China's panzerfaust, a really small RPG


VIP Professional
Registered Member
I think you should let it rest now panda, All of us that have actually been in army have given their somewhat united obinion about this weapon, its not practically usefull. Similar systems like LAWs and disposable LAWs are far better suited for infantry emergy AT work and even those are, based on expereince hard to aim and shoot exspecially to moving targets. And those have superior handeling capabilities.

The accuracy of this thing vs. normal LAWs quite close to the relatively accuracy differences between rifle and pistol. The ergonomics used for the chinese weapons are similar to pistol shooting (hand stretched to its longest reach position and held stable) and LAWs have somewhat rifleish ergonomics (the weapon can be supported to your body) I doesen't need military backround to figure out wich one is sharper...

So panda, If you don't have any sudden rise of expereince with infantry AT weapons, you stop your silly counter-arguing based on nothing else than nationality issues. Understood?


VIP Professional
Chinese quotation armor pentration in incident angle from perpendicular, where 0 deg is head on. Usually they give the maximum angle that the weapon can be used, such as 62, 65, or 68 degrees. For example the 120mm PF98 is quoted as 800mm head on, 230mm at 68 degrees. For the type 69 (reverse engineered from RPG-7 with 300-400mm headon) the figure is given as 120mm at 65 degrees. Similarly with the AT-4 class PF89 (600mm headon, 180mm at 65deg). Therefore the type 79 (100 mm at 65 degrees) can knock out T34 pretty much any way you fire it, and T72 anywhere but the front.

Chinese source on PF98
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Another one that talks about PF89
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(very slow)

I'm quite interested how did you figured that Chinese measure armor penetration that way?
Penetration is measured by ability of warhead to penetrate equivalent of steal plate(in mm) at angle and at 90 degrees.

Romel, that's why -- and you seem to not want hear this -- you fire the thing INSIDE the trench, by looking at the target through a refractive mirror, when the Soviets tank rush you! Pretty clever if you ask me.

Ok so you are sitting in the trench facing Soviet mech division at full speed and you will not only try to use weapon with poor accuracy and lousy penetration capability as it is but you will also aim it using mirror? Really clever…
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Senior Member
VIP Professional
Hmm, the idea of it as an RPG is justifibly compromised, but is it possible to fit this thing's warhead as a rifle grenade?

I mean, it is claimed to be able to kill 72s from all but front, and with 180/65 rating it is better than current rifle grenades. It's just heavier. You think it's too heavy for a rifle grenade or no?

(Need of fully loaded blank charge shots?)


Junior Member
Here is the full article at
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79式手持火箭主要用于击毁近距离敌中型、轻型坦克、装甲车辆、自行火炮、土木工事、碉堡等目标。该武器是一种一次性使用、一筒一弹的反坦克武器,具有结构简单、体积小、质量轻、单手发射、携带方便等突出特点,因此在山地、丛林战中更能发挥其机动灵活的特性。它既适于装备侦察兵和特种部队,也适于大量装备步兵分队,可有效提高步兵近战、夜战和徒步反坦克、反装甲作战能力。[ 转自铁血军事
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火箭发动机为整体单喷管结构,即燃烧室和喷管是一体的。该发动机由连接螺、燃烧室、发射药、挡药板和喷管塞组成。发射药为速燃双基单孔型,共19根,质量26.2g。喷管被喷管塞堵住,以保证一定的起始压力,使发射药充分燃烧。连接螺既是战斗部和发动机的连接件,又是发动机的点火机构,上面装有底火、点火药盒、防回火机构和火箭定位销。定位销保证底火对准发射筒上的击针,击发后,底火火焰通过一个带点火药盒的防回火装置(该装置采用单向截留原理,防止火药燃气由底火孔喷出)点燃点火药盒的黑火药,进而点燃发射药。发动机起始压力达到一定值时,喷管塞被吹出,火箭弹飞出发射筒。[ 转自铁血军事
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◆深得军队肯定[ 转自铁血军事
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Junior Member
This device would look fine in a third class action movie because the hero can blow up two enemy tanks simultaneously, fairing with both hand two such a weapon.


Junior Member
gee, it's just something with similar size and weight but better than a normal hand grenade, that's the objective of this design. What are you guys arguing for.


Junior Member
Well, at that time the frontlilne soldiers got worse than that. But anyway, they finally chose to copy RPG instead of this thing.