China's SCS Strategy Thread


Junior Member
Registered Member
All this ramming but that ship is still in the shoal. I don't think ramming is going to work anymore. China will have to escalate. Directly towing the ship away is probably the next course of action
Towing them won't achieve anything long term, they'll just send back more disposable people. China doesn't have that many low paid no lifers they can buy to sit on an anchored ship in medieval sanitary conditions for months to years.

The real problem is that Philippines hasn't felt the pain yet. We need a shooting war, a severe whipping of the whole Philippines national character, the likes of what the IJA and US army did to their population in their past. Only then will they love China, like they love Japan and US.

China should wait 3-10 years though. The situation in middle east and Europe will serve to stretch US thinner or even so thin they cannot do anything for Philippines at all. Also the militarization of China in both national character and military investment has not yet begun.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
The Pinoy ships aren’t really the focus of China, the American security guarantee is. The whole thing is for China to demonstrate to the rest of the Southeast Asian countries that American security guarantee doesn’t worth the paper it is written on.


Registered Member
The Pinoy ships aren’t really the focus of China, the American security guarantee is. The whole thing is for China to demonstrate to the rest of the Southeast Asian countries that American security guarantee doesn’t worth the paper it is written on.
And also Marcos, all this circus is trying to get Uncle Sam attention and its promises. I don't know why the US choose the Philippine as the Fulcrum of its containment policy, we're a liability, we are like a leech sucking up the blood of our benefactor. IF I'm the one planning I be focusing instead on Indonesia, a large population and a bigger geostrategic value than the Philippine as they're the door keeper of the Malacca straight.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
And also Marcos, all this circus is trying to get Uncle Sam attention and its promises. I don't know why the US choose the Philippine as the Fulcrum of its containment policy, we're a liability, we are like a leech sucking up the blood of our benefactor. IF I'm the one planning I be focusing instead on Indonesia, a large population and a bigger geostrategic value than the Philippine as they're the door keeper of the Malacca straight.
Indonesians aren’t as retarded and their economic ties with China are a lot stronger.


Junior Member
Registered Member
And also Marcos, all this circus is trying to get Uncle Sam attention and its promises. I don't know why the US choose the Philippine as the Fulcrum of its containment policy, we're a liability, we are like a leech sucking up the blood of our benefactor. IF I'm the one planning I be focusing instead on Indonesia, a large population and a bigger geostrategic value than the Philippine as they're the door keeper of the Malacca straight.

US chose Philippines for geographic reasons, obviously. It is the closest to Taiwan.

Politically speaking, it's also easier to expand an existing agreement than make a brand new one.