China's SCS Strategy Thread


Please, don't be silly. This will never happen. What can China offer the world? Tibetan destruction? Live organ harvesting? Totalitarian communist censorship over the freedom of expression?

Meanwhile, Pax Americana has brought peace to Korean penninsula, uplifted the Philippines, saved China during ww2, protected Vietnam against Chinese aggression, and is now feeding the world with our proven GMOs and our mental health industries. The world has chosen and they rightfully chose America.

Your reply in absolutes is quite silly as well. All nations have good and bad. So easy to turn the table.

China can and has offered an alternate economic engine during the 2008 financial meltdown triggered by the US, made many products cheap enough today to be taken for granted as disposable (people gripe about quality without even realizing what it used to cost and many would not even be able to reasonably buy one - ie. cost of PCs, cellphones, etc), and provides a huge market for many industries such as the pig industry or Hollywood.

Meanwhile, Pax Americana invaded Iraq on unsubstantiated WMDs making the daily lives of Iraqis even worse than before, brought complete anarchy to Libya, taking many lives via police brutality, and having GMOs owned by corps such as Monsanto ruining the lives of mom/pop farmers.

If the world just black and white chose America, why did they all rushed in to join AIIB? Guess you just don't get the advice from the mods with the continued trolling.


GMO and mental health industry? Where did you come up with this stuff? It sounds you are trying so hard to come up with ways to belittle others. At first, I wanted to ignore you. Now I just want to see how many different ways that you can come up with to insult everyone else in the world.

FYI. One of the qualities for being a world leader is respect. Belittling others won't make you great. Respect does.

By the way, America is an immigrant country made up of people coming from all over the world. By insulting other people, you are literally insulting America.
Looks like China is preemptively preventing Philippines from grounding ships, deliberately or otherwise, then turn it into a makeshift base and station people on it long-term wise.

A shift to proactive attitude possibly due to Xi in charge.

Looks like the reclamation project is already paying dividends in terms of enhanced law enforcement,

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Please, don't be silly. This will never happen. What can China offer the world? Tibetan destruction? Live organ harvesting? Totalitarian communist censorship over the freedom of expression?

Meanwhile, Pax Americana has brought peace to Korean penninsula, uplifted the Philippines, saved China during ww2, protected Vietnam against Chinese aggression, and is now feeding the world with our proven GMOs and our mental health industries. The world has chosen and they rightfully chose America.

You were warned.

You did not read the rules, you did not comply, and yet your continued with the types of posts you were warned about.

Now you are permanently banned.

BTW, oounterprime...I see you use the exact same IP address as RedWhiteBlue...that too is specifically forbidden.

You are next.


LOL, I can't believe you guys took RedWhiteBlue's posts seriously. His posts were obviously parodies. Looks like he's just an alt account of counterprime.


Junior Member
Registered Member
China says Philippine ship towed over safety concerns
Xinhua March 03, 2016

BEIJING, March 2 -- China confirmed on Wednesday that it sent ships to the Wufang Jiao, an atoll of the Nansha Islands, to tow a stranded Philippine ship to ensure navigation safety and protect the marine environment.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei made the remarks at a daily press conference in response to a Philippine media report that said China's Wufang Jiao did not allow Philippine fishermen to approach it.

According to Hong, a foreign fishing boat was stranded near Wufang Jiao at the end of 2015. After several failed towing attempts, the shipowner abandoned the ship and removed all its major equipment.

To prevent the stranded ship from affecting navigation and damaging maritime environment, China's Ministry of Transportation sent salvage ships to tow the ship and dispose of it appropriately, Hong added.

During the process, China persuaded fishing boats in the operation waters to leave to ensure navigation safety and necessary operation conditions, Hong said, adding that the salvage ships had returned after the operation.

The spokesperson reaffirmed China's sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and its adjacent waters. China will implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) comprehensively and effectively with the members of ASEAN and jointly maintain the peace and stability of the South China Sea, Hong added.



During the process, China persuaded fishing boats in the operation waters to leave to ensure navigation safety and necessary operation conditions, Hong said, adding that the salvage ships had returned after the operation.
How was the persuasion implemented?


Lieutenant General
How was the persuasion implemented?

How is persuasion ever implemented? With words.

Even the Phillipines news is reporting that Chinese ships only warned ships off.

This is an effective demonstration of what happens when people play nice.

The Chinese have zero interest stationing people on every feature. It would be a logistical nightmare and run up a silly resupply Bill.

China's primary concern in the SCS is, and has always been to stop others making sneaky land grabs, since evicting them afterwards will require more than just words.


Lieutenant General
I noticed that there are a number of articles from various media agencies that only repeat the Filipino narrative. Now, what is supposed to happen is that the media agencies are supposed to ask the affected parties to comment, which would have been the best time to advise that this was a civilian salvage and rescue operation.

Again, this should have been addressed by a 24/7 news monitoring and public relations centre on the Israeli model.

That is assuming the media actually wants to report the truth, which it absolutely does not want to for China because of the special interests that owns the news don't want that.

The Israeli news monitoring centre works not because they ring up and kindly inform the relevant news outlets they have erred, and those news agencies cheerfully accepts the booboo and apologies.

Do you know how astonishingly rare it is for news agencies to issue a retraction and apology?

The Israeli effort works because of the enormous political, economical and social influence the Jewish-American cuscus wields.

Often the Israeli centre doesn't call the news desk, they call the owners of the news organisations directly.

Because of historical, social and political reasons, Jews hold incredibly powerful positions in almost all of the centres of power in America, be it in the financial, political, media or entertaining sectors. Consequently, Israel is in a category all of its own when it comes to how much favour it is given.

The casual observer could easily be forgiven for thinking American elections are for the United States of Israel for how much candidates pledge unwavering loyalty and devotion to Israel, and how much of a political poison pill it is to be even accused of not being pro-Israel (I cannot recall of any single significant US politician who can even be loosely described as anti-Israel, since such a person would simply be unelectable and probably branded a lot worse).

No one is even close to being in the same league as Israel, not even America's forever loyal puddle the UK.

For China to try to behave as if it has the same pull as Israel is just clearly an exercise in futility.

The only way to counter media bias is to hit the special interests that drive that bias where it hurts - in their pockets.

What China absolutely should do is pass a responsible media law to fine media organisations for bad reporting.

Make it perfectly fair and above board. Send out complaints about untruthful factual 'slip ups' and omissions, not moderating or correcting blatant lies spoken by guests etc, giving the news organisations opportunity to justify themselves. Make everything public.

Any instances where factual errors have been made would require the news organisation to make a public apology and retraction at the same time slot as the one when the original mistake was made, for a minimal length of the same time as the original error, ideally by the some person who originally made the mistake.

Failure to do so will see the news organisation get slapped with modest, but exponentially increasing fines based on the number of offences committed.

Those fines can go directly into the coffers of the enforcement agency, so the biased media is actually paying for the enforcement.

The media will predictably scream bloody murder over it, but it will work, and may set a model for global news and media standards enforcement, which is desperately needed in my view.