China's SCS Strategy Thread


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The clock is ticking away and those who thinks China would not respond are silly fools.
The coming months ahead are very dangerous time to Philippine.
Who knows what will happened next.
We can only say that China is highly adept in their Art of War.
Even NS advisor Jake Sullivan is honestly looking worried.
More so when President Xi agree to meet him. The warning is in his speech.
Signs are out there.
Jake Sullivan and his team are beginning to freak out.
He only knows that they have completely lost their script and footing.
Even BlackRock is now denying that they are withdrawing from China.
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They better after studying the good book for that much time.

I think that it is a good thing that finance bros are occupied with important academic activities since if you give them too much free time they use it formulating plans on how to rape the working class people.


Lieutenant General
They can play bumper boats for another 10 years and not much will come of it. Other than perhaps bankrupting the Phillipines coast guard. The contested territories is already at the edge of SCS, why bother escalating when the current path is already fully detering all other parties from trying anything.

Brave of you to think the Philippines have enough ships to play bumper boats for 10 days if China really wanted to make a point.


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Re: PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme..News & Views

Which has been my point all along.

The new Kilo subs that are currently building are quite a bit newer than the Chinese Kilos. Yes, the PLAN knows a lot about those subs, how they operate, their characteristics, etc., but they may also have different sensors, and newer characteristics.

That's why I indicate that before any larger task force (particularly with the carrier) ever were to conduct operations that might include conflict down that far into the SCS, they would necessariluy have to deal with that threat. Longer range ASW maritime aircraft, ASW helicopters...and principally their own Kilo or Yuan SSKs would conduct operations to sanitize the area.

Jack, naval gunfire can certainly reduce each of the islands, the largest of which is something like 385 acres. But they can do that if they are uncontested. That is the point.

The islands surround come areas considered rich in natural resources and therefore of importance to the nations that claim them. Depending on how important, any of the five nations making claims there could seek to protect them from other nations. It's happened in the past. Depending on the size of task force involved in attakcing or defending, a carrier (if it can be applied) is like a trump card, and would be very beneficial in winning any confrontation. But, the carrier group also has to contend with subs, and potential land air.

When you consider the Spratlys, you are looking at a large area with many reefs, shoals, and small Islands. The shoals, and most of the reefs are completely covered by water at high tide, but quite a few are not. Some of the islands are relatively large, from 20 or so acres up to over 350 acres of dry land.

The various nations making claims on various islands and reefs are as follows, with the number of acres of dry land shown:

People's Republic of China: (6 Reefs)
Gaven Reef : North - 192 acres with supply platform, and fortress
: South - 148 acres
Cuarteron Reef - no dry land, but has a supply platform and fortress
Fiery Cross Reef - no dry land, but has a Marine Observation station
Johnson Reef - no dry land, but has a MArine Station and Supply Depot (site of 1988 skirmish with Vietnam
Mischief Reef - no dry land, but has a Reef Fortress
Subi Reef - no dry land, but has a four story control building, weather station, helipad, and controled lagoon anchorage.

Vietnam: (5 islands)
Truong Sa Island - 36 acres
Southwest Cay - 25 acres

Republic of China (Taiwan): (1 island, 1 reef)
Taiping - 384 acres (largest Island)
Zhongzhou Reef - 1.5 acres

Philippines: (7 islands)
Thitu - 84 acres
West York Island - 40 acres

Malaysia: (1 island, 5 reefs, 1 shoal)
Layang Island - 25 acres

The PRC has been the most busy fortifying and improving each of their reefs in the Spratlys. Typically they enter an area and lay down marker buoys for where they wish to establish a position, then they will occupy an area by building "fisherman shelters" on stilts to establish their new claim, then, overtime, they steadliy improve those positions into all sorts of supply stations, communications stations, weather stations, anchorages etc., most of them fortified.

The other nations each occupy one or more actual islands and have some structures and installations on those islands...but they are not really fortified.
Can someone do an updated version of this post for 2024? I'm curious how many acres or islands or what kind of buildings or assets everyone in SCS dispute has added over the last decade or so and currently has. If it's been done can someone link to the post? Thanks.


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"It will be the first time Beijing has provided such warships … [Ministry of National Defense Undersecretary of State and spokesperson Maly Socheata] identified the expected warships as Type 056C. They are to be specifically built for Cambodia." (by 2025)

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This can be viewed from a GSI perspective. Tiny, poor Cambodia is going to be able to deter any adversary.

Cambodia, as a sovereign nation and part of the GSI with its own responsibilities will very soon have an absolutely world class Naval base built and potentially world class ships of its own to operate from it. All at zero cost.

Cambodia is getting the tools it needs to not only defend its self from any hegemon, but also to contribute meaningfully to global security, especially in contributing to the proposed maritime security belt concept and UN peacekeeping.

China is even sharing EW with Africa, so we can expect Cambodia is going to have all the EW it needs to fulfill that role. Add to this a new or upgraded airbase (or drone base) to PLAAF standards, and you can see where Cambodia is going.

This is China and Cambodia developing and deploying COMMON, COMPREHENSIVE and SUSTAINABLE security, as promised, and we are going to see this happen in many places.
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