China's SCS Strategy Thread


Registered Member
That's quite the hole. Would a hole of this size below the waterline result in loss of the ship?
Mission incapable, how many large size cutter do we have maybe 12 if you include this boat which is similar size to the smallest CCG ship. And we can't concentrate all of them in our confrontation with the Chinese with 18,000 km plus of our western coast line to patrol. So in essence it's a fools fight, the Chinese knew it so is the American BUT the Filipinos has slow mental apphrenhention so again there is something wrong with our educational system.


Registered Member
So MRRV-4411 BRP Cape Engaño was the one that got rammed by CCGV-3104 that resulted in the big hole.

The other ship, MRRV-4410 BRP Bagacay was the one that cut in in front of CCGV 21551 and got rammed twice, that's the one captured on video. We should see some damage photo from this ship soon also.


Registered Member
As usual, Philippines stirring up trouble to keep China in the news cycle

China needs a new strategy to make it painful and escalatory for the Filipino government. Otherwise they'll (US state department) just keep thinking of new angles to screw with China
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Registered Member
If they keep this
As usual, Philippines stirring up trouble to keep China in the news cycle

China needs a new strategy to make it painful and escalatory for the Filipino government. Otherwise they'll (US state department) just keep thinking of new angles to screw with China
If they keep this up, they be using wooden Bangka to confront the Chinese, on the bright side its axe proof so it won't sink easily . Lol
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