China's SCS Strategy Thread


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"With all your Pride Parades, sexual trafficking and immoral leaders? No.

By the way, isn't America was your true god? Go pray to him."
"We did, but they just told us under no circumstances are you to fire the first shot, and hung up"

That's insulting to toilets. Toilets are more real useful than their deities after all

Is that a black virgin mary? The rednecks aren't going to be happy... Although with this they can now put the black baby jesus controversy to bed and say it wasn't a black dude that cuckolded hapless Joseph and left after knocking up a white "virgin" Mary


Another round of escalation is definitely coming. Start off with an SCSPI report, then GlobalTimes and CGTN stories. China has been drip feeding SCS stories on domestic media almost everyday again. The "Nothing will happen" crowd will continue to scream, even after the pinoys' utter humiliation last time.

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Virgin Mary vs Chadette Mazu. I'm going with Mazu. Just waiting for someone to make a Virgin Mary vs Chadette Mazu meme image.
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The "Nothing will happen" crowd will continue to scream, even after the pinoys' utter humiliation last time.

In case you haven't noticed, the ship is still there. CCG made a controlled escalation and denied Filipino food supplies, exactly as I predicted. They did not commit to the crazy escalation of storming the ship, like you predicted. How many more times do you want to be wrong?

CCG is run by professionals who know how to do their job. Nothing will happen that is not completely within their ability to control.


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Its not difficult to notice that PH Propaganda outlets feature the same unsavory personalities when it comes to the production and dissemination of malicious content aimed at smearing China

This week's Disinformation content features CIA's agent in charge of the PH Ray Powell and NATO Shill Richard Heydarian


Registered Member
Its not difficult to notice that PH Propaganda outlets feature the same unsavory personalities when it comes to the production and dissemination of malicious content aimed at smearing China

This week's Disinformation content features CIA's agent in charge of the PH Ray Powell and NATO Shill Richard Heydarian
The TV station owned by the oligarch Manny Pangilinan , its all connected, the oligarchs are an extension of US rule. ;)


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CCG says the Philippines requested an emergency medical evacuation be allowed for one of their soldiers at Second Thomas. It was completed without incident, though they are complaining about it now.


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The usual noise notwithstanding, I imagine the request was made because last month their medical evacuation boats
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These stupid Chinese official dont understand force is the language these people speaks, not respect. I assure you remove these boat will result in nothing. They will whine for a month and move on to next topic.

Leaving it hanging 'out of mercy' will make them hate you forever, ironic as it sounds. Like a wound that is constantly fresh.

You know we make fun of rule based order, but Chinese do have bad habit of want to be good guys. Who is funny guy: the one making dumb rules, or the one following dumb rules?