China's SCS Strategy Thread


Registered Member
Your idea is interesting, have you seen this scenario described anywhere else before?

Nope. But it's completely logical and I've written about this previously here.

Think about how the West has finally realised that ASEAN will be neutral in a US-China conflict.
So if the US tries to enforce a blockade in the SCS, what will Vietnam and the ASEAN countries do?


Lieutenant General
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I listened to his arguments, I presented arguments why Chinese people feel like Vietnam should at least be an ally.

This thread is literally called China's SCS strategy thread. Yes a divided China is in the long term interest of every country around it, that's why literally everywhere online is talking about intervening in China's reunification. You don't think Vietnamese defence forums discuss how to deal with China?

You can close your eyes to unfriendly ideas, but you can't deny that many of China's state funded assistance projects to Vietnam have been in the North. New railway connections to China and not North to South high speed rail. Subway for Hanoi and not Ho Chi Minh city. China has been trying to weaken Vietnam's grip on Cambodia and Laos for decades, rail and canal infrastructure is just part of the process. Just because the Chinese government doesn't overtly promote anti-Vietnamese topics, doesn't mean they don't exist.

China dividing strong countries on its doorsteps is not a new thing, it's been going on for millennia.
What I am saying is cut out this crap. I don’t want this to be the Vietnam defense forum.

if you can’t tone down some of your incendiary rhetoric then don’t post on this thread.


Junior Member
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They want their own SCS fortress islands as a copycat move. That’s something the Vietnamese do a lot btw, for a people who claim to hate everything Chinese so much.

Vietnam wants island bases because it's a smart move to have island bases. In my experience, Vietnamese are very pragmatic when it comes to adopting good ideas, much like Chinese in fact. If it works, then it works. Only a fool lets ideology blind them to reality.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
China helped your country defend against western imperialism, your country doesn't even want to be an ally of China. Vietnamese nationalists constantly bring up China's supposed 1000+ year occupation of northern Vietnam, even though Vietnam is rightfully just a rebel breakaway province of China as it has a longer history as a province of China.

Chinese netizens characterization of Vietnam as 白眼狼 is absolutely correct, I cannot think of a more ungrateful country to China than Vietnam. I think there are still lots of room for change within the China-Vietnam relationship. There is a reason why SCSPI regularly posts about Vietnam's activities in the SCS, and why the Sino-Vietnamese war is almost never mentioned in China. The official stance on Vietnam and public sentiment about Vietnam can be easily changed on a dime. I'm not implying anything, but a divided Vietnam would be in the long term interest of China and other SEA countries.
Talking about what I think, the impact of the Vietnam War has never actually disappeared, the South Vietnamese power has never been eliminated, in fact for China, the Vietnamese government in the north is more friendly to China, and Vietnam in the south is more friendly to the United States, and North Vietnam, as the political center, is closer to China and closer to China ideologically, so in fact the northern part of Vietnam is more suitable for cooperation with China.