Spanish and Portuguese all had allies.
China does not.
We all know that you and China will ignore what everyone else says, and continue to exploit,
Earth is 82.5% vs. China is 17.5%.
Learn to get along with the rest of us, or learn the consequences the hard way.
It's your choice if you want to take on the entire planet and anger everyone in the region and beyond.