China's SCS Strategy Thread


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A more academic but easy to understand contextualization of the 2016 arbitration ruling from a Filipino academic.

A private court of arbitration exists as a way for 2 parties who agree to use said court as a way to arbitrate a dispute.

China has not agreed to using any court of arbitration, whether private ones nor ones with international reach. Their position has always been bilateral negotiations.

While we can't discount the possibility that China may decide to bring SCS issues to a future court of arbitration agreed upon by both it and the other party, that's something for the future and not something currently in the pipeline (as far as anyone can know)


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士可杀不可辱。You will inspire an even more fervent desire from the Filipinos to martyr themselves against the evil CCP who offers such terrible insult. The Filipinos may be awfully stupid, but they are still men, and all men have their pride.
I don't want to see what will happen if the Filipino fishermen get it into their heads that they must avenge an insult to their nation. They are silly enough when they think they are standing up to an oppressor. CCG may be forced to lethal measures, and that is a messy path better left untouched.

Well, that's the problem. China is afraid to escalate the conflict. You know what, from what we see from what China do to Taiwan and Philippine until now is only barking. It like a very big and fierce dog. When it first bark, people will afraid. But the longer it bark, but without action, people will think that the dog is not a threat. It can only bark at the end. Do you afraid to your neighbor dog, if it only bark, and never bite anyone?

Just like China. If China only bark, but not bite, sooner or later nobody will afraid to them. So China need bite Pinoy a bit. An empty symbolize to it is by ramming that stranded ship. To show Pinoy that China is really bite, and not afraid to United States.


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Well, that's the problem. China is afraid to escalate the conflict. You know what, from what we see from what China do to Taiwan and Philippine until now is only barking. It like a very big and fierce dog. When it first bark, people will afraid. But the longer it bark, but without action, people will think that the dog is not a threat. It can only bark at the end. Do you afraid to your neighbor dog, if it only bark, and never bite anyone?

Just like China. If China only bark, but not bite, sooner or later nobody will afraid to them. So China need bite Pinoy a bit. An empty symbolize to it is by ramming that stranded ship. To show Pinoy that China is really bite, and not afraid to United States.
United States is just as scared if not more so though, when they immediately emphasize that mdt is only for the mainland Philippines every time something happens.

I guess both large countries want to be careful about the situation.


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You know what, from what we see from what China do to Taiwan and Philippine until now is only barking. It like a very big and fierce dog. When it first bark, people will afraid. But the longer it bark, but without action, people will think that the dog is not a threat. It can only bark at the end. Do you afraid to your neighbor dog, if it only bark, and never bite anyone?

Just like China. If China only bark, but not bite, sooner or later nobody will afraid to them.
Dunno. Taiwan made noise, China "barked" and all of a sudden US and Taiwan now obediently just watch helplessly while China continues its infinite salami slicing. Seems pretty good results from such barking


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It's dawning to some sections of the Philippines elite that their country might be the next actual battleground in Asia and not Taiwan as most of us have been led to believe.

It's an ideal battleground for China as well because decisively defeating the US military here means Taiwan can be taken intact afterwards as a spoil of war. Philippines will be ruined like Ukraine and nothing of value will have been lost by the world.


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Well bro if the Chinese can coopted the oligarchy elites you can see an instant sea of change, it can happen not at the gov't level BUT more on commercial and business level, that's why I prefer more interaction. Those new bases under EDCA are useless in my opinion, they contribute nothing in strategic and tactical level, we lived in the 21st century and the Chinese are employing a new RMA (Revolution in Military Affairs) rendering those bases useless. What the American are doing is to rope in those vassals that are still under their control, a bully is less effective without his/her henchman, they're operating under a mob mentality which is unstable. Any sign of weakness will spell the end of PAX AMERICANA, they don't have any REVERSED gear, they need to double down to show who's the boss. That's why the US empire is traversing a slippery slope and may soon follow the sample of the late ROMAN EMPIRE which collapse under its owned weight.
Then wouldnt it be good to mess with their theatrics so they implode sooner? Just saying. Bait them into doubling down on places unfavorable to them.


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Junior finally breaks his silence:

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"'We have filed over a hundred protests, we have already made a similar number of demarches,' Marcos told reporters. 'We have to do more than just that,' he said, without specifying what other steps Manila might take."

Sacrificing more than a thumb is one of Junior's options, it seems


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Coast Guard vessel helped rescue a
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fishing boat in distress near China’s Huangyan Dao in the
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on June 30. Two people on board the Philippine boat were injured and in critical condition.

CCG even throws life jackets and life buoys at the Philippine fishing boat, and the Pinoys even thank the Chinese again. But the PCG decides to slander the Chinese by claiming CCG obstructed rescue efforts.

BRP Sindangan (MRRV-4407) tows the half-submerged fishing boat in Bajo de Masinloc after experiencing an engine explosion on Saturday, June 29. The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) quickly provided first aid to two fisherfolk who suffered second degree burns.

owever, during the rescue operation, the Chinese Coast Guard deployed two Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) not to assist the PCG, but to obstruct and hinder their efforts in rescuing the two injured Filipino fishermen, who suffered second-degree burns. Despite the interference from the Chinese Coast Guard, the PCG, in close coordination with the Filipino fishermen, managed to outmaneuver the RHIBs and successfully transfer the injured fishermen for immediate first aid.

Looks like the PCG decided to take back their lie after overwhelming evidence again.

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