Banned Idiot
Rifle grenade probably won't penetrate t72 side armor. For same tech 40mm isn't going to beat 70mm. More accurate maybe.
The HQ commander said in the article for distant targets you can aim from shoulder. Might need goggles or to shut your eyes for a moment?
.. seems no one wants to understand People's War concept. It's not some socialist wish washy self love making. People's War brought communists to power, took half of Korea from USA, and faced off Soviet Union. If you can carry anti-tank like you carry grenades, it is a huge power to entrenched defender.
The HQ commander said in the article for distant targets you can aim from shoulder. Might need goggles or to shut your eyes for a moment?
.. seems no one wants to understand People's War concept. It's not some socialist wish washy self love making. People's War brought communists to power, took half of Korea from USA, and faced off Soviet Union. If you can carry anti-tank like you carry grenades, it is a huge power to entrenched defender.