China's SCS Strategy Thread


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Registered Member
One of the DDG currently in SCS action is named Chung-Hoon, I mean duh... maybe in the future, one of Zumwait would named something like Phu Nguyen.


Lieutenant General
China is already ahead. They want China to abandon those islands. That's not going to happen. Like I've said previously, unless the US decides regularly to send troops on a boat and land on one of those island to have a picnic, they're already restricting themselves on any exercise that it's international waters.

China should go ahead with plans for large scale fish farms. Have them go out twelve miles. How about experiment with a mile-high self-sustaining city? This was being toyed with for Shanghai.

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Other than UNCLOS (which the US refuses to sign), what actual law or treaty that everyone has signed and agreed to specifically spells out that magic 12nm boundary?

In addition, there is heated dispute in terms of how UNCLOS is interpretated with regards to the allowance or not of foreign military activity within the EEZ of coastal states.

As such, unless people can find a treaty or UN resolution that I somehow missed which backs up this 12nm boundary without UNCLOS that China has signed and agreed to, I object to this line or argument.

You simply and categorically cannot claim the legal moral high ground by citing a law you yourself refuses to be bound by.

Nor could you claim the legal moral high ground when the precise legal point you are trying to cite is hotly contested.
What UNCLOS provision(s) did US violate?


China is already ahead. They want China to abandon those islands. That's not going to happen. Like I've said previously, unless the US decides regularly to send troops on a boat and land on one of those island to have a picnic, they're already restricting themselves on any exercise that it's international waters.
You know the accusation about China trying to change the status quo? Those who make such accusation are simply reversing the cause and effect.

If it were 30 years ago, the US could absolutely do what you've said by landing troops on those islands and have a picnic. There would be nothing China could do about it. China's military capability grew so much since then, and it is one reason why China chose to do reclamation* today. So, China isn't changing the status quo. Her action is simply a reflection of the status quo being changed.

*And it is reclamation, not building artificial islands, because there were still tiny patches of land to start with.

China should go ahead with plans for large scale fish farms. Have them go out twelve miles. How about experiment with a mile-high self-sustaining city? This was being toyed with for Shanghai.
Isn't electricity a very precious commodity there? How about building wind farms all the way up to 12 nm? Make them so dense near the perimeter that it would be difficult for a ship to safely navigate through.
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Junior Member
PRC shall build a Expansive Mangrove Forests circling all the way covering the 12 nm of each island in Paracel and Spratly.
It is time for PRC to deploy Asymmetric and Creative thinking into SCS.

Let's do away with cement concrete and military warships deployment for a moment.
Huge Mangrove Forests definitely will bring tons of most--bang--4--de--buck benefits.
At minimum, I can think of 7 immense national and global benefits. ... ....

1) The circular Expansive Mangrove Forests will protect the PRC absolute sovereignty over all Paracel and Spratly islands and reefs from repeated US aggressions and trespassings.

2) Absolutely the fastest and the most economical method of protecting the island's inhabitants and expensive assets from Tsunamis and Typhoons natural destructive power.

3) The Super Eco friendly Expansive Mangrove Forests will generate continuous and unstoppable flows of green Circular economic rewards for PRC and become the number #1 Sea based Biodiversity Research Center on Earth.

4) PRC will be championed by the Eco Friendly scientists and supporters all over the world as the finest example of civilized nation restoring global Green Eco environment.

5) USA as an advanced civilized nation will ruin its global reputation if it decides to ram through and damage the Super Eco Friendly and Expansive Mangrove Forests.

6) The Circular Expansive Mangrove Forests will allow Earth to buy global peace in SCS until such time when USA is governed by non war mongering people.

7) Once the Circular Expansive Mangrove Forests are in place, the Paracel and Spratly will become the number #1 Eco Tourism Destination on Earth and Green Circular Economic Biodiversity research center for all Scientists on Earth.

Dredging to build up the minimum sediments to
allow the Circular Mangrove Forest to grow quickly

Dredging--Sediment from Ocean Floor--Reefs--1a.jpg

Green Circular Economy based on Expansive Mangrove Forest

Mangrove--forests--swamp--1a.jpgMangrove--forests--swamp--1a.jpg Mangrove--forests--swamp--1a.jpg


Junior Member
PRC shall build a Expansive Mangrove Forests circling all the way covering the 12 nm of each island in Paracel and Spratly.
It is time for PRC to deploy Asymmetric and Creative thinking into SCS.

Let's do away with cement concrete and military warships deployment for a moment.
Huge Mangrove Forests definitely will bring tons of most--bang--4--de--buck benefits.
At minimum, I can think of 7 immense national and global benefits. ... ....

1) The circular Expansive Mangrove Forests will protect the PRC absolute sovereignty over all Paracel and Spratly islands and reefs from repeated US aggressions and trespassings.

2) Absolutely the fastest and the most economical method of protecting the island's inhabitants and expensive assets from Tsunamis and Typhoons natural destructive power.

3) The Super Eco friendly Expansive Mangrove Forests will generate continuous and unstoppable flows of green Circular economic rewards for PRC and become the number #1 Sea based Biodiversity Research Center on Earth.

4) PRC will be championed by the Eco Friendly scientists and supporters all over the world as the finest example of civilized nation restoring global Green Eco environment.

5) USA as an advanced civilized nation will ruin its global reputation if it decides to ram through and damage the Super Eco Friendly and Expansive Mangrove Forests.

6) The Circular Expansive Mangrove Forests will allow Earth to buy global peace in SCS until such time when USA is governed by non war mongering people.

7) Once the Circular Expansive Mangrove Forests are in place, the Paracel and Spratly will become the number #1 Eco Tourism Destination on Earth and Green Circular Economic Biodiversity research center for all Scientists on Earth.

Dredging to build up the minimum sediments to
allow the Circular Mangrove Forest to grow their roots quickly

View attachment 25695

Green Circular Economy based on Expansive Mangrove Forest

View attachment 25696


Junior Member
My apology to all.
Please Delete ~ it is a technical messed up
I am not sure what happened with the triple similar pictures and double posts.