The Chinese Foreign Ministry's response to the
WSJ's Challenge of the 60s countries supporting China's position on SCS.
Chinese Foreign Ministry's speakwoman Hua Chunying answering questions from WSJ.
Italic texts in brackets are my straight words.
Question (not from WSJ): Recently, some western media particularly WSJ reported that there are only 8 countries who support China's position on SCS issue. What do you say?
Hua: I know that some western media "some times" say white is black, only now do I know that they "some times" can NOT even count numbers and do addition and subtraction.
问:我是《华尔街日报》记者,第一个问题,据日本共同社报道,一旦南海仲裁案作出不利于中方的裁决,中方可能会考虑退出《联合国海洋法公约》。 你对此有何回应?第二个问题,我们曾与你提到的一些支持中方在南海问题立场的国家取得联系,结果有的并未直接表明支持中国。你对此作何回应?
WSJ: I am from Wallstreet Journal...... Second question, we have contacted some countries who according to you supports China's SCS position, the result is that
some did not
directly express their support to China. What is your answer?
Hua: ...... regarding the second question, we have carefully examined this report of yours (questioning the supports), and are puzzled. Because
your report claimed that there are only 8 countries support China. My colleagues and I really can not understand how you came up with the number. You said that you have verified with some countries and they are against (China's Position). If I am not mistaken,
one of the 5 countries that you have listed (being against China's position) is Cambodia. But you must have also noticed that, just yesterday
PM Hun Sen took one hour talking about SCS issue during the graduation ceremony of Cambodian Administration Academy, he
made very clear of Cambodia's stance on the SCS issue (supporting China). I wonder what would the colleague of yours who wrote that WJS piece feel. (
I call you a liar)
WSJ: We have noted (PM Hun Sen's official statement). (
I know the PM does NOT agree with us
, oh shit shit)
But (
always a but even my hand is caught in the pant) when we contacted Cambodian government, they said differently
, anonymous tactic again).
Hua: I do not know who do you think represents Cambodian government (
Are you kidding yourself
). I believe that every country will agree, and
you have to agree that the Prime Minister's speech is the most representation of the government. (
Seriously, did you graduate from a school, you do know what a Prime Minister is, do you?)
You (WSJ) has also mentioned "Declaration of Doha", you can check it.
WSJ: BUT that (the declaration) is report from Chinese state media, it is not the official stance of relative governments. (
Chinese State media must be liar, oops right when I am caught lying, shit shit,
again, Foreign Ministers do not represent their governments, only me WSJ represents everyone).
Hua: "
Declaration of Doha" is the joint declaration of the Minister conference of Sino-Arab cooperation forum, it
represents the common stance of China, 21 Arab Countries and the Arab League. (
You just don't learn, do you?)
Although we have published (our article),
I have endless BUT without shame), I would like to find an opportunity to go through the list with you. (
desperately trying to climb down the ladder).
Hua: I have said many times, more and more countries understand and support China's position, some are openly and on papers, some are bilateral, some are reported, some are not reported.
Can you give me a list first, according to your "understanding and deep research" (
or just BS),
which country is openly
against China's position? (
you are really not afraid that I slap your face in front of everyone are you? because I am happy to